Generate UML class diagrams by reflection for your PHP projects
Note: This project is in beta stage! Feel free to report any issues you encounter.
Once installed, you can use the following code to draw an UML class diagram for your existing classes:
// initialize an empty graph and the UML class diagram builder
$graph = new Fhaculty\Graph\Graph();
$builder = new Fhaculty\Graph\Uml\ClassDiagramBuilder($graph);
// let's add some classes to the diagram
// display graph as svg image
$graphviz = new Fhaculty\Graph\GraphViz($graph);
The recommended way to install this library is through composer. New to composer?
"require": {
"clue/graph-uml": "0.2.*"
Additionally, you'll have to install GraphViz (dot
Users of Debian/Ubuntu-based distributions may simply invoke:
$ sudo apt-get install graphviz
Windows users have to download GraphViZ for Windows and remaining users should install from GraphViz homepage.