cloudfoundry-incubator / push-apps

A jar to aide in CI or Bosh jobs that have to push many applications to CF
Apache License 2.0
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Push Apps

A jar that pushes apps to CF for PCF Metrics. It is configured using a YAML configuration file, and is designed to make it easy to push a suite of apps and set up related services and security groups as well as running migrations. It was originally developed by the PCF Metrics team.


Call the jar with a -c argument specifying the location of the config file.

java -jar "applications/cli/build/libs/push-apps-${version}.jar" -c config.yml


Push Apps is configured using a YAML configuration file. Below is an example. We will try to keep this up to date, but just in case, you should be able to use the types in the classes within pushapps/config to determine which types are expected for each field, and which are and are not required.

pushApps: #required hash
  operationRetryCount: 3 # optional, default 0
  maxInFlight: 4 #optional, default 2
  failedDeploymentLogLinesToShow: 50 #optional, default 50
  migrationTimeoutInMinutes: 7 #optional, default 15
  cfOperationTimeoutInMinutes: 1 #optional, default 5
cf: #required hash
  apiHost: #required
  username: admin #required
  password: secret #required
  organization: dewey #required
  space: outer #required
  skipSslValidation: true #optional, default false
  dialTimeoutInMillis: #optional, CF default
apps: #required array
- name: backend #required
  path: "/var/vcap/packages/metrics-data/" #required
  buildpack: binary_buildpack #optional, CF default
  healthCheckType: none #optional, CF default
  instances: 2 #optional, CF default
  memory: 4096M #optional, CF default
  - cflinuxfs3
  - cflinuxfs2 #optional, will use highest priority available stack
  diskQuota: 1G #optional, CF default (eg: 500M, 2G)
  noRoute: true #optional, CF default
  blueGreenDeploy: true #optional, default false
  command: "./backend/backend" #optional, CF default
  domain: "" #optional, required if route is provided
  timeout: 180 #optional, CF default
  environment: #optional hash
    MYSQL_USER: admin
    MYSQL_PASSWORD: secret
    MYSQL_DB: backend
  serviceNames: #optional array
  - "metrics_forwarder"
- name: frontend #required
  path: "/var/vcap/packages/metrics-data/" #required
  buildpack: binary_buildpack #optional, CF default
  healthCheckType: none #optional, CF default
  instances: 2 #optional, CF default
  memory: 4G #optional, CF default
  - cflinuxfs3
  - cflinuxfs2 #optional, will use highest priority available stack
  diskQuota: 1G #optional, CF default (eg: 500M, 2G)
  noRoute: true #optional, CF default
  blueGreenDeploy: true #optional, default false
  command: "./frontend/frontend" #optional, CF default
  domain: "" #optional, required if route is provided, required if route is provided
  timeout: 180 #optional, CF default
  route: #optional hash
    hostname: some-app
    path: /api/v1 #optional, default null
  environment: #optional hash
    MYSQL_USER: admin
    MYSQL_PASSWORD: secret
    MYSQL_DB: frontend
  serviceNames: #optional array
  - "metrics_forwarder"
services: #optional array
- name: "metrics_forwarder" #required
  plan: "4x4000" #required
  broker: "custom_metrics" #required
  optional: true #optional, default false
userProvidedServices: #optional array
- name: "elasticsearch" #required
  credentials: #required hash
migrations: #optional array
- driver: mysql #required, supports mysql or postgres
  user: admin #required
  password: secret #required
  host: #required
  port: 3306 #required
  schema: backend #required
  migrationDir: /var/vcap/packages/backend/dbmigrations/metrics/ #required
  repair: true #optional, default false
  placeholders: #optional, map of placeholders
    SOME_PLACEHOLDER: "some-value" #optional
securityGroups: #optional array
- name: outer-api #required
  destination: "" #required
  protocol: all #required

Development and Debugging

A few notes to help people contribute to this project.

This test does not run as a part of the build ./gradlew build, but will run on CI, and is available via the acceptanceTest gradle task.


Unfortunately, CI is private and you may be unable to view the concourse pipeline.

Pushing master of this repository will trigger a build.

In order to update the pipelines, you must have access to private lpass folders and private concourse access. The script ci/ will set the pipeline if you have the necessary permissions. Any changes to ci/push-app.yml should be pushed up to github once you are happy with the pipeline.

Currently, the pipeline is targeted to a denver bbl deployed environment (see CF_DOMAIN in the pipeline).

Known Issues

The following issues are known and have stories/bugs waiting for them in the backlog.