This project contains Brooklyn entities for the social applications like Drupal and Wordpress. It also contains a sample applications which deploys it to Amazon.
Drupal has been tested on Debian 6.0. Wordpress has been tested on CentOS 6.3. Your milage may vary when used with other flavors of *nix.
To compile brooklyn-social-apps, simply mvn clean install
in the project root.
Follow the getting started instructions, then add the social apps to your catalog.xml (or launch manually.)
<template type="io.cloudsoft.socialapps.drupal.examples.BasicDrupalApp" name="Basic Drupal App">
<description>Brooklyn Social Apps - Basic</description>
<template type="io.cloudsoft.socialapps.drupal.examples.ClusteredDrupalApp" name="Clustered Drupal App">
<description>Brooklyn Social Apps - Cluster</description>
In both cases you'll need cloud credentials in ~/.brooklyn/
brooklyn.location.named.Rackspace\ US\ -\ Debian = jclouds:cloudservers-us
brooklyn.location.named.Rackspace\ US\ -\ Debian.identity = username
brooklyn.location.named.Rackspace\ US\ -\ Debian.credential = 3d____________<snip>__________cd
brooklyn.location.named.Rackspace\ US\ -\ Debian.private-key-file = ~/.ssh/id_rsa
brooklyn.location.named.Rackspace\ US\ -\ Debian.image-name-regex = Debian
Most other clouds should work too, with minor variations to the code, as will fixed IP machines (bare-metal/byon).
This software is (c) 2012 Cloudsoft Corporation, released as open source under the Apache License v2.0.
Any questions drop a line to !