cmccraw / LiliElbe_EngagedLearners

Lili Elbe Digital Archive, Loyola University Chicago || Undergraduate Practicum – Fall 2019
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Welcome, Lili Elbe Digital Archive Engaged Learners!

This module was originally created by Rebecca J. Parker for Dr. Pamela Caughie's Spring 2019 ENGL-283 Transgender Literature course, and adapted by Caroline McCraw for Fall 2019 as a contribution to the Lili Elbe Digital Archive. The lessons and exercises constructed for this course incorporate materials from Dr. Elisa Beshero-Bondar's Digital Humanities courses, the Digital Mitford Coding School, the Text Encoding Initiative's learning resources, GitHub Guides, and the GitHub Help resources. This repository is public-facing, therefore, the lessons and exercises herein are licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA license.

:star: Spring 2020 HTML Proofing :star:

Contact Information:

Technical Instructor: Caroline McCraw // she/her/hers // // @cmccraw
Office Hours: By appointment

Project Manager: Emily Datskou // she/her/hers // (backup e-mail: // @emilydatskou

Professor/Project Editor: Dr. Caughie // she/her/hers // // @ProfPLC

Digital Editor: Rebecca J. Parker // she/her/hers // // @rjp43

Quick Links:

Project Website:

>> Group Project Pages:

>> Lessons:

  1. Screen Health
  2. Getting Started with GitHub
  3. Introduction to Version Control Software
  4. GitHub Scavenger Hunt
  5. Getting Started with oXygen
  6. Introduction to Encoding: XML
  7. Introduction to Encoding: Schematizing & TEI
  8. Capturing Metadata
  9. LEDA Encoding Guidelines
  10. Proofing XML
  11. Proofing HTML

Technical Syllabus:

This syllabus includes more detailed information about lessons and assignments for the technical instruction portion of the semester. The complete academic syllabus can be accessed on our class Sakai page.

Date Topic In Class: Due By Next Class:
Tues., Sept. 17 Intro to Version Control Software In Class:
>> Screen Health
>> Create GitHub accounts
>> Intro to Git/GitHub
>> GitHub Scavenger Hunt
Due By Next Class (9/19):

(1) Read Amin, "Glands, Eugenics, and
Rejuvenation in Man into Woman" (Sakai)

(2) Upload response to Amin reading as a comment on the GitHub Issue.

(3) Finish the GitHub Scavenger Hunt if you have not already.
Thurs., Sept. 19 GitHub, cont'd. In Class:
>> Discuss Amin reading
>> Review Scavenger Hunt
>> Setting up GitHub notifications
>> Uploading and Downloading Files on GitHub
>> GitHub Vocabulary
>> Working with Git at Command Line
>> Markdown
Due By Next Class (9/24):

(1) Read "Storm Clouds on the Horizon," by Caughie, Datskou and Parker (Sakai)

(2) Upload reading response as a comment on the "Storm Clouds" GitHub Issue

(3) Complete Markdown Getdown
Tues., Sept. 24 Prosopography In Class:
>> Discuss "Storm Clouds"
>> Introduction to Digital Humanities: Prosopography
>> Make encoding groups
Due By Next Class (9/26):

(1) Review "What is XML and why should humanists care? An even gentler introduction to XML", from "Introduction" until the end of the "Attributes" section; don't worry about retaining all of this information! Skim the text, and focus on the points necessary to answer the questions in assignment #2:

(2) Answer questions about the reading as a comment on this GitHub Issue

(3) Follow these steps to install oXygen on your computer before next class. Be sure to bring your computer to class on Thursday!
Thurs., Sept. 26 Introduction to Mark-Up Language In Class:
(1) Register oXygen
(2) Review HW
(3) Introduction to Encoding: XML
(4) Divide into Group A and Group B; look at (or begin) Introduction to XML HW assignment (5) Intro Hours Spreadsheet and review EL encoding tasks & timeline with Emily
Due By Next Class (10/1):

(1) Encoding homework assignment _(this assignment includes working on your XML document, updating the Hours Tracking spreadsheet, and posting a response to the GitHub Issue)_
Tues., Oct. 1 Encoding, cont'd. In Class:
(1) Address HW Questions
(2) Review LEDA Encoding Guidelines
(3) Homework Review Bracket
(4) Lesson: Introduction to Encoding: Schematizing & TEI
(5) Lesson: Capturing Metadata
(6) Look at/begin HW for next class
Due By Next Class (10/3):

(1) Encoding, cont'd Homework Assignment [click here]
Thurs., Oct. 3 Proofing XML In Class:
(1) Review HW Questions
(2) Groups finalize letters & post to GitHub
(3) Lesson: Introduction to Encoding: Schematizing & TEI
(4) Lesson: XML Proofing
(5) XML Proofing in Groups
(6) Reflective in-class writing
Due By Next Class (10/10):

(1) See Encoding - Reflective Writing Assignment on Sakai. You will revise what you wrote in class to generate at least 250 words reflecting upon your experience encoding thus far; see Sakai Assignment for prompts.

(2) Update Dr. Caughie if your group project preferences (scene collation, encoding, timelines/maps, social mapping) have changed since the Technical Skills Survey.
Tues., Oct. 8 FALL BREAK
Thurs., Oct. 10 Proofing HTML In Class:
>> Decide project groups
>> Encoding in groups
>> Allocate tasks for homework
>> Update Hours Spreadsheet
Due By Next Class (10/15):

(1) Group Project: Determine how you will communicate as a group, how you will track your group work (e.g., spreadsheet on Google docs, forum tool on Sakai), what your deadlines are, etc.

(2) Update hour tracking spreadsheet
Tues., Oct. 15 Group Encoding In Class:
>> Encoding in groups
>> Allocate tasks for homework
>> Update Hours Spreadsheet
Due By Next Class (10/17):

(1) Group assignment (update hour tracking spreadsheet)
Thurs., Oct. 17 Group Encoding In Class:
>> Encoding in groups
>> Allocate tasks for homework
>> Update Hours Spreadsheet
Due By Next Class (10/22):

(1) Group assignment (update hour tracking spreadsheet)
Tues., Oct. 22 Group Encoding In Class:
>> Encoding in groups
>> Allocate tasks for homework
>> Update Hours Spreadsheet
Due By Next Class (10/24):

(1) Group assignment (update hour tracking spreadsheet)
Thurs., Oct. 24 Group Encoding In Class:
>> Encoding in groups
>> Allocate tasks for homework
>> Update Hours Spreadsheet
Due By Next Class (10/29):

(1) Group assignment (update hour tracking spreadsheet)
Tues., Oct. 29 Group Encoding In Class:
>> Encoding in groups
>> Allocate tasks for homework
>> Update Hours Spreadsheet
Due By Next Class (10/31):

(1) Group assignment (update hour tracking spreadsheet)

(2) Finish blog post draft
Thurs., Oct. 31 Group Projects In Class:
>> Create Group Project timelines (w/ Emily)
>> Work on group projects
Due By Next Class (11/5):

Nov. 5 – Dec 5 See course syllabus on Sakai for readings; work on group projects outside of class using hour tracking spreadsheet.

Why are we using GitHub?

As an academic and professional in an increasingly digital world it is important to consider our online presence. For students and faculty alike engaging and traversing a variety of digital environments is a powerful professional skill. The open-access nature of GitHub and the powerful version-control of Git has placed GitHub among the most used as well as most useful tools of today's tech. developers. By asking our students to create GitHub profiles and contribute to content on this platform we are placing students in an environment where the opportunities for personal knowledge development are truly extensible. At the same time, we hope to broaden the resources and materials made available on GitHub not just for the tech. developers of the world but for the public more broadly. In this course we are committed to having students engage with the power of version control via the underlying software linked to Github, Git, as well as some of the social/collaborative components of this interface including (our Repo. Wiki and our Issues Board). For those interested in learning more about Git check out For those interested in learning more about GitHub check out the GitHub guides.

Many thanks to oXygen XML editor for generously providing a trial license for our students to learn with this semester.