clojure-emacs / clomacs

Simplifies Emacs Lisp interaction with Clojure and vice versa.
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nrepl not found #1

Closed gunther-bachmann closed 9 years ago

gunther-bachmann commented 9 years ago

First of all, THANK YOU. This integration is exactly I was looking for. Great job. Keep up the good work :-)

I had the problem that the nrepl was started correctly but was not found by "clomacs" ("NO repl buffer found - error").

It turned out that the nrepl-connection-list is correctly filled. So the only thing I had to do was to prevent clomacs-defun (line 259) to set the nrepl-connection-list anew.

The setup I use is: emacs 24.4 mac os x 10.8 cider 20150604.1532 cider-nrepl [cider/cider-nrepl "0.9.0-SNAPSHOT"] nrepl [org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.10"];; actually 0.2.6 is loaded by lein, but that's a different story java 1.8.0_40

kostafey commented 9 years ago

Thank you for your attempt to use clomacs :).

I've fixed the problem, but please be informed that this use case

(clomacs-defun get-property System/getProperty)
(message (get-property "java.version"))

is just a demo. The main idea is to write elisp+clojure extensions (e.g. So, all your functions created via clomacs-defun should have :lib-name parameter to find the exactly your extension repl (it is possible to run your custom clojure project repl and elisp+clojure extension repl at the same time without any mess).