cloudy-sfu / GUI-for-paddlepaddle-OCR

The GUI for "paddlepaddle" OCR
GNU General Public License v3.0
32 stars 3 forks source link
ocr paddleocr paddlepaddle pyqt5 python

GUI for paddlepaddle OCR

The GUI for paddlepaddle OCR


A Windows GUI to perform optical character recognition using paddlepaddle OCR models. With this program, users can recognize text in images from the clipboard or files.

Support recognizing multiple languages' characters from *.png and *.jpg images.

Supported languages are listed in languages.csv.

Screenshot screenshot



  1. Download and unzip the latest release.
  2. Run GUI-for-paddlepaddle-OCR.exe.

Compile from source code

Download corresponding to cpu_avx_mkl from paddlepaddle website (accessed Feb 9, 2024), unzip, and put in the program root as directory mklml/. The expected file structure in this directory is shown in mklml_index.

Run the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pyinstaller main.spec


Inference models

Our license doesn't cover files at the following locations.
