cloudfoundry-community / hazelcast-boshrelease

A bosh release for Hazelcast cloudfoundry service broker
Apache License 2.0
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BOSH Release for Hazelcast Data Grid


This is an experimental Bosh release for Hazelcast Data Grid.

Hazelcast 3.6 brings the ability to plug discovery mechanism.



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reused bosh release:


To use this bosh release, first upload it to your bosh:

bosh target BOSH_HOST
git clone
cd hazelcast-boshrelease
bosh upload release releases/hazelcast-1.yml

For bosh-lite, you can quickly create a deployment manifest & deploy a cluster:

templates/make_manifest warden
bosh -n deploy

For AWS EC2, create a single VM:

templates/make_manifest aws-ec2
bosh -n deploy

Override security groups

For AWS & Openstack, the default deployment assumes there is a default security group. If you wish to use a different security group(s) then you can pass in additional configuration when running make_manifest above.

Create a file my-networking.yml:

  - name: hazelcast1
    type: dynamic
        - hazelcast

Where - hazelcast means you wish to use an existing security group called hazelcast.

You now suffix this file path to the make_manifest command:

templates/make_manifest openstack-nova my-networking.yml
bosh -n deploy


As a developer of this release, create new releases and upload them:

bosh create release --force && bosh -n upload release

Final releases

To share final releases:

bosh create release --final

By default the version number will be bumped to the next major number. You can specify alternate versions:

bosh create release --final --version 2.1

After the first release you need to contact Dmitriy Kalinin to request your project is added to (as mentioned in README above).