cloudfoundry / log-cache

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cloud-foundry golang

Archived Now bundled in

Log Cache

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Log Cache persists data in memory from the [Loggregator System][loggregator].


This repository should be imported as:

import logcache ""

Source IDs

Log Cache indexes data by the source_id field on the [Loggregator Envelope][loggregator_v2]. Source IDs should be unique across applications, but not across instances.

Cloud Foundry

In Cloud Foundry terms, the source ID can represent an app guid (e.g. `cf app

--guid`), an app name, and/or a component name (e.g. `doppler`). All results matching one of these three mechanisms and permitted by authorization are returned. ## APIs Log Cache's API implements two sets of endpoints - `read` and `meta` are `source_id` oriented, whereas `query` and `query_range` are `metric` oriented, and fulfill the Prometheus API. Either API can be reached via mTLS-authenticated gRPC or CF-token-authenticated HTTPS. An info endpoint is also provided for service version discoverability. ### Authentication / Authorization When querying the API via HTTPS, each request must have the `Authorization` header set with a UAA provided token. The scopes `doppler.firehose` and `logs.admin` are authorized as `admin`, and return data for all relevant source IDs. This authorization is required to retrieve component logs. For more limited scopes, Cloud Controller is consulted to establish app permissions. When querying the API via gRPC, authorization for all app and component data is granted. ### **GET** `/api/v1/info` Retrieve JSON representation of deployed Log Cache version. ##### Request ```shell $ curl "https:///api/v1/info" ``` ##### Response Body ```json { "version": "X.Y.Z" } ``` ### ### **GET** `/api/v1/read/` Retrieve data by `source-id`. Returns loggregator-domain `envelopes`, potentially containing logs and/or metrics. ##### Request Query Parameters: - **start_time** is a UNIX timestamp in nanoseconds. It defaults to the start of the cache (e.g. `date +%s`). Start time is inclusive. `[starttime..endtime)` - **end_time** is a UNIX timestamp in nanoseconds. It defaults to current time of the cache (e.g. `date +%s`). End time is exclusive. `[starttime..endtime)` - **envelope_types** is a filter for Envelope Type. The available filters are: `LOG`, `COUNTER`, `GAUGE`, `TIMER`, and `EVENT`. If set, then only those types of envelopes will be emitted. This parameter may be specified multiple times to include more types. - **limit** is the maximum number of envelopes to request. The max limit size is 1000 and defaults to 100. ```shell $ curl "https:///api/v1/read/?start_time=&end_time=" ``` ##### Response Body ```json { "envelopes": {"batch": [...] } } ``` ### **GET** `/api/v1/meta` Lists the available source IDs that Log Cache has persisted. ##### Response Body ```json { "meta":{ "source-id-0":{"count":"100000","expired":"129452","oldestTimestamp":"1524071322998223702","newestTimestamp":"1524081739994226961"}, "source-id-1":{"count":"2114","oldestTimestamp":"1524057384976840476","newestTimestamp":"1524081729980342902"}, ... } } ``` ##### Response fields - **count** contains the number of envelopes held in Log Cache - **expired**, if present, is a count of envelopes that have been pruned - **oldestTimestamp** and **newestTimestamp** are the oldest and newest entries for the source, in nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. ## Prometheus-Compatible Endpoints ### Notes on PromQL The ultimate goal of these endpoints is to create a fully-compliant, Prometheus-compatible interface. This should allow tools such as Grafana to work directly with Log Cache without any additional translation. _There are still a few metadata endpoints that are unsupported. These should be coming to Log Cache in a future release._ A valid PromQL metric name consists of the character [a-Z][0-9] and underscore. Names can begin with [a-Z] or underscore. Names cannot begin with [0-9]. As a measure to work with existing metrics that do not comply with the above format a conversion process takes place when matching on metric names. Any character that is not in the set of valid characters is converted to an underscore. The metric is not changed in the cache. e.g., to match on a metric name ``http.latency`` use the name ``http_latency`` as a search term. ### **GET** `/api/v1/query` Issues a PromQL instant query against Log Cache data. You can read more detail in the Prometheus documentation [here]( ```shell $ curl -G "https:///api/v1/query" --data-urlencode 'query=metrics{source_id="source-id-1"}' ``` ##### Response Body ```json { "status": "success", "data": { "resultType": "vector", "result": [ { "metric": {...}, "value": [ , "" ] }, ... ] } } ``` ### **GET** `/api/v1/query_range` Issues a PromQL range query against Log Cache data. You can read more detail in the Prometheus documentation [here]( ```shell $ curl -G "https:///api/v1/query_range" \ --data-urlencode 'query=metrics{source_id="source-id-1"}' \ --data-urlencode 'start=1537290750' \ --data-urlencode 'end=1537290760' \ --data-urlencode 'step=1' ``` ##### Response Body ```json { "status": "success", "data": { "resultType": "matrix", "result": [ { "metric": {...}, "values": [ [ , "" ], ... ] }, ... ] } } ``` ## Cloud Foundry CLI Plugin Log Cache provides a [plugin][log-cache-cli] for the Cloud Foundry command line tool, which makes interacting with the API simpler. [slack-badge]: [log-cache-slack]: [log-cache]: [go-doc-badge]: [go-doc]: [travis-badge]: [travis]: [loggregator]: [loggregator_v2]: [log-cache-cli]: