cloudflare / workerd

The JavaScript / Wasm runtime that powers Cloudflare Workers
Apache License 2.0
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👷 workerd, Cloudflare's JavaScript/Wasm Runtime


workerd (pronounced: "worker-dee") is a JavaScript / Wasm server runtime based on the same code that powers Cloudflare Workers.

You might use it:


Design Principles

Read the blog post to learn more about these principles.

WARNING: This is a beta. Work in progress

Although most of workerd's code has been used in Cloudflare Workers for years, the workerd configuration format and top-level server code is brand new. We don't yet have much experience running this in production. As such, there will be rough edges, maybe even a few ridiculous bugs. Deploy to production at your own risk (but please tell us what goes wrong!).

The config format may change in backwards-incompatible ways before workerd leaves beta, but should remain stable after that.

A few caveats:

WARNING: workerd is not a hardened sandbox

workerd tries to isolate each Worker so that it can only access the resources it is configured to access. However, workerd on its own does not contain suitable defense-in-depth against the possibility of implementation bugs. When using workerd to run possibly-malicious code, you must run it inside an appropriate secure sandbox, such as a virtual machine. The Cloudflare Workers hosting service in particular uses many additional layers of defense-in-depth.

With that said, if you discover a bug that allows malicious code to break out of workerd, please submit it to Cloudflare's bug bounty program for a reward.

Getting Started

Supported Platforms

In theory, workerd should work on any POSIX system that is supported by V8 and Windows.

In practice, workerd is tested on:

On other platforms, you may have to do tinkering to make things work.

Building workerd

To build workerd, you need:

You may then build workerd at the command-line with:

bazel build //src/workerd/server:workerd

You can also build from within Visual Studio Code using the instructions in docs/

The compiled binary will be located at bazel-bin/src/workerd/server/workerd.

If you run a Bazel build before you've installed some dependencies (like clang or libc++), and then you install the dependencies, you must resync locally cached toolchains, or clean Bazel's cache, otherwise you might get strange errors:

bazel sync --configure

If that fails, you can try:

bazel clean --expunge

The cache will now be cleaned and you can try building again.

If you have a fairly recent clang packages installed you can build a more performant release version of workerd:

bazel build --config=thin-lto //src/workerd/server:workerd

Configuring workerd

workerd is configured using a config file written in Cap'n Proto text format.

A simple "Hello World!" config file might look like:

using Workerd = import "/workerd/workerd.capnp";

const config :Workerd.Config = (
  services = [
    (name = "main", worker = .mainWorker),

  sockets = [
    # Serve HTTP on port 8080.
    ( name = "http",
      address = "*:8080",
      http = (),
      service = "main"

const mainWorker :Workerd.Worker = (
  serviceWorkerScript = embed "hello.js",
  compatibilityDate = "2023-02-28",
  # Learn more about compatibility dates at:

Where hello.js contains:

addEventListener("fetch", event => {
  event.respondWith(new Response("Hello World"));

Complete reference documentation is provided by the comments in workerd.capnp.

There is also a library of sample config files.

(TODO: Provide a more extended tutorial.)

Running workerd

To serve your config, do:

workerd serve my-config.capnp

For more details about command-line usage, use workerd --help.

Prebuilt binaries are distributed via npm. Run npx workerd ... to use these. If you're running a prebuilt binary, you'll need to make sure your system has the right dependencies installed:

Local Worker development with wrangler

You can use Wrangler (v3.0 or greater) to develop Cloudflare Workers locally, using workerd. Run:

wrangler dev

Serving in production

workerd is designed to be unopinionated about how it runs.

One good way to manage workerd in production is using systemd. Particularly useful is systemd's ability to open privileged sockets on workerd's behalf while running the service itself under an unprivileged user account. To help with this, workerd supports inheriting sockets from the parent process using the --socket-fd flag.

Here's an example system service file, assuming your config defines two sockets named http and https:

# /etc/systemd/system/workerd.service
Description=workerd runtime workerd.socket

ExecStart=/usr/bin/workerd serve /etc/workerd/config.capnp --socket-fd http=3 --socket-fd https=4

# If workerd crashes, restart it.

# Run under an unprivileged user account.

# Hardening measure: Do not allow workerd to run suid-root programs.


And corresponding sockets file:

# /etc/systemd/system/workerd.socket
Description=sockets for workerd



(TODO: Fully explain how to get systemd to recognize these files and start the service.)