A starter kit for working with the Aurelia TypeScript type definitions
Why didn't this repo get updated for so long? Glad you asked. What a battle !! Took me 8 weeks to find it, and it ended up being a single line of code. At some point in the development process, I started pre-loading the aurelia libraries. When the aurelia-pal and aurelia-pal-browser were introduced, I added them near the end of the loading process. This turned out to be the wrong order. It turns out pre-loading isn't needed. Once I removed the line of code that initiated the pre-load process, everything started working again.
Why don't the samples use JSPM & SystemJS ??? Another common question. Over two years ago, I was tasked with porting a large Microsoft Silverlight application to a pure web stack. Because I've spent my career (since 1987) working to build oil and gas information systems, and because these companies rely on ESRI for mapping, and because that large silverlight app used ESRI heavily, I was searching for a solution that embraced the ESRI JavaScript API technology stack. This meant finding a SPA that could use dojo for its module loader. Aurelia turned out to be the answer. The brilliant Rob Eisenberg said: "sure, i can support that module loader in parallel with jspm and systemjs". Don't underestimate the significance of this. This code, like all the code in Aurelia is beautiful, elegant, orthogonal, modular, and to me is a work of art. So dojo implements the requirejs spec for AMD module loading. And with that, we are off to the races :smile: :thumbsup:
The 3d mapping coming next is going to blow your mind :sparkles:
Anyway, the goal of the Aurelia-TypeScript project is to help you quickly get started using Aurelia and TypeScript and then to help you rapidly expand your expertise building systems with Aurelia and TypeScript.
As part of this effort, documentation for the samples, IDEs, and other notes can now be found in one consolidated location.
The Aurelia repositories now include type information as part of the .js
source code. This type information is extracted during the repo build process to automatically generate a .d.ts
file (for each repo).
For example, Aurelia Framework's .d.ts
file can be found here: aurelia-framework.d.ts.
All of the samples use the TypeScript 1.5.3 release.
In addition, the Visual Studio samples have been verified using the release of Visual Studio 2015.
As always, feel free to look me up and thanks for your interest in Aurelia and TypeScript :)
filesPeriodically, I round up the .d.ts
files when I make new AMD bundles. Those files can be found here. (Please go to the individual Aurelia repositories for the latest, up-to-date versions).
This library works with the Aurelia platform.
To keep up to date on Aurelia, please visit and subscribe to the official blog. If you have questions, we invite you to join us on our Gitter Channel.
includes bonus aurelia view & view model with a basic esri map
TypeScript 1.5 is included in this install.
TypeScript 1.5 is included in this install.
TypeScript 1.5 is included in this install.
git bash
foldernpm install
gulp watch
skel-nav-require-webstorm-ts documentation.
the project is already setup with file watcher but you can follow the full instruction here to add TypeScript file watcher webstorm typescript file watcher
TypeScript 1.5 is included in this install.
@PWKad Samples Illustrate:
TypeScript 1.5 is included in this install.
open git bash shell
install node.js
install bower
change to aurelia-require-bundle
get the latest aurelia libraries
run bower install
have a look at the bundling dependencies
bundle the files for development
run node r.js -o name=aurelia-bundle-manifest baseUrl=. mainConfigFile=main-config.js out=aurelia-bundle.js optimize=none
bundle the files for production (minified)
run node r.js -o name=aurelia-bundle-manifest baseUrl=. mainConfigFile=main-config.js out=aurelia-bundle.min.js
TypeScript 1.5 is included in this install.
TypeScript 1.5 is included in this install.
Code Sandbox has code that Illustrates:
TypeScript 1.5 is included in this install.
TypeScript 1.5 is included in this install.
work is underway to address browser support for the solutions in this repo. this table will be updated as enhancements are made and support is validated. see also issue #7
Solution | Chrome | Firefox | IE11 | IE10 | IE9 |
aurelia-vs-ts | :white_check_mark: | :memo: | :memo: | :memo: | :memo: |
code-sandbox | :white_check_mark: | :memo: | :memo: | :memo: | :memo: |
multi-level-menu | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: | :memo: | :memo: | :memo: |
pwkad-aurelia-samples | :white_check_mark: | :memo: | :memo: | :memo: | :memo: |
skel-nav-esri-gulp | :white_check_mark: | :memo: | :memo: | :memo: | :memo: |
skel-nav-esri-vs-ts | :white_check_mark: | :memo: | :memo: | :memo: | :memo: |
skel-nav-require-vs-ts | :white_check_mark: | :memo: | :memo: | :memo: | :memo: |
todo-require-vs-ts | :white_check_mark: | :memo: | :memo: | :memo: | :memo: |
Solution | Telerik Simulator | Samsung Note 4 |
skel-nav-esri-vs-ts-telerik | :memo: | :memo: |
code used to copy the samples to cmichaelgraham gh-pages. includes the recipe for following the same pattern in your own world.
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