cmichaelgraham / aurelia-typescript

A starter kit for working with the Aurelia TypeScript type definitions
MIT License
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aurelia.d.ts change for framework/logging (LogManager) relationship #15

Closed michaelsg closed 9 years ago

michaelsg commented 9 years ago

Is there a master aurelia.d.ts against which you would like a PR? Or I could put my changes into one of the VS/TS solutions (skel?) and share it that way.

I see you are trying a process to generate the file - so are manual updates even something you are interested in?

cmichaelgraham commented 9 years ago

hi @michaelsg - definitely interested in manual updates while we figure out the automated process.

for the PR, you can modify the aurelia.d.ts in the root folder of the repo. i'll copy it into each of the samples as i test them out with the changes :smile:

michaelsg commented 9 years ago

It seems I actually started with aurelia-mod.d.ts. It was newer and seemed to be more complete - right after the 0.10.0 release. PR that one or the original?

cmichaelgraham commented 9 years ago

can you PR the original and include the updates from aurelia-mod.d.ts?