cloud-gov / hhs-acf-uc-api

API for the Dept. of Health and Human Services: Administration for Children and Families' Unaccompanied Children database
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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Unaccompanied Children Reporting API

Unaccompanied children apprehended by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) immigration officials are transferred to the care and custody of Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). ORR promptly places an unaccompanied child in the least restrictive setting that is in the best interests of the child, taking into consideration danger to self, danger to the community, and risk of flight. ORR takes into consideration the unique nature of each child’s situation and incorporates child welfare principles when making placement, clinical, case management, and release decisions that are in the best interest of the child.

More info:

This repo will contain an API application used to wrap the existing database (or in demo mode, a mocked database).


Deploy information is available in

Ruby Version

Ruby version and gem sets are specified in .ruby-version and .ruby-gemset files. Using rbenv or rvm just cd into the directory and the version manager will give you feedback on installing the needed version.


Create databases for development and test using the rake script:

rake db:create:all

The underlying database is ported from oracle and for demonstration purposes we are using postgres. It uses schemas :(. To properly setup the database, you need to import from a dump. The project has a schema checked in, but it cannot be used to setup the database because of the schema path usage.

# development database
psql -f db/hhs.structure.sql hhs-acf-uc-api_development # or path to your dump
psql hhs-acf-uc-api_development
set search_path=uacportal,uac_health

# test database
psql -f db/hhs.structure.sql hhs-acf-uc-api_test # or path to your full dump
psql hhs-acf-uc-api_test
set search_path=uacportal,uac_health

Queries and usage

This application exposes and handles in memory no PII. All PII stays in the existing database extracting only calculations, dates and ids and other non-sensitive information.

Only the queries needed for the dashboard have been created:


All endpoints must be authenticated. Authentication is handled with a JSON Web Token presented by the caller in the HTTP header of the request. The JWT gem is a good library to help build the token. The token must be encrypted with HMAC using a SHA512 hash, using a secret key.

The HMAC secret is used to encrypt authentication calls to the API. It is essentially a cryptographic key shared between the API and its clients, so it should be reasonably secure. A reasonable choice would be to concatenate together a couple of passwords from

For the API to function, the shared secret must be in an environment variable called AUTH_HMAC_SECRET. In development, this secret is set in the .env file and is read into the environment using dotenv. It is important to note that the .env file is NOT read in production.

For client requests, the JWT token must be placed in the Authorization header, preceded by the word "Token" (e.g., the full header would be Authorization: Token {token}).

An example using RestClient:

require "rest-client"
require "JWT"

hmac_secret = ENV["AUTH_HMAC_SECRET"]
token = JWT.encode({:role => 'user role', :exp => + 86400}, hmac_secret, "HS512")

RestClient.get("", headers={:Authorization => "Token #{token}"})

Referrals on a given date

/referrals # defaults to today
/referrals?on=2016-07-14 # on a particular day
/referrals/count # defaults to today
/referrals/count?on=2016-07-14 # on a particular day


According to Olympia, this is the same as Referrals, just different syntax used by the intake team.

Discharges on a given date

/discharges # defaults to today
/discharges?on=2016-07-14 # on a particular day
/discharges/count # defaults to today
/discharges/count?on=2016-07-14 # on a particular day

In care on a given date*

/discharges # defaults to today
/discharges?on=2016-07-14 # on a particular day
/discharges/count # defaults to today
/discharges/count?on=2016-07-14 # on a particular day

Sample queries


All enrollments, with only the explicitly specified filters. Adding /count/ provides an integer number instead of the full records (and returns much faster).


Filtered to children currently in care.


Filtered to children in care on Feb. 1, 2014.


Filtered to children placed, referred, and discharged (respectively) on that date. These endpoints also support /count/.

Rails API only

This app was created with a flag to indicate that it is API only. View layers and other parts of Rails are not installed to have a lighter, faster code base.

API only Rails


Test are in rspec. Since this is an api-only application no selenium or headless substitute needed! The test database does need to be loaded since database constraints make it hard to write data into the database. This is going to make a CI server really hard since the setup involves psql and setting the schema. That will need to wait!

Follow instruction above to pre-load data into the test database.

Run the tests with the rspec command.


See CONTRIBUTING for additional information.

Public domain

This project is in the worldwide public domain. As stated in CONTRIBUTING:

This project is in the public domain within the United States, and copyright and related rights in the work worldwide are waived through the CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication.

All contributions to this project will be released under the CC0 dedication. By submitting a pull request, you are agreeing to comply with this waiver of copyright interest.


cf target -o 18F-acq -s staging