cmkimber / bikeshare-to

Bike Share Toronto Analysis and Reports
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Bike Share Toronto Data Analysis

About This Project

This repository is to contain a series of reports and associated code for an analysis of usage data from Bike Share Toronto, a publicly owned bike sharing service in Toronto, ON, Canada. The data is provided freely by the City of Toronto on their Open Data Portal. This analysis is in no way associated with the City of Toronto or Bike Share Toronto.

The aims of these reports are twofold:

The intention is for this series of reports to be published as blog posts on LinkedIn, but they are also readable in this repo along with the underlying code.

In addition, there is an interactive web application in development that allows for exploration of a subset of the data used in the reports (from 2022). The application focuses on spatial aspects of the service in particular. At the moment, the web application is unfortunately not hosted online, as it is too memory-intensive for a free tier instance and requires packages which are not available in I am working on a solution for hosting currently. Find the current web app code within this repo here and view an animated walkthrough of the app here.


Limitations to Public Data

There are inherent limitations to working with the public data provided by the City of Toronto. First and foremost, there is no data on individual users available, even in anonymized form. Secondly, financial data is not associated with the dataset at all. Thirdly, the City of Toronto only provides data on bike share stations at the present time, rather than across all years of data available. This can limit or complicate the interpretation of historical spatial data. Nevertheless, there is still a lot of interesting potential in this dataset to explore and to use as a vehicle for testing data analysis tools.

The Authors

At the moment, I (Chris) am responsible for the code and the report writing. Amanda Xuereb and Andy Wong have been collaborative brainstorming and editing partners and may well contribute coding in future reports.