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no reply() from ForwardableEmailMessage #2283

Open charliez0 opened 2 weeks ago

CarmenPopoviciu commented 2 weeks ago

hi @charliez0,

can you please use our issue template to provide more details about the issue you are reporting? it is very hard for us to address any issue without a proper understanding of it.

thank you

charliez0 commented 2 weeks ago

hi @charliez0,

can you please use our issue template to provide more details about the issue you are reporting? it is very hard for us to address any issue without a proper understanding of it.

thank you

the issue template is empty, idk why


declare interface ForwardableEmailMessage extends EmailMessage {
   * Stream of the email message content.
  readonly raw: ReadableStream<Uint8Array>;
   * An [Headers object](
  readonly headers: Headers;
   * Size of the email message content.
  readonly rawSize: number;
   * Reject this email message by returning a permanent SMTP error back to the connecting client including the given reason.
   * @param reason The reject reason.
   * @returns void
  setReject(reason: string): void;
   * Forward this email message to a verified destination address of the account.
   * @param rcptTo Verified destination address.
   * @param headers A [Headers object](
   * @returns A promise that resolves when the email message is forwarded.
  forward(rcptTo: string, headers?: Headers): Promise<void>;

missing reply() attribute

charliez0 commented 1 week ago
