cmd-ntrf / mediatomb

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MediaTomb - UPnP MediaServer

This documentation is valid for MediaTomb version 0.12.0.

Copyright 2005 Gena Batsyan, Sergey Bostandzhyan

Copyright 2006-2008 Gena Batsyan, Sergey Bostandzhyan, Leonhard Wimmer


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

    1.1. Currently Supported Features

  2. Requirements

  3. Compiling From Source

    3.1. Standard Method 3.2. Configure Options

  4. Initial Installation

    4.1. Network Setup 4.2. First Time Launch

  5. Command Line Options

    5.1. IP Address 5.2. Interface 5.3. Port 5.4. Configuration File 5.5. Daemon Mode 5.6. Home Directory 5.7. Config Directory 5.8. Write PID File 5.9. Run Under Different User Name 5.10. Run Under Different Group 5.11. Add Content 5.12. Log To File 5.13. Debug Output 5.14. Compile Info 5.15. Version Information 5.16. Display Command Line Summary

  6. Configuration File

    6.1. Server Settings 6.2. Import Settings 6.3. Transcoding Settings

  7. Supported Devices

    7.1. MediaRenderers 7.2. Network Attached Storage Devices

  8. Running The Server

  9. Legal

    9.1. Copyright 9.2. License

  10. Acknowledgments

  11. Contributions

  12. Introduction

MediaTomb is an open source (GPL) UPnP MediaServer with a nice web user interface, it allows you to stream your digital media through your home network and listen to/watch it on a variety of UPnP compatible devices.

MediaTomb implements the UPnP MediaServer V 1.0 specification that can be found on The current implementation focuses on parts that are required by the specification, however we look into extending the functionality to cover the optional parts of the spec as well.

MediaTomb should work with any UPnP compliant MediaRenderer, please tell us if you experience difficulties with particular models, also take a look at the Supported Devices list for more information.


The server has an integrated file system browser in the UI, that means that anyone who has access to the UI can browse your file system (with user permissions under which the server is running) and also download your data! If you want maximum security - disable the UI completely! Account authentication offers simple protection that might hold back your kids, but it is not secure enough for use in an untrusted environment!


since the server is meant to be used in a home LAN environment the UI is
enabled by default and accounts are deactivated, thus allowing anyone on
your network to connect to the user interface.

1.1. Currently Supported Features

  1. Requirements


remember to install associated development packages, because development
headers are needed for compilation!


libupnp is now a part of MediaTomb and does not have to be installed
separately. We base our heavily patched version on libupnp 1.4.1 from http:


you need at least one database in order to compile and run MediaTomb -
either sqlite or mysql.

In order to compile MediaTomb you will have to install the following packages.:

In order to use the web UI you will need to have javascript enabled in your web browser.

The UI has been tested and works with the recent versions of :

Tested and does not work with the recent versions of:

Limited functionality with:

  1. Compiling From Source

3.1. Standard Method

If you don't care about the details - make sure you have installed the required packages and the appropriate development headers and simply run

$ ./configure $ make $ make install

This should compile and install MediaTomb, the resulting binary is ready to run.


if you checked out the sources from SVN the configure script will not be
available, you will have to create it with the following command:

autoreconf -i

3.2. Configure Options

The MediaTomb configure script provides a large variety of options, allowing you to specify the additional libraries that will be used, features that will be compiled or disabled, workarounds for known bugs in some distributions and so on. Some options are straightforward, some require deeper knowledge - make sure you know what you are doing :)

3.2.1. Install Location Of Architecture Independent Files




Install all architecture independent files - all .js files and .png images for the Web UI, the import.js script, the service description XML files - in the directory of your choice. This is especially useful if you do not want to perform a system-wide installation, but want to install MediaTomb only for your user.


the prefix path will be compiled into the binary; the binary will still be
relocatable, but you move those files you will have to point MediaTomb to
the proper location by specifying it in the server configuration file.

3.2.2. Static Build




Build a static binary. This may be useful if you plan to install a precompiled MediaTomb binary on a system that does not have all the required libraries and where installation of those libraries is not possible due to reasons beyond your control.


if you enable this option, make sure that you have all static versions of
the appropriate libraries installed on your system. The configure script
may not detect that those are missing - in this case you will get linker
errors. Some distributions, for example Fedora Core, do not ship static
library versions.

3.2.3. Automatically Create Database




Automatically create the database if it is missing (for example upon a first time launch). Disabling this will make the resulting binary a little smaller, however you will have to take care of the database creation yourself by invoking the appropriate .sql scripts that are provided with the package.


the server configuration file has to be setup correctly. Either sqlite or
MySQL has to be chosen in the storage section, for sqlite the database file
has to point to a writable location, for MySQL the user has to be setup
with a valid password and permissions and the database "mediatomb" has to

3.2.4. Debug Malloc/Realloc Of Zero bytes




This feature is only for debugging purposes, whenever a malloc or realloc with a value of zero bytes is encountered, the server will terminate with abort()

3.2.5. Force Linking With The Pthread Library




We use the ACX_PTHREAD macro from the autoconf archive to determine the way how to link against the pthread library. Usually it works fine, but it can fail when cross compiling. This configure option tells us to use -lpthread when linking, it seems to be needed when building MediaTomb under Optware. Note, that using --disable-pthread-lib will not prevent automatic checks against the pthread library.

3.2.6. Force Linking With The Iconv Library




By default we will attempt to use iconv functionality provided with glibc, however under some circumstances it may make sense to link against a separate iconv library. This option will attempt to do that. Note, that using --disable-iconv-lib will not prevent automatic attempts to link ageinst the iconv library in the case where builtin glibc iconv functionality is not available.

3.2.7. Use Atomic Assembler Code For x86 Single CPU systems




Use assembler code suited for single CPU x86 machines. This may improve performance, but your binary will not function properly on SMP systems. If you specify this for a non x86 architecture the binary will not run at all. If you wonder about the purpose of assembler code in a mediaserver application: we need it for atomic operations that are required for reference counting. The pthread library will be used as a fallback for other architectures, but can also be forced by a designated configure option. This however, will have the worst performance.

By default x86 SMP code will be used on x86 systems - it will reliably work on both SMP and single CPU systems, but will not be as fast as the atomic-x86-single option on uniprocessor machines.

3.2.8. Use Pthread Code For Atomic Operations



auto detect

This is the default setting for non x86 architectures, we may add assembler optimizations for other architectures as well, but currently only x86 optimizations are available. This option may also be safely used on x86 machines - the drawback is poor performance, compared to assembler optimized code.

3.2.9. Enable SIGHUP Handling


This option turns on SIGHUP handling, every time a SIGHUP is caught we will attempt to restart the server and reread the configuration file. By default this feature is enabled for x86 platforms, but is disabled for others. We discovered that MediaTomb will not cleanly restart on ARM based systems, investigations revealed that this is somehow related to an unclean libupnp shutdown. This will be fixed in a later release.


auto detect

3.2.10. X_MS_MediaReceiverRegistrar Support




This option will enable the compilation and support of the X_MS_MediaReceiverRegistrar UPnP service, this was implemented for future Xbox 360 support. If you have a renderer that requires this service, you can safely enable it. It will always return true to IsValidated and IsAuthorized requests.


eventhough this service is implemented there is still no Xbox 360 support
in MediaTomb, more work needs to be done.

3.2.11. Playstation 3 Support




This option allows to send additional information in the protocolInfo attribute, this will enable MP3 and MPEG4 playback for the Playstation 3, but may also be useful to some other renderers.


allthough compiled in, this feature is disabled in configuration by

3.2.12. Fseeko Check




This is a workaround for a bug in some Debian distributions, disable this check if you know that your system has large file support, but configure fails to detect it.

3.2.13. Largefile Support




By default largefile support will be auto detected by configure, however you can disable it if you do not want it or if you experience problems with it on your system.

3.2.14. Redefinition Of Malloc And Realloc




Autoconf may redefine malloc and realloc functions to rpl_malloc and rpl_realloc, usually this will happen if the autotools think that you are compiling against a non GNU C library. Since malloc and realloc may behave different on other systems, this gives us the opportunity to write wrapper functions to handle special cases. However, this redefinition may get triggered when cross compiling, even if you are compiling against the GNU C lib. If this is the case, you can use this option to disable the redefinition.

3.2.15. SQLite Support




The SQLite database is very easy in installation and use, you do not have to setup any users, permissions, etc. A database file will be simply created as specified in the MediaTomb configuration. At least SQLite version 3 is required.

3.2.16. MySQL Support




MySQL is a very powerful database, however it requires some additional setup. You will find information on how to setup MediaTomb with MySQL in the Installation section.

3.2.17. SpiderMonkey LibJS Support




SpiderMonkey is Mozilla's JavaScript engine, it plays a very important role in MediaTomb. We use it to create a nice virtual container layout based on the metadata that is extracted from your media. We also allow the user to create custom import scripts, so everyone has the possibility to adapt the layout to ones personal needs. Read more about this in the installation section.

The main problem with this library is, that it is called differently on various distributions and that it is installed in different locations. For example, it is called js on Fedora, but is available under the name of smjs on Debian. If configure fails to find your js headers and libraries you can point it to the desired locations (see options below).

3.2.18. Filemagic Support




This library determines the file type and provides us with the appropriate mime type information. It is very important to correctly determine the mime type of your media - this information will be sent to your renderer. Based on the mime type information, the renderer will decide if it can play/display the particular file or not. If auto detection returns strange mime types, you may want to do a check using the 'file' command (the 'file' package must be installed on your system). Assuming that you want to check somefile.avi enter the following in your terminal:

$ file -i somefile.avi

This will print the detected mime type, this is exactly the information that we use in MediaTomb. You can override auto detection by defining appropriate file extension to mime type mappings in your configuration file. You can also edit the mime type information of an imported object manually via the web UI.

3.2.19. Id3lib Support



disabled, used if taglib is not available

This library will parse id3 tags of your MP3 files, the gathered information will be saved in the database and provided via UPnP. Further, the gathered metadata will be used by the import script to create a nice container layout (Audio/Artist/Album, etc.)

3.2.20. Taglib Support



enabled, preffered over id3lib

This library will parse id3 tags of your MP3 files as well as information provided with flac files. It claims to be faster than id3lib, but it also seems to have some drawbacks. We had some cases where it crashed when trying to parse tags of certain MP3 files on embedded systems, we had reports and observed that it had problems parsing the sample rates. We also did some valgrinding and detected memory leaks. Our feeling is, that you will have more stable results with id3lib, however it is up to you to enable or disable this library. By default id3lib will be taken if both libraries are present on the system.

3.2.21. Libexif Support




The exif library will gather metadata from your photos, it will also find exif thumbnails which are created automatically by most digital camera models. The gathered data will be used by the import script, the thumbnails will be offered as additional resources via UPnP.

3.2.22. Libextractor Support




Libextractor is a library that attempts to parse all sorts of files, this includes exif data, id3 tags and much more. It can also deal with .AVI and .ASF files which is useful when your video files have the appropriate metadata. The drawback is - it is slow, especially slow on scanning big video files, so it slows down the import process considerably. For this reason this library is disabled by default.

3.2.23. Inotify Support




Inotify is a kernel mechanism that allows monitoring of filesystem events. You need this if you want to use the Inotify Autoscan mode, contrary to the Timed mode which recsans given directories in specified intervals, Inotify mode will immedeately propagate changes in monitored directories on the filesystem to the database.

If you do not specify this option configure will check if inotify works on the build system and compile it in only if the check succeeds. If you specify this option, the functionality will be compiled in even if the build system does not support inotify - the availability of inotify will then be checked at server runtime.

3.2.24. YouTube Service Support




This option enabled support of the YouTube service, it allows to gather information about content on the YouTube site and offers the content via UPnP, thus enabling you to watch your favorite YouTube videos on your UPnP player device. The feature only makes sense in combination with transcoding, since most devices do not support playback of flv files natively.

3.2.25. External Transcoding




3.2.26. Sqlite Backup Defaults




Enables backup option for sqlite as the default setting, might be useful for NAS builds.

3.2.27. Curl



enabled if external transcoding or YouTube features are turned on

It only makes sense to enable the curl library if YouTube and External Transcoding are turned on. YouTube requires curl, but it's optional for External Transcoding.

3.2.28. Ffmpeg Support




Currently the ffmpeg library is used to extract additional information from audio and video files. It is also capable of reading out the tag information from theora content. It is not yet used for transcoding, so this feature only gathers additional metadata.

3.2.29. Ffmpeg Thumbnailer Support




Compiling with ffmpegthumbnailer support is only possible if you also compile with ffmpeg support. The library allows to generate thumbnails for the videos on the fly.

3.2.30. MediaTomb Debug Output




This option enables debug output, the server will print out a lot of information which is mainly interesting to developers. Use this if you are trying to trace down a bug or a problem, the additional output may give you some clues.

3.2.31. UPnP Library Debug Output




This option enables debug output of the UPnP SDK. You should not need it under normal circumstances.

3.2.32. Log Output




This option allows you to suppress all log output from the server.

3.2.33. Debug Log Output



This option allows you to compile the server with debug messages. If enabled, switching between verbose and normal output during runtime becomes possible.

3.2.34. Package Search Directory



/opt/local/ on Darwin, /usr/local/ on all other systems

Some systems may have whole sets of packages installed in an alternative location, for example Darwinports on OSX get installed to /opt/local/. This option tells the configure script to additionally search for headers and libraries of various packages in DIR/include and DIR/lib.

3.2.35. Specifying Header And Library Locations Of Various Packages

You can specify the exact location of particular headers and libraries. Some packages use extra programs that tell us the appropriate flags that are needed for compilation - like mysql_config. You can also specify the exact location of those programs. The parameters are self explanatory, in case of headers and libraries the DIR parameter is the directory where those headers and libraries are located.

--with-sqlite3-h=DIR search for sqlite3 headers only in DIR --with-sqlite3-libs=DIR search for sqlite3 libraries only in DIR --with-mysql-cfg=mysql_config absolute path/name of mysql_config --with-js-h=DIR search for js (spidermonkey) headers in DIR --with-js-libs=DIR search for js (spidermonkey) libraries in DIR --with-libmagic-h=DIR search for filemagic headers in DIR --with-libmagic-libs=DIR search for filemagic headers in DIR --with-libexif-h=DIR search for libexif headers in DIR --with-libexif-libs=DIR search for libexif libraries in DIR --with-expat-h=DIR search for expat headers in DIR --with-expat-libs=DIR search for expat libraries in DIR --with-taglib-cfg=taglib-config absolute path/name of taglib-config --with-id3lib-h=DIR search for id3lib headers in DIR --with-id3lib-libs=DIR search for id3lib libraries in DIR --with-zlib-h=DIR search for zlib headers in DIR --with-zlib-libs=DIR search for zlib libraries in DIR --with-inotify-h=DIR search for inotify header in DIR --with-iconv-h=DIR search for iconv headers in DIR/sys --with-iconv-libs=DIR search for iconv libraries in DIR --with-libextractor-h=DIR search for extractor headers in DIR --with-libextractor-libs=DIR search for extractor libraries in DIR --with-ffmpeg-h=DIR search for ffmpeg headers in DIR --with-ffmpeg-libs=DIR search for ffmpeg libraries in DIR --with-ffmpegthumbnailer-h=DIR search for ffmpegthumbnailer headers in DIR --with-ffmpegthumbnailer-libs=DIR search for ffmpegthumbnailer libraries in DIR --with-curl-cfg=curl-config absolute path/name of curl-config script --with-libmp4v2-h=DIR search for libmp4v2 headers in DIR --with-libmp4v2-libs=DIR search for libmp4v2 libraries in DIR --with-rt-libs=DIR search for rt libraries in DIR --with-pthread-libs=DIR search for pthread libraries in DIR

3.2.36. The devconf Script

If you are doing some development work and some debugging, you will probably want to compile with the -g flag and also disable optimization. The devconf script does exactly that. In addition, it accepts command line parameters that are passed to the configure script.

  1. Initial Installation

4.1. Network Setup

Some systems require a special setup on the network interface. If MediaTomb exits with UPnP Error -117, or if it does not respond to M-SEARCH requests from the renderer (i.e. MediaTomb is running, but your renderer device does not show it) you should try the following settings (the lines below assume that MediaTomb is running on a Linux machine, on network interface eth1):

route add -net netmask eth1

ifconfig eth1 allmulti

Those settings will be applied automatically by the init.d startup script.

You should also make sure that your firewall is not blocking port UDP port 1900 (required for SSDP) and UDP/TCP port of MediaTomb. By default MediaTomb will select a free port starting with 49152, however you can specify a port of your choice in the configuration file.

4.2. First Time Launch

When starting MediaTomb for the first time, a .mediatomb directory will be created in your home. Further, a default server configuration file, called config.xml will be generated in that directory.

4.2.1. Using Sqlite Database

If you are using sqlite - you are ready to go, the database file will be created automatically and will be located ~/.mediatomb/mediatomb.db If needed you can adjust the database file name and location in the server configuration file.

4.2.2. Using MySQL Database

If MediaTomb was compiled with support for both databases, sqlite will be chosen as default because the initial database can be created and used without any user interaction. If MediaTomb was compiled only with MySQL support, the appropriate config.xml file will be created in the ~/.mediatomb directory, but the server will then terminate, because user interaction is required.

MediaTomb has to be able to connect to the MySQL server and at least the (empty) database has to exist. To create the database and provide MediaTomb with the ability to connect to the MySQL server you need to have the appropriate permissions. Note that user names and passwords in MySQL have nothing to do with UNIX accounts, MySQL has it's own user names/passwords. Connect to the MySQL database as "root" or any other user with the appropriate permissions:

$ mysql [-u ] [-p]

(You'll probably need to use "-u" to specify a different MySQL user and "-p" to specify a password.)

Create a new database for MediaTomb: (substitute "" with the name of the database)


(You can also use "mysqladmin" instead.)

Give MediaTomb the permissions to access the database:

mysql> GRANT ALL ON .* TO ''@'' IDENTIFIED BY '';

If you don't want to set a password, omit "IDENTIFIED BY .." completely. You could also use the MySQL "root" user with MediaTomb directly, but this is not recommended.

To create a database and a user named "mediatomb" (who is only able to connect via "localhost") without a password (the defaults) use:

mysql> CREATE DATABASE mediatomb; mysql> GRANT ALL ON mediatomb.* TO 'mediatomb'@'localhost';

If MediaTomb was compiled with database auto creation the tables will be created automatically during the first startup. All table names have a "mt_" prefix, so you can theoretically share the database with a different application. However, this is not recommended.

If database auto creation wasn't compiled in (configure was run with the "--disable-db-autocreate" or zlib.h was not available) you have to create the tables manually:

$ mysql [-u ] [-p] \

< \ /share/mediatomb/mysql.sql After creating the database and making the appropriate changes in your MediaTomb config file you are ready to go - launch the server, and everything should work. 5. Command Line Options There is a number of options that can be passed via command line upon server start up, for a short summary you can invoke MediaTomb with the following parameter: $ mediatomb --help Note: the command line options override settings in the configuration file! 5.1. IP Address --ip or -i The server will bind to the given IP address, currently we can not bind to multiple interfaces so binding to will not be possible. 5.2. Interface --interface or -e Interface to bind to, for example eth0, this can be specified instead of the ip address. 5.3. Port --port or -p Specify the server port that will be used for the web user interface, for serving media and for UPnP requests, minimum allowed value is 49152. If this option is omitted a default port will be chosen, however, in this case it is possible that the port will change upon server restart. 5.4. Configuration File --config or -c By default MediaTomb will search for a file named "config.xml" in the ~ /.mediatomb directory. This option allows you to specify a config file by the name and location of your choice. The file name must be absolute. 5.5. Daemon Mode --daemon or -d Run the server in background, MediaTomb will shutdown on SIGTERM, SIGINT and restart on SIGHUP. 5.6. Home Directory --home or -m Specify an alternative home directory. By default MediaTomb will try to retrieve the users home directory from the environment, then it will look for a .mediatomb directory in users home. If .mediatomb was found we will try to find the default configuration file (config.xml), if not found we will create both, the .mediatomb directory and the default config file. This option is useful in two cases: when the home directory can not be retrieved from the environment (in this case you could also use -c to point MediaTomb to your configuration file or when you want to create a new configuration in a non standard location (for example, when setting up daemon mode). In the latter case you can combine this parameter with the parameter described in Section 5.7, "Config Directory" 5.7. Config Directory --cfgdir or -f The default configuration directory is combined out of the users home and the default that equals to .mediatomb, this option allows you to override the default directory naming. This is useful when you want to setup the server in a nonstandard location, but want that the default configuration to be written by the server. 5.8. Write PID File --pidfile or -P Specify a file that will hold the server process ID, the filename must be absolute. 5.9. Run Under Different User Name --user or -u Run MediaTomb under the specified user name, this is especially useful in combination with the daemon mode. 5.10. Run Under Different Group --group or -g Run MediaTomb under the specified group, this is especially useful in combination with the daemon mode. 5.11. Add Content --add or -a Add the specified directory or file name to the database without UI interaction. The path must be absolute, if path is a directory then it will be added recursively. If path is a file, then only the given file will be imported. 5.12. Log To File --logfile or -l Do not output log messages to stdout, but redirect everything to a specified file. 5.13. Debug Output --debug or -D Enable debug log output. 5.14. Compile Info --compile-info Print the configuration summary (used libraries and enabled features) and exit. 5.15. Version Information --version Print version information and exit. 5.16. Display Command Line Summary --help or -h Print a summary about the available command line options. 6. Configuration File MediaTomb is highly configurable and allows the user to set various options and preferences that define the servers behavior. Rather than enforcing certain features upon the user, we prefer to offer a number of choices where possible. The heart of MediaTomb configuration is the config.xml file, which is located in the ~/.mediatomb directory. If the configuration file is not found in the default location and no configuration was specified on the command line, MediaTomb will generate a default config.xml file in the ~/.mediatomb directory. The file is in the XML format and can be edited by a simple text editor, here is the list of all available options: * "Required" means that the server will not start if the tag is missing in the configuration. * "Optional" means that the tag can be left out of the configuration file. The root tag of MediaTomb configuration is: 6.1. Server Settings These settings define the server configuration, this includes UPnP behavior, selection of database, accounts for the UI as well as installation locations of shared data. Required This section defines the server configuration parameters. Child tags: * 0 Optional Default: 0 (automatic) Specifies the port where the server will be listening for HTTP requests. Note, that because of the implementation in the UPnP SDK only ports above 49152 are supported. The value of zero means, that a port will be automatically selected by the SDK. * Optional Default: ip of the first available interface. Specifies the IP address to bind to, by default one of the available interfaces will be selected. * eth0 Optional Default: first available interface. Specifies the interface to bind to, by default one of the available interfaces will be selected. * MediaTomb Optional Default: MediaTomb Server friendly name, you will see this on your devices that you use to access the server. * Optional Default: This tag sets the manufacturer URL of a UPnP device, a custom setting may be necessary to trick some renderers in order to enable special features that otherwise are only active with the vendor implemented server. * MediaTomb Optional Default: MediaTomb This tag sets the model name of a UPnP device, a custom setting may be necessary to trick some renderers in order to enable special features that otherwise are only active with the vendor implemented server. * 0.9.0 Optional Default: MediaTomb version This tag sets the model number of a UPnP device, a custom setting may be necessary to trick some renderers in order to enable special features that otherwise are only active with the vendor implemented server. * 1 Optional Default: 1 This tag sets the serial number of a UPnP device. * 80/index.html Optional Default: "/" The presentation URL defines the location of the servers user interface, usually you do not need to change this however, vendors who want to ship our server along with their NAS devices may want to point to the main configuration page of the device. Attributes: o append-to=... Optional Default: "none" The append-to attribute defines how the text in the presentationURL tag should be treated. The allowed values are: append-to="none" Use the string exactly as it appears in the presentationURL tag. append-to="ip" Append the string specified in the presentationURL tag to the ip address of the server, this is useful in a dynamic ip environment where you do not know the ip but want to point the URL to the port of your web server. append-to="port" Append the string specified in the presentationURL tag to the server ip and port, this may be useful if you want to serve some static pages using the built in web server. * Required Default: automatically generated if the tag is empty Unique Device Name, according to the UPnP spec it must be consistent throughout reboots. You can fill in something yourself, but we suggest that you leave this tag empty - it will be filled out and saved automatically after the first launch of the server. * /home/your_user_name/.mediatomb Required Default: ~/.mediatomb Server home - the server will search for the data that it needs relative to this directory - basically for the sqlite database file. The mediatomb.html bookmark file will also be generated in that directory. * /usr/share/mediatomb/web Required Default: depends on the installation prefix that is passed to the configure script. Root directory for the web server, this is the location where device description documents, UI html and js files, icons, etc. are stored. * /home/myuser/mystuff Optional Default: empty (disabled) Files from this directory will be served as from a regular web server. They do not need to be added to the database, but they are also not served via UPnP browse requests. Directory listing is not supported, you have to specify full paths. Example: the file something.jar is located in /home/myuser/mystuff/javasubdir/ something.jar on your filesystem. Your ip address is, the server is running on port 50500. Assuming the above configuration you could download it by entering this link in your web browser: http:// * 180 Optional Default: 180, this is according to the UPnP specification. Interval for broadcasting SSDP:alive messages * Optional Default: no Adds specific tags to the protocolInfo attribute, this is required to enable MP3 and MPEG4 playback on Playstation 3. * Optional Default: no Enabling this option will make the PC-Directory container invisible for UPnP devices. Note: independent of the above setting the container will be always visible in the web UI! * /tmp/ Optional Default: /tmp/ Selects the temporary directory that will be used by the server. * mediatomb.html Optional Default: mediatomb.html The bookmark file offers an easy way to access the user interface, it is especially helpful when the server is not configured to run on a fixed port. Each time the server is started, the bookmark file will be filled in with a redirect to the servers current IP address and port. To use it, simply bookmark this file in your browser, the default location is ~ /.mediatomb/mediatomb.html * Optional This section holds the user defined HTTP headers that will be added to all HTTP responses that come from the server. Child tags: o ... Optional Specify a header to be added to the response. If you have a DSM-320 use to fix the .AVI playback problem. * Optional Default: disabled This will limit title and description length of containers and items in UPnP browse replies, this feature was added a s workaround for the TG100 bug which can only handle titles no longer than 100 characters. A negative value will disable this feature, the minimum allowed value is "4" because three dots will be appended to the string if it has been cut off to indicate that limiting took place. * Optional This section defines various user interface settings. WARNING! The server has an integrated filesystem browser, that means that anyone who has access to the UI can browse your filesystem (with user permissions under which the server is running) and also download your data! If you want maximum security - disable the UI completely! Account authentication offers simple protection that might hold back your kids, but it is not secure enough for use in an untrusted environment! Note: since the server is meant to be used in a home LAN environment the UI is enabled by default and accounts are deactivated, thus allowing anyone on your network to connect to the user interface. Attributes: o enabled=... Optional Default: yes Enables ("yes") or disables ("no") the web user interface. o show-tooltips=... Optional Default: yes This setting specifies if icon tooltips should be shown in the web UI. o poll-interval=... Optional Default: 2 The poll-interval is an integer value which specifies how often the UI will poll for tasks. The interval is specified in seconds, only values greater than zero are allowed. o poll-when-idle=... Optional Default: no The poll-when-idle attribute influences the behavior of displaying current tasks: - when the user does something in the UI (i.e. clicks around) we always poll for the current task and will display it - if a task is active, we will continue polling in the background and update the current task view accordingly - when there is no active task (i.e. the server is currently idle) we will stop the background polling and only request updates upon user actions, but not when the user is idle (i.e. does not click around in the UI) Setting poll-when-idle to "yes" will do background polling even when there are no current tasks; this may be useful if you defined multiple users and want to see the tasks the other user is queuing on the server while you are actually idle. The tasks that are monitored are: - adding files or directories - removing items or containers - automatic rescans Child tags: o Optional This section holds various account settings. Attributes: - enabled=... Optional Default: yes Specifies if accounts are enabled ("yes") or disabled ("no"). - session-timeout=... Optional Default: 30 The session-timeout attribute specifies the timeout interval in minutes. The server checks every five minutes for sessions that have timed out, therefore in the worst case the session times out after session-timeout + 5 minutes. Accounts can be defined as shown below: - .... Optional There can be multiple users, however this is mainly a feature for the future. Right now there are no per-user permissions. o Optional Default: 25 This sets the default number of items per page that will be shown when browsing the database in the web UI. The values for the items per page drop down menu can be defined in the following manner: - Default: 10, 25, 50, 100 Note: this list must contain the default value, i.e. if you define a default value of 25, then one of the