[ 15:0 ] error code (determined by decoder)
[15:14] = A block error code
[13:12] = B block error code
[11:10] = C block error code
[9:8] = D block error code
0 : no error; block data was received with matching data and syndrome
1 : small error; possible 1 bit reception error detected; data is corrected
2 : large error; theoretical correctable error detected; data is corrected
3 : uncorrectable error; no data correction possible
[7:0] = reserved
Seems, like only the bits 15-8 (the first byte) is returned and must be evaluated properly (for PS, use only the relevant error code, not the whole number!)
[ 15:0 ] error code (determined by decoder) [15:14] = A block error code [13:12] = B block error code [11:10] = C block error code [9:8] = D block error code 0 : no error; block data was received with matching data and syndrome 1 : small error; possible 1 bit reception error detected; data is corrected 2 : large error; theoretical correctable error detected; data is corrected 3 : uncorrectable error; no data correction possible [7:0] = reserved
Seems, like only the bits 15-8 (the first byte) is returned and must be evaluated properly (for PS, use only the relevant error code, not the whole number!)