cloudlane-one / k8s-cloud

🌐💻☁️ Production-ready, provider-independent & easily manageable k8s cloud setup for self-hosting
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production-ready, provider-independent & easily manageable k8s cloud setup

Purpose and scope

This project is intended to help beginner-to-intermediate Kubernetes hobbyists and freelancers with the mammoth task of setting up, maintaining and updating a production k8s cloud setup.

It builds on the idea that today you can find a tool for automating almost any given DevOps task. Therefore, the challenge lies less in learning to do any one of these tasks manually, and more in finding the correct automation tools for the task at hand, separating the good from the bad, and making them work in unison. Also, to be a functioning human in this automation loop, you should have a basic understanding of the underlying ideas and technologies at play.

While every DevOps engineer likely needs to put their own, manual learning work into the latter point, the former one can definitely be outsourced into a pre-made toolbox / system to save all of us a ton of time. This is what this project aims to do.

As for the learning part: These docs point to a few, third-party resources to get newcomers started on each of the required basics, but this is by no means the focus of this work.

Prior knowledge

To make proper use of this repository, you will need basic understanding of multiple IT domains and tools. Please have a look at the Prior Knowledge Reference for an overview of relevant topics with further links to get you started learning.

What's in the box

This repo contains the following components:

Cluster infrastructure

The following system / infrastructure components can be deployed via setup.yaml:

Some of these can be disabled via the cluster config.

How to deploy a cluster

Required resources

Workstation setup

The Ansible playbook code in here is meant to be run from a Linux workstation. On Windows you may use WSL.

These system dependencies are to be installed on your local machine.

Clone the repo, cd to the cloned folder, and run following bash code to install all Python deps into a virtual environment:

poetry install
poetry shell

Then run this to install Ansible-specific dependencies:

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yaml

About VClusters

Once you have gone through below setup steps to create a host cluster, you may repeat the same steps with a subset of the original nodes and different configuration to create a vcluster on top. Note that you have to set cluster.virtual=true in ./clusters/$CLUSTER_NAME/group_vars/cluster/configmap.yaml for a vcluster to be created.

⚠️ You have to include at least one of the host cluster control nodes in the subset and mark it with control=true. This is required as certain setup steps have to be performed via ssh on a control node.

Note that some config options are not available for vclusters. This is mentioned in the respective configmap template comments.

Storage is managed fully by the host cluster, including backups of PVs


Copy the cluster inventory template clusters/_example:

cp ./clusters/_example ./clusters/$CLUSTER_NAME

Replace $CLUSTER_NAME with an arbitrary alphanumeric name for your cluster.


Edit the hosts file ./clusters/$CLUSTER_NAME/hosts.yaml to add all host machines, which are to be setup as the nodes of your cluster.

Make sure your workstation can connect and authenticate as a privileged user via ssh to all of the remote hosts.

Backbone hosts

Backbone hosts are node hosts which have a direct and strong connection to the internet backbone, e.g. data centers, and thus have low latency and high bandwith among them. This is important especially for distributed storage. Latency between all backbone nodes should be 100ms or less and bandwidth should be at least 1Gbps (up and down).

By default, nodes are assigned to the region backbone and the zone default. You may set backbone=false on a node in hosts.yaml to assign it to the edge region instead (disabling its participation in HA control plane and default distributed storage). You may additionally define a custom zone for each node.

To only include a subset of hosts into the backbone, set backbone=true on the subset, and all other nodes will be assigned backbone=false automatically.

Control plane hosts

By default, the first backbone host is taken as the sole control plane host. If you want to change this bevavior, set the value control=true on a subset of hosts.

It is recommended to have either one or at least 3 control plane nodes. Make sure you store the hosts file somewhere safe. Please also set control nodes for vclusters. This has no effect on where the control plane pods run, but it tells Ansible on which machines it can execute administrative tasks via ssh.

Ingress hosts

By default, the first backbone host is taken as the sole ingress host. If you want to change this bevavior, set the value ingress=true on a subset of hosts.

Storage hosts

By default, all hosts are taken as storage hosts, yet non-backbone hosts are excluded from distributed storage for performance reasons, hence they can only host single-replica, local volumes. To exclude hosts from being used for storage at all, set storage=false on them, or to only include a subset of hosts for storage, set storage=true on the subset.

Cluster config and secrets

Copy the default cluster config file ./roles/cluster-config/configmap.yaml to ./clusters/$CLUSTER_NAME/group_vars/cluster/configmap.yaml and the cluster secrets template file ./roles/cluster-config/secrets.yaml to ./clusters/$CLUSTER_NAME/group_vars/cluster/secrets.yaml. Fill in the required values and change or delete the optional ones to your liking.

Cluster setup

Please either manually make sure that all your nodes are listed as trusted in known_hosts or append -e auto_trust_remotes=true to below command, otherwise you will have to type yes and hit Enter for each of your hosts at the beginning of the playbook run.

To setup all you provided hosts as Kubernetes nodes and join them into a single cluster, run:

ansible-playbook setup.yaml -i clusters/$CLUSTER_NAME

If you recently rebuilt the OS on any of the hosts and thereby lost its public key, make sure to also update (or at least delete) its known_hosts entry, otherwise Ansible will throw an error. You can also append -e clear_known_hosts=true to above command to delete the known_hosts entries for all hosts in the inventory before executing the setup.

How to do cluster operations


As already mentioned above, this Kubernetes setup includes multiple web dashboards, which allow you to do various maintenance tasks and are available under different subdomains of the domain you supplied in the cluster config:

All these dashboards are secured via OIDC authentication

CLI / API operations

For most cluster operations the Ansible playbook isn't required. You can instead use kubectl or specific CLI tools relying on kubectl (or the k8s API directly). These CLI tools are installed automatically on all control hosts:

Best just ssh into one of the control hosts and perform operations from the terminal there.

Removing nodes

  1. *Via Longhorn Web UI_:\ Request eviction of the associated Longhorn storage node.
  2. Wait for all volumes to be evicted.
  3. *Via terminal on any control node_:\ kubectl drain the k8s node to evict all running pods from it and disable scheduling.

    You will probably want to run kubectl drain with these flags: --ignore-daemonsets --delete-emptydir-data

  4. Wait for all pods to be evicted.
  5. *Via terminal on the node to be removed_:\ Execute uninstall script:
    • For agents: /usr/local/bin/
    • For servers: /usr/local/bin/
  6. *Via kubectl on control node or k8s-dashboard_:\ Delete the Node resource object.

Ansible operations

Adding nodes

Simply add new node hosts to the end of your cluster's hosts.yaml and re-run the setup playbook.

⚠️ Adding new control nodes is currently untested and could leave your cluster in a failed state!

How to deploy apps

While you are free to deploy any containerized app into your cluster, a few select ones have been optimized to work well with the specific storage / networking / authentication infrastructure of this project. Concretely, these are custom helm charts (partly based on the official helm charts of these apps), which are contained in the folder /charts/apps. To deploy any of these custom helm charts, follow these steps:

Note that this is one way to do it. If you have experience with k8s and GitOps, feel free to use your own tools.

  1. Open up the Kubernetes Dashboard UI under

  2. Open up the form for creating a new resource via the + button at the top right.

  3. Paste this template for a FluxCD helm release into the form:

    kind: HelmRelease
      name: "" # Custom name of your release
      namespace: "" # Name of an existing namespace (best create a new one)
          chart: "" # Name of the chart in /charts/apps
            kind: HelmRepository
            name: base-app-repo
            namespace: flux-system
          version: "" # Semver version constraint (use the latest version)
      interval: 1h
      values: {} # Custom values. See the chart's values.yaml file.
  4. Fill in the missing values and hit Upload.

  5. Monitor the release's progress via

You can also find a list of all deployed HelmReleases in the Kubernetes Dashboard.


UPGRADE FAILED: another operation (install/upgrade/rollback) is in progres

Likely a previous helm operation was interrupted, leaving it in an intermediate state. See this StackOverflow response for possible solutions.

Persistent Volume Claim is stuck being deleted

Have a look at the field metadata.finalizers of the PVC in question. If it contains, then there exists an unfinished volume snapshot of this PVC. This could mean that a snapshot is being created right now, in which case the finalizer should be removed within the next few minutes (depending on volume size) and then the PVC deleted, but it could also mean that there exists a failed snapshot, in which case k8s unfortunately leaves the finalizer indefinitely.

If you do not care about the integrity of the PVC's snapshots (because you don't want to keep backups) then you can remove the finalizer entry manually and thereby trigger immediate deletion. Otherwise best wait for about an hour and only then remove the finalizer manually.