clstokes / terraform-ovh-openstack

Vagrant box to test OpenStack-based OVH Public Cloud Servers with Terraform.
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This project creates a Vagrant box to test OpenStack-based OVH Public Cloud Servers with Terraform.

Warning! Running the Terraform examples in this project will create infrastructure resources and you may incur charges for these resources.


Once provisioned, the Vagrant box is configured with Terraform and OpenStack's swift and nova command-line tools.

  1. Create a .credentials directory in the root of this project. Note: This directory will be ignored by .gitignore.
  2. Place an file in .credentials/. See the OpenStack RC docs for the expected format of this file.
  3. Run vagrant up.
  4. Run vagrant ssh to connect to your Vagrant box once it's completed provisioning.


To run Terraform commands from within the Vagrant box, run the commands below.


To create infrastructure resources, run:

$ terraform apply /vagrant/terraform


To destroy infrastructure resources, run:

$ terraform destroy /vagrant/terraform


If you've created resources using Terraform run the commands in the Destroy section before continuing.

To destroy the Vagrant box, run vagrant destroy.