clojure-emacs / clomacs

Simplifies Emacs Lisp interaction with Clojure and vice versa.
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Warning msg when installing in spacemacs and the dependent package (ejc-sql) fails to install #8

Closed tutysara closed 7 years ago

tutysara commented 8 years ago

I see this warning message when installing ejc-sql. clomacs.el:353:1:Warning: the functionclomacs--doc' is not known to be defined.` as a result of which ejc-sql fails to install. Is this something that should be fixed in clomacs?

kostafey commented 8 years ago

What kind of spacemacs version do you use? Full or basic?

kostafey commented 8 years ago

I've succesfully tested clomacs with spacemacs. @tutysara, could you check please, is it possible to run it now?

tutysara commented 7 years ago

Yes, I can run it, thank you.