cmoog / vscode-sql-notebook

Open SQL files as VSCode Notebooks.
MIT License
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Add support to export to a standard format #23

Open hernanparra opened 2 years ago

hernanparra commented 2 years ago

Be able to export a notebook with results as HTML or RICH TEXT or something I can send by email to a non-technical user.

cmoog commented 2 years ago

If I understand this correctly, the goal would be to share a document with a non-technical user that contains the query and its associated output?

I like the idea of a plain/rich text export with the query output formatted as plaintext tables underneath the queries.

hernanparra commented 2 years ago

Exactly. Give the user something he can read and if needed copy & paste one result grid into a spreedsheet to work on it.

bucweat commented 1 year ago

Gonna throw this out there…if you used markdown it could be rendered to pretty much anything else using Pandoc. I believe this is how other “notebook” apps achieve the various output formats. As a for example, RMarkdown…