cloudbees-io / checkout

MIT License
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= CloudBees action: Check out a Git repository

Use this action to check out a Git repository under +$CLOUDBEES_WORKSPACE+, to allow your workflow to access the repository.

Your authentication for the checked-out repository is persisted in the local Git config file by default, so your scripts can run authenticated Git commands in any container image that has Git executables.

The CloudBees API token is used to fetch an app access token if neither the PAT nor a SSH key are provided.

== Inputs

[cols="2a,1a,1a,4a",options="header"] .Input details |===

| Input name | Data type | Required? | Description

| provider | String | Yes | SCM provider hosting the repository, such as GitHub, Bitbucket, or GitLab.

| repository | String | Yes | Repository name with owner, for example, actions/checkout.

| ref | String | No | The branch, tag or SHA to check out. The action uses your default branch, unless you check out a repository that triggered a workflow, in which case it defaults to the reference or SHA for that event.

| token | String | No | The PAT used to fetch the repository. The PAT is configured with the local Git config, which enables your scripts to run authenticated Git commands.

| ssh-key | String | No | SSH key used to fetch the repository. The SSH key is configured with the local Git config, which enables your scripts to run authenticated Git commands.

| ssh-known-hosts | String | No | Known hosts in addition to the user and global host key database. Use the utility ssh-keyscan to get public SSH keys for a host. For example, use ssh-keyscan to get the keys for your self-hosted SSH server at The public keys for GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab are already added by default.

| ssh-strict | Boolean | No | Default is true. When true, performs strict host key checking, by adding the options StrictHostKeyChecking=yes and CheckHostIP=no to the SSH command line. Use the input ssh-known-hosts to configure additional hosts.

| persist-credentials | Boolean | No | Default is true. When true, the token or SSH key is configured with the local Git config.

| path | String | No | The relative path to place the repository under $CLOUDBEES_WORKSPACE.

| clean | Boolean | No | Default is true. When true, executes git clean -ffdx && git reset --hard HEAD before fetching.

| fetch-depth | Number | No | Number of commits to fetch. Default is 1. 0 indicates a full history for all branches and tags.

| lfs | Boolean | No | Default is false. When true, downloads Git-LFS files.

| submodules | Boolean | No | Default is false. When true, checks out submodules. Use the value recursive, to recursively check out submodules. When the ssh-key input is not provided, SSH URLs beginning with are converted to HTTPS.

| set-safe-directory | Boolean | No | Default is true. When true, adds a repository path as for the Git global config, by running git config --global --add <path>.

| github-server-url | String | No | The base URL for the GitHub instance that you are cloning from. Unless specified, the base URL uses environment defaults to fetch from the same instance the workflow is running from. Example URLs are \ or \

| bitbucket-server-url | String | No | The base URL for the Bitbucket instance that you are cloning from. Unless specified, the base URL uses environment defaults to fetch from the same instance the workflow is running from. Example URLs are \ or \

| gitlab-server-url | String | No | The base URL for the GitLab instance that you are cloning from. Unless specified, the base URL uses environment defaults to fetch from the same instance the workflow is running from. Example URLs are \ or \ |===

== Usage example

In the YAML file, all values are required, unless otherwise noted. Default values are included in the example YAML file below. Refer to the notes for options and details.


CloudBees recommends:

In your YAML file, add:


  - name: Check out repo
    uses: cloudbees-io/checkout@v1
      provider: ${{ cloudbees.scm.provider }}
      repository: ${{ cloudbees.repository }}
      ref: ''
      token: ${{ cloudbees.scm.token }}
      ssh-key: ''
      ssh-known-hosts: ''
      ssh-strict: true
      persist-credentials: true
      path: ''
      clean: true
      fetch-depth: 1
      lfs: false
      submodules: false
      set-safe-directory: true
      github-server-url: ''
      bitbucket-server-url: ''
      gitlab-server-url: ''

== License

This code is made available under the link:[MIT license].

== References