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Think Distributed: The Distributed Systems Podcast
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Think Distributed: The Distributed Systems Podcast

Getting Started

This website uses Middleman.

Add an episode

Episodes are written in HAML with Markdown filters.

The title and heading are written in markdown like so:

  # Consensus

  A discussion about the problem of consensus in distributed computing, focusing on the Raft algorithm developed by Diego Ongaro and John Ousterhout at Stanford University.

Then the embed links for SoundCloud and Youtube (HTML is valid HAML so it's fine to just cut and paste):

<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src=";color=2489a5&amp;auto_play=false&amp;theme_color=f0f0f0&amp;sharing=true "></iframe>

<iframe class="youtube-player" src=";color=ffffff&amp;rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>

NOTE: You should add &amp;color=2489a5&amp;auto_play=false&amp;theme_color=f0f0f0&amp;sharing=true to the Soundcloud embed URL and ?showinfo=0&amp;color=ffffff&amp;rel=0 to the Youtube embed URL.

Next, you add the panelists. Currently I have them stored in an array, where each panelist is a hash with a name, title, and twitter. Each hash is then rendered with a panel_member partial:

%h2 Panel
- panel = [{:name=> "Christopher Meiklejohn", :title=> "Software Engineer at Basho Technologies", :twitter=>"cmeik"}, {:name=> "Justin Sheehy", :title=> "CTO at Basho Technologies", :twitter=>"justinsheehy"}, {:name=> "Peter Bailis", :title=> "Graduate Student at UC Berkeley", :twitter=>"pbailis"}, {:name=> "Diego Ongaro", :title=> "Graduate Student at Stanford University", :twitter=>"ongardie"}, {:name=> "Andrew Stone", :title=> "Software Engineer at Basho Technologies", :twitter=>"andrew_j_stone"}]

  - panel.each do |member|
    = partial "layouts/panel_member", :locals=>{:member => member}

N.B. We'll need to add photo to this as well. And potential abstract it out further to avoid redundancy

Lastly, show notes are listed under a markdown filter:

  ## Show Notes

  * [Consensus (computer science)](
  * [Impossibility of Distributed Consensus with One Faulty Process](
  * [Paxos (computer science)](
  * [Apache Zookeeper](