cloud-gov / concourse-broker

A Cloud Foundry service broker for Concourse CI
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Concourse Broker

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This is an experimental Cloud Foundry Service Broker for provisioning teams on a deployed Concourse CI instance.

It requires a deployed Concourse CI instance in which the main team is authenticated via Basic Auth.

IMPORTANT: You must trust the users of your CloudFoundry installation implicitly before enabling in your environment. See:


demo gif


Create a client in UAA for this app

This application uses oauth to perform actions on your behalf in UAA. To add a new oauth client in UAA, run the following command:

uaac client add concourse-broker --name "Concourse CI Broker" --scope "" --authorized_grant_types "authorization_code,client_credentials,refresh_token" --authorities "cloud_controller.admin" --autoapprove "true" --redirect_uri [url-for-concourse-ci]/auth/uaa/callback -s [your-client-secret]

Remember the client-secret, you'll need it for Deployment



The easiest/recommended way to deploy the broker is via the Concourse pipeline.

  1. Create a ci/credentials.yml file from the ci/credentials.example.yml (i.e. cp ci/credentials.example.yml ci/credentials.yml), and fill in the templated values from the pipeline.
  2. Deploy the pipeline.

    fly -t lite set-pipeline -n -c ci/pipeline.yml -p deploy-concourse-broker -l ci/credentials.yml


  1. Clone this repository, and cd into it.

  2. Target the space you want to deploy the broker to.

    $ cf target -o <org> -s <space>
  3. The configuration is entirely read from environment variables. Edit the manifest.yml files and update your settings as necessary.

  4. Deploy the broker as an application.

    $ cf push
  5. Register the broker.

    $ cf create-service-broker concourse-broker [username] [password] [app-url] --space-scoped

Explanation of Environment Variables


In order to contribute to the broker, you will need:

Adding new Dependencies

In order to add new dependencies, use Glide from the root of the project:

glide get

Please remember to add the new dependencies in a separate commit from the rest of the commits in the PR.

Running tests

In order to run the tests for the project, in the root of the project run:

ginkgo -r .