cmccraw / LiliElbe_EngagedLearners

Lili Elbe Digital Archive, Loyola University Chicago || Undergraduate Practicum – Fall 2019
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HW #5: Introduction to XML #7

Open cmccraw opened 4 years ago

cmccraw commented 4 years ago

(1) Review Introduction to Encoding: XML

(2) Encoding Assignment:

1. Open the demoVersion1_0000-00-00ThomsenTHoyer.xml. Use this file as an example!

Do not make changes to this file on GitHub, as it will affect everyone!

2. Group A: Open the Group A folder and download the 3 files (.docx, .xml, and .jpg). (See Downloading Files on the GitHub Web Interface)

Group B: Open the Group B folder and download the 3 files (.docx, .xml, and .jpg). (See Downloading Files on the GitHub Web Interface)

Do not edit these XML files on GitHub, as these changes will affect everyone! You must download the file to your device.

Save the 3 files somewhere on your computer where you can easily find them again!

3. Open the .xml file in oXygen

4. Using demoVersion1_0000-00-00ThomsenTHoyer.xml as an example, try to begin encoding the letter assigned to your group.

The text of the letter is already in your .XML file, so you should try to:

--> (_If you are feeling adventurous, you can consult the LEDA Prosopography to find key IDs for people and places!_)

5. Save this file to your computer; do not upload it to GitHub. Bring your laptop to class so that you can show me your .xml file. We will look at these files together on Tuesday!

(3) Update the Hours Tracking Spreadsheet to show how long you worked on the Encoding Assignment and what you were able to accomplish.

I shared editing access to this spreadsheet with the G-mail address you provided; check your G-mail inbox for the invitation, or look under "Shared With Me" on Google Drive.

(4) GitHub Response

Post the following below as a comment on this Issue:

  1. Group Name: (Group A or Group B)
  2. List any questions or issues that you encountered while attempting to encode the letter.
  3. Post Either:
    • A few sentences reflecting on how you felt about the encoding process
    • An answer or suggestion to someone's question/issue (be sure to tag their @handle!)
m-nesbitt commented 4 years ago
  1. Group A
  2. -With our encoding, will we need to define the elements we are noting? Such as if I am writing ' ' ' Lili Elbe (this is coding but I do not know how to make it show up as what I typed) do I need to define Lili Elbe in the letter? -Was there anything else that needed encoding besides paragraphs, places, and people? -Can XML and HTML work together on the same document?

  3. I felt productive with the encoding process. I definitely enjoyed it; however, was frustrated when I didn't know how to do something when it feels like the solution should be simple. I think I will benefit from reviewing the articles and encoding basics.
JBrockland commented 4 years ago
  1. Group B
  2. If you're putting tags around a name or place, is it important to only have the name in the tags? If there's a space or punctuation after or before the name/place in the tags will that affect the tags? Also I wasn't sure exactly where the end a paragraph tag. The letter is formatted kind oddly, so I wasn't sure if I should be putting the /p after every line or every sentence or every time there's a blank line.
  3. Since I've worked with this kind of stuff before it didn't feel like I was doing anything new or difficult. The only thing that really gave me trouble was trying to figure out where to put the /p tags.
ghost commented 4 years ago
  1. Group A
  2. If you add a tag for a person or a place, are you supposed to start a new line or indent the new start tag and end tag? Is there a way to preview the coded letter to make sure your work is right?
  3. It was interesting to try encoding the letter but for the most part it was frustrating because it was all new information/a completely new process so I wasn't sure if what I was doing was right. Since there was no way for me to check my progress, it made me a little anxious.
doverebmann commented 4 years ago
  1. Group A Questions: 1) do we have a list of the "keys" for names like key=Sparre we can reference while coding 2) I only guessed while doing the date tags so is there a specific format 3) self-closing and when to use Feelings: I kind of was just guessing on whether or not I was doing anything right. I referenced the thing we looked at in class to try and figure out and tags but there's still a few things I'm not enturely sure about. Very weird but not as scary as I thought
mfries2 commented 4 years ago
  1. Group A
  2. If there is a larger space between two paragraphs does that need to be shown somehow while encoding? Will spaces in the tags effect the links?
  3. I feel very confused because i can essentially copy the example in order to encode the assigned letter, but I worry I'm not fully understanding the language/process for the tags and that I'm adding things where they aren't needed or missing things where they are needed.
coconnell22 commented 4 years ago
  1. Group B
  2. I had some difficulty figuring out where paragraph breaks were. I was also curious, as mentioned above, about punctuation and tags -- I figured you do not include punctuation within the tag.
  3. I enjoyed the encoding process. I did not have to do a whole lot for this assignment, so I want to continue working at it. I also want to compare what I did to what others did to see if I am doing alright or am completely off the mark.
natashaaranda commented 4 years ago
  1. Group B
  2. Are the paragraph breaks different for each language or should they be uniform?
  3. In general I think that encoding seems like an activity I could enjoy but I just feel like currently I have no idea what I am doing. I am sure that within the next few class sessions I will gain some confidence in my encoding skills as I begin to understand the process more thoroughly.
MylinhLam213 commented 4 years ago
msimmons5 commented 4 years ago

Group Name: A

  1. The biggest thing I had trouble with was just navigating Oxygen, which I think will get better but once I opened the XML file finally it worked out well.
  2. It took three of my friends helping me to figure it out but after I encoded the letter I felt really proud of myself. It was a really fun thing to do!
melezovic commented 4 years ago
  1. Group A
  2. I ran into so many problems. Navigating Oxygen was difficult in the beginning. Just the encoding in general was a struggle for me as well.
  3. I did not like the encoding process at all, but I think with A LOT of practice I could maybe get the hang of it. It is just a little frustrating trying to figure out where to put certain codes.
Phyhall commented 4 years ago
  1. Group B
  2. When encoding paragraphs, some were indented and some did not when I put the tag around them. Should this happen for all?
  3. Once I figured out what I was doing the assignment was a lot less stressful, but I just hope I did it right.
ProfPLC commented 4 years ago

A comment for all:
Phylicia, not to worry about indentation. We don't indent paragraphs on the site, and we keep consistent spacing between paragraphs in HTML. For those troubled by navigating oXygen, Caroline and Xixi can help each group with that today. Relying on friends is fine, Malone, but also reach out to your groupmates (if that's a word!). That's why we have groups. We will eventually use the prosopography key IDs for persNames and placeNames.

orionelrod commented 4 years ago
  1. Group A
  2. I had some difficulty overall with aspects of letter formatting such as dates and signatures. I also struggled with the format of classifying the documents by original or translation.
  3. This was an interesting process. I definitely still have a lot to learn but I'm excited to further my understanding and be able to dig in a little more.
meehanjm commented 4 years ago
  1. Group B
  2. I noticed that a closing tag of any element I created would be auto-generated. I wondered if there is an easier way of dealing with it besides cutting and pasting it.
  3. I felt okay about the process. I can't say I found it to be especially exciting. I am curious to learn more about the pay off of the encoding process, like how we can manipulate the finished product.
d-bahe commented 4 years ago
  1. Group B
  2. I had trouble understanding the assignment at first, but once I got the hang of the basic codes it became much easier and systematic. I actually found myself enjoying it towards the end. That said, I definitely need more practice.
  3. I feel indifferent about the process. Though it became more enjoyable and I could add things with ease the more that I went through each paragraph, I definitely still have a lot more to learn, and would be surprised if I didn't make any mistakes on this first assignment.
lpatriciobellizzi commented 4 years ago

How do we down load the specific file, and how do I upload it to Oxygen? Do I open it as a new folder or document? Can I copy and paste the template? Please advise.

cmccraw commented 4 years ago

Group B's final XML file can be found here:

To download the file: Navigate to the file on GitHub, Right-click on the button that says "Raw" (in the upper right corner of the XML text) and select "Save Link As..." to save the file to your computer. It should then download as an XML file.

Once you have downloaded the file, move it out of your "Downloads" folder to a more stable location (I suggest making a folder on your Desktop just for our class!). When you click on the file that you downloaded, it should automatically launch in oXygen (since that is the only program on your computer designated to read XML).

For the TEI header, you can copy and paste from the template in GitHub.

Hope that helps!

C A R O L I N E M c C R A W

(( she // her // hers ))

M.A. Digital Humanities '20

From: lpatriciobellizzi Sent: Wednesday, October 2, 2019 3:15 PM To: cmccraw/LiliElbe_EngagedLearners Cc: McCraw, Caroline; Author Subject: Re: [cmccraw/LiliElbe_EngagedLearners] HW #5: Introduction to XML (#7)

How do we down load the specific file, and how do I upload it to Oxygen? Do I open it as a new folder or document? Can I copy and paste the template? Please advise.

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