Hi! My name is Akshay and I’m a designer and researcher working in the area of technology and social impact. I’m also interested and concerned about our collective futures living in a connected world. Some of us got together at an event in February 2016 in Ahmedabad, India and came up with a manifesto based on the idea of the ‘right to disconnect’. This project kind of forks from that basic idea and takes it forward.
We wrote a short manifesto that you can read here that supposes the beginning of a sort of cultural order that has the idea of the personal, voluntary ‘right to disconnect’ at its core. The idea of this project is to assume that starting from 2016, the idea really took off and we are collecting stories of the effects of this manifesto some 100 - 200 years later. We would then go on to represent those stories through found objects, pictures, sounds and video that paint a picture of that story and present it in an exhibition (physical or virtual). We want these stories to represent a wide variety of experiences, so that they represent a cross-section of people racially, culturally, socio-economically, and with various kinds of technology access. These stories will be especially useful for those people and organisations who are actively working on shaping the connected future, to see creative expressions of people’s aspirations, concerns and fears.
At the moment, the project is in its nascent stages, so go here to read some of the first few stories. But the best way to get involved is go over our Contributing doc, to understand how best you can get involved.
Thanks for reading, and hope you get involved!!