clorenz / TEFBandscan

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Utility to manually or automatically create a bandscan for TEF6686 based radios.

It stores its results in a CSV file, and during scanning, you can see the (yet very, very rough) live progress on http://localhost:6686

web view

Requires a patched version of the firmware with the following changes:

If you use the unpatched version, the detection of a "valid" log is more difficult and error-prone, and you'll get no acoustic feedback when you scan manually.

Currently, it is only tested to run in IntelliJ IDEA.


Since it currently not more than a proof-of-concept, chances are high, that everything will change any time ;-)

See more documentation in the doc folder.

Build (untested!)

TEFBandscan requires Java 17 (OpenJDK 17) to be installed and properly configured, including the JAVA_HOME environment variable. It also requires Apache Maven as properly installed build tool.

To build the executable jar, run

mvn clean install

Afterwards, you'll find the artifact in the target-directory, e.g. TEFBandscan-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.

To run the jar file, you must provide the TEF6686 WIFI configuration parameters for hostname, port and password, e.g.

java -Dtef6686.hostname= -Dtef6686.port=7373 -Dtef6686.password=password -jar target/TEFBandscan-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --auto

With the parameters,,, thresholds.manual.signal, thresholds.manual.snr and thresholds.manual.cci, you can se the minimum (or in case of CCI maximum) limit, below (or in case of CCI above) which no log is made.

Use them with -D prefix, e.g. to ensure, that the automatic scanner only logs frequencies with a signal of at least 10dBµV.


Currently, it is not yet tested run it outside an IDE, but you can configure the modes and the name of the CSV. The credentials for WiFi and serial configuration are stored in src/main/resources/application.yaml and must be configured once, either here or with parameters -Dtef6686.serial=/dev/ttyS1 (example for serial configuration) at runtime.

Manual scan mode

In this mode, you scan manually, and whenever TEFBandscan creates a log (either for the first time, or when an existing log can be improved), you get an acoustic feedback, a short beep, on your TEF receiver (only, when you use the patched version).

The verbose logging on STDOUT (not to be mixed with the structured CSV logging!) will give you an impression, what happened.

To start, just append the CSV "database" name as parameter, e.g. --database=manual. If this parameter is not given, the logging is done into the default CSV file, called default.csv.

Automatic scan mode

In this mode, the TEF receiver scans eternally, and every time, it sees a valid new reception, or it can improve an already existing log, it creates or updates a log entry. Currently, you don't get any feedback on your device, but the textual logging on STDOUT is pretty verbose.

To start, you must append the parameter --auto and provide the CSV "database" name, e.g. --database=auto. If no "database" name is given, the logging is done into the default CSV file, called default.csv.