cmcoatney / p8-cyberdeck

Puzzler made with Pico-8 with a cyberpunk theme.
0 stars 0 forks source link


  1. Install Pico-8 from Lexaloffle
  2. from Pico-8 command prompt, type: folder to open the carts directory
  3. place the cyberdeck.p8 file in that directory
  4. from Pico-8 command prompt, type: load cyberdeck
  5. from Pico-8 command prompt, type: run to launch game

Quick Start: MAC

  1. Launch Cyberdeck in Pico-8 from Terminal
/Applications/ -run ~/Library/Application\ Support/pico-8/carts/cyberdeck.p8
  1. Open the project in VSCODE (replace username with your path )
code "/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/pico-8/carts/cyberdeck"


This repository includes the cyberdeck.p8 file which imports lua files. Outside of this repository should be a symbolic link to the cyberdeck.p8 found here. This will allow the folder to contain development assets without cluttering the pico-8 carts folder (this folder and a symlink is better than 20 files per project)


This cart makes use of several libraries.

path-to-bezier and draw svg 1.1 by txori

-- --svg converted with


Creating SVG Data with Inkscape: -- 1. press b on keyboard -- 2. choose spiro tool -- 3. create a shape -- 4. open in text editor -- 5. select path string value -- 6. in other words, -- 7. what's between the quotes of path="m..." -- 8. use the txori tool above (If the resulting object does not work in the txori demo, use the itchylabs converter to translate the path first then use txori. Make sure when running in txori that it begins with m and ends with z) -- 9. replace the svg table below -- 10. run cart -- 11. first number is color
