This module deals with management of users and projects using CMD3.
The code is located at:
Clone the module for bson and build it::
git clone
python install
Clone the project with::
git clone
Change to the cloned directory::
cd management
Setup the requirements with::
python requirements
Install the module::
python install
Install the YAML files::
python yaml
If you are starting from scratch, the commands that needs to be run are listed below::
git clone
python install
pip install cloudmesh_base
pip install cmd3
pip install cloudmesh_database
python requirements
python install
python yaml
.. note::
The fields of the User and Project objects can be generated dynamically from the YAML file in the directory
"etc/accounts". A default file for **user** is available under etc/accounts/cloudmesh_user.yaml and a default file for
**project** is available under etc/accounts/cloudmesh_project.yaml. To add/remove fields, amend the YAML file as required. When
you do "python yaml", the files are moved to "~/.cloudmesh/accounts" directory.
How to add/amend fields to the YAML file::
* Amend the file(s) under etc/accounts/
* The fields are listed under::
* Each field is described as shown below::
- <Field Name>:
label: <Label for field>
type: <Field type>
required: <True/False>
reference: <Reference field>[OPTIONAL]
- option 1
- option 2
- option n
* The field type can be: text, textarea, dropdown, password, list, checkbox, email
* If any of the field, references to an existing field, "reference: " needs to be set to the existing field
* If a field has options, "options: ", needs to be set as shown above
* If the field is in [text, textarea, dropdown, password] and has a reference field, the field is mapped as a ListField[ReferenceField]
* If the field is in [text, textarea, dropdown, password] and has options, the field is mapped as a ListField[StringField]
* If the field is just in [text, textarea, dropdown, password], the field is mapped as a StringField
* If the field is a checkbox, the field is mapped to a BooleanField
* If the field is a email, the field is mapped to a EmailField
* UUIDField() is being used to generate a Project ID and User ID
If you make any amendments to the file under "etc/accounts", follow the steps below::
* python resetyaml
* python regenfile (This regenerates the files and under cloudmesh_management)
* python install
If everything is setup correctly, run the following command::
cm management help
You should see the screen below::
management: Command line for Administrators to manage users and projects
management version
management admin user generate [--count=N]
management admin user list [USERNAME] [--format=FORMAT]
management admin user add [YAMLFILE]
management admin user delete [USERNAME]
management admin user clear
management admin user status USERNAME
management admin user approve [USERNAME]
management admin user activate [USERNAME]
management admin user suspend [USERNAME]
management admin user block [USERNAME]
management admin user deny [USERNAME]
management admin user assign [USERNAME] [ROLE]
management admin user password USERNAME PASSWORD
management admin user projects USERNAME
management admin project generate [--count=N]
management admin project list [PROJECTID] [--format=FORMAT]
management admin project add [YAMLFILE]
management admin project delete [PROJECTID]
management admin project clear
management admin project status [PROJECTID]
management admin project activate [PROJECTID]
management admin project deactivate [PROJECTID]
management admin project close [PROJECTID]
management admin project add [USERNAME] [PROJECTID] [ROLE]
management admin project remove [USERNAME] [PROJECTID] [ROLE]
management admin export [DATABASE] [COLLECTION] [--user=USERNAME] [--password=PASSWORD]
management admin import [--file=FILENAME] [--dir=DIRNAME] [--db=DBNAME] [--collection=NAME] [--user=USERNAME] [--password=PASSWORD]
management committee setup
management committee reviewer add [PROJECTID] [USERNAME]
management committee reviewer remove [PROJECTID] [USERNAME]
management committee list
management committee project list [PROJECTID] [--format=FORMAT]
management committee project status
management committee project approve [PROJECTID]
management committee project deny [PROJECTID]
management committee project block [PROJECTID]
management committee project activate [PROJECTID]
management committee project close [PROJECTID]
management committee project open [PROJECTID]
management user apply [--user=USERFILE|--project=PROJECTFILE]
management user configure [USERNAME]
management user password
management user status
management user add-sshkey [FILENAME]
--format=json Show the user details in json format
Steps to initialize the system::
cm management user configure [USERNAME]
- This step puts an entry into the local hidden file under "**~/.cloudmesh/accounts/.config**"
There are three roles at the moment in the system.
User (user)
General user
Admin (admin)
Role used to manage users like add/delete users, change user status, assign user role and assign password
Reviewer (reviewer)
Role used to add/remove reviewers, approve projects
- When the system is installed, a super user named "super" is created with all the 3 roles assigned to it.
- The Authorization is being imposed by a decorator function, which checks the roles assigned to the current user.
- If the user has the required roles, the information is displayed else an error message is thrown.
- The name of the current user is stored in a hidden configuration file under "**~/.cloudmesh/accounts/.config**"
- This file can be used to store secret keys for the user later when authentication mechanism is being built.
To generate a list of users run::
cm management user generate
To generate "n" number of users run::
cm management user generate --count=n
To clear all the users within the database::
cm management user clear
To set a password for a user::
cm management user password <USERNAME> <PASSWORD>
.. note::
The password is encrypted using sha256 encryption algorithm and the hash value is stored in Mongo.
To get a list of users run::
cm management user list
To get detail about a particular user::
cm management user list USERNAME
To add a user using a YAML file::
cm management user add <PATH TO YAML FILE>
.. note::
A sample YAML file is available in etc directory within managament
To amend a status of the user::
* User will be in pending state by default
* The commands to change the user status are cls explanatory
.. note::
The state changes for a user is listed in the figure below:
.. figure:: docs/management_states.png
To generate a list of projects run::
cm management project generate
To generate "n" number of dummy projects::
cm management project generate --count=n
To clear the projects within the database::
cm management project clear
To add a member to a project::
cm management project add member <USERID> <PROJECTID> <ROLE>
.. note::
The user roles are member, lead, alumni. When adding a user as a member or lead, the USERID should be available
within the database. If not an error message would be displayed. An alumni need not be a valid user within the
system. No check will be done against the alumni role. When you add a user as a lead or a member, user will be
appended to the existing list accordingly.
To remove a member from a project::
cm management project remove member <USERID> <PROJECTID>
To activate a project::
cm management project activate <PROJECT ID>
To deactivate a project::
cm management project deactivate <PROJECT ID>
To close a project::
cm management project close <PROJECT ID>
To export collection(s) from a database::
cm management export <DATABASENAME> <COLLECTION NAME>
.. note::
- To pass the username and password to access the database as parameters use --user=<USERNAME> and --password=<PASSWORD>. If the username and password is not passed, the system tried to get the details from the file, cloudmesh_server.yaml. If the details are not available in the yaml file, it tries to connect without them.
- If <COLLECTION NAME> is not specified, the system tries to export all the non system collections to a json file and the file name would be the name of the collection.
To import data from json file into a database::
cm management import --file=<FILE NAME> --db=<DATABASE NAME>
cm management import --dir=<DIR NAME> --db=<DATABASE NAME>
.. note::
- To pass the username and password to access the database as parameters use --user=<USERNAME> and --password=<PASSWORD>. If the username and password is not passed, the system tried to get the details from the file, cloudmesh_server.yaml. If the details are not available in the yaml file, it tries to connect without them.
- A file name or a directory name needs to be passed as source of the data.
Notification Mechanisms When the user applies for an account/project, notification needs to be put in place to let the admin/reviewer know about the pending account/project request.
Authentication and Security Authentication and Security is yet to be done
Add users in Bulk At the moment, there is only an option to add single user from the yaml file. This needs to be extended to cover multiple users.
Start mongo if mongo is not running while using the "cm management" commands The file has the code that is taken from under fabfile directory in cloudmesh. This has three methods: "get_status", "start" and "stop". Need to understand the way cm works and where to hook these methods.