It is sometimes useful to update the running code and / or configuration of a network service, without disrupting existing connections. Usually, this is achieved by starting a new process, somehow transferring clients to it and then exiting the old process.
There are many ways to implement graceful upgrades. They vary wildly in the trade-offs they make, and how much control they afford the user. This library has the following goals:
works on Linux and macOS.
upg, _ := tableflip.New(tableflip.Options{})
defer upg.Stop()
go func() {
sig := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(sig, syscall.SIGHUP)
for range sig {
// Listen must be called before Ready
ln, _ := upg.Listen("tcp", "localhost:8080")
defer ln.Close()
go http.Serve(ln, nil)
if err := upg.Ready(); err != nil {
Please see the more elaborate graceful shutdown with net/http example.
Description=Service using tableflip
ExecStart=/path/to/binary -some-flag /path/to/pid-file
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
See the documentation as well.
The logs of a process using tableflip
may go missing due to a bug in journald,
which has been fixed by systemd v244 release. If you are running an older version
of systemd, you can work around this by logging directly to journald, for example
by using go-systemd/journal
and looking for the $JOURNAL_STREAM
environment variable.