cms-L1TK / firmware-hls

HLS implementation of the tracklet pattern reco modules of the Hybrid tracking chain
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firmware-hls : HLS implementation of the hybrid L1 track firmware

Repo directory contents:

Most of the following directions will reference Vivado HLS and the corresponding vivado_hls command. You may use Vitis HLS instead by replacing all of the vivado_hls commands with vitis_hls.

An HLS project can be generated by running tcl file with Vivado/Vitis HLS in firmware-hls/project/ directory. e.g. To do so for the ProjectionRouter:

    vivado_hls -f script_PR.tcl

This would create a project directory \ ("projrouter" in case of the above example). The project name is defined in the tcl script. To open the project in GUI:

    vivado_hls -p <project>

Running chains (illustrated for IR to TB skinny chain)

1) cd IntegrationTests/ReducedConfig/IRtoTB/script/ 2) make -j $(nproc) Work (makes HLS IP cores; run as many jobs as you have CPU cores). 3) vivado -mode batch -source runSim.tcl (runs Vivado simulation, which writes data output from chain to dataOut/.txt). 4) python ../../../common/script/ -p -s (compares .txt files in emData and dataOut/ writing comparison to dataOut/_cmp.txt. Uses Python 3.). 5) make Work/Work.runs/synth_1 (runs synthesis, writes utilization & timing reports to current directory). 6) make Work/Work.runs/impl_1 (runs implementation, writes utilization & timing reports to current directory). N.B. This step is optional, and not required for code validation.

Format of emData/ files.

.dat files (test bench input/output data)

These have test data corresponding to the contents of the memories between algo steps. Their data format is explained in .

e.g. AllStubs.dat contains one row per stub: "stub_number stubcoords(binary)[r|z|phi|...] ditto_but_in_hex"; StubPairs.dat contains one row per stub pair "pair_number stub_index_in_allstubsmem(binary)[innerLayer|outerLayer] ditto_but_in_hex.

File naming convention: "L3" or "D5" indicate barrel or disk number; "PHIC" indicates 3rd course phi division given layer of nonant.

Some of the files are large, so not stored directly in git. These are automatically downloaded when any of the scripts in the project/ directory are executed within Vivado/Vitis HLS.

.tab and .dat files

These correspond to LUT used internally by the algo steps. The .tab file are in C++ and can be #include and compiled. The .dat files are a list of hex numbers which are easier to read in in hdl.

Corresponding CMSSW L1 track emulation

Full configuration with combined modules

The files that are downloaded by emData/ were created by the CMSSSW L1 track emulation, with the the following recipe (adapted from the L1TrackSoftware TWiki).

cmsrel CMSSW_13_3_0_pre2
cd CMSSW_13_3_0_pre2/src/
git cms-checkout-topic -u cms-L1TK:a2c799d8c30310fef875a722645c0b8bd120061e

A few configuration changes were made in order to output test vectors and lookup tables and adjust truncation. This required editing L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/interface/Settings.h as follows:

--- a/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/interface/Settings.h
+++ b/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/interface/Settings.h
@@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ namespace trklet {

     //IR should be set to 108 to match the FW for the summer chain, but ultimately should be at 156
     std::unordered_map<std::string, unsigned int> maxstep_{
-        {"IR", 156},  //IR will run at a higher clock speed to handle
+        {"IR", 108},  //IR will run at a higher clock speed to handle
                       //input links running at 25 Gbits/s
         //Set to 108 to match firmware project 240 MHz clock

@@ -941,9 +941,9 @@ namespace trklet {
     bool warnNoDer_{false};  //If true will print out warnings about missing track fit derivatives

     //--- These used to create files needed by HLS code.
-    bool writeMem_{false};     //If true will print out content of memories (between algo steps) to files
-    bool writeTable_{false};   //If true will print out content of LUTs to files
-    bool writeConfig_{false};  //If true will print out the autogenerated configuration as files
+    bool writeMem_{true};     //If true will print out content of memories (between algo steps) to files
+    bool writeTable_{true};   //If true will print out content of LUTs to files
+    bool writeConfig_{true};  //If true will print out the autogenerated configuration as files
     std::string memPath_{"../data/MemPrints/"};  //path for writing memories
     std::string tablePath_{"../data/LUTs/"};     //path for writing LUTs

@@ -951,7 +951,7 @@ namespace trklet {
     bool writeVerilog_{false};      //Write out auto-generated Verilog mudules used by TCs
     bool writeHLS_{false};          //Write out auto-generated HLS mudules used by TCs
     bool writeInvTable_{false};     //Write out tables of drinv and invt in tracklet calculator for Verilog module
-    bool writeHLSInvTable_{false};  //Write out tables of drinv and invt in tracklet calculator for HLS module
+    bool writeHLSInvTable_{true};  //Write out tables of drinv and invt in tracklet calculator for HLS module

     unsigned int writememsect_{3};  //writemem only for this sector (note that the files will have _4 extension)

@@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ namespace trklet {
     bool inventStubs_{true};     // invent seeding stub coordinates based on tracklet traj

     // Use combined TP (TE+TC) and MP (PR+ME+MC) configuration (with prompt tracking)
-    bool combined_{false};
+    bool combined_{true};
     // N.B. To use combined modules with extended tracking, edit
     // to refer to *_hourglassExtendedCombined.dat,
     // but leave combined_=false.

Then compilation was done with the usual command:

scram b -j8

The algorithm was set to HYBRID_NEWKF and the maximum number of events was set to 100 in L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/test/

--- a/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/test/
+++ b/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/test/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ GEOMETRY = "D88"
 # 'HYBRID_NEWKF' (baseline, 4par fit, with bit-accurate KF emulation),
 # 'HYBRID_REDUCED' to use the "Summer Chain" configuration with reduced inputs.
 # (Or legacy algos 'TMTT' or 'TRACKLET').


@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ process.GlobalTag = GlobalTag(process.GlobalTag, 'auto:phase2_realistic', '')
 # input and output

-process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(input = cms.untracked.int32(10))
+process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(input = cms.untracked.int32(100))

 #--- To use MCsamples scripts, defining functions get*data*() for easy MC access,
 #--- follow instructions in

Finally, the emulation was run with:

cd L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/test/

Generation of LUTs and MemPrint files for the reduced combined module chain

The steps needed to generate the configurations files for the reduced combined module chains are explained below.

Step 1: Produce the reduced configuration

Copy over the wires.dat, memorymodules.dat, and processingmodules.dat from the full configuration for the reduced modules to the area where you are running the I will assume that the names of these files are cm_wires.dat, cm_processingmodules.dat, and cm_memorymodules.dat.

We have three different reduced combined module configurations:

1) The "CM_Reduced" configuration which is a skinny chain with on TP. To generate the configuation files for this configuration run the command:

./ -w cm_wires.dat -p cm_processingmodules.dat -m cm_memorymodules.dat -s C -o CM_Reduced_ -t TP --no-graph

2) The "CM_Reduced2" configuration which implementes all TP in L1L2 and all barrel MP is L3-L6. To generate this configuration run the command:

./ -w cm_wires.dat -p cm_processingmodules.dat -m cm_memorymodules.dat -s All -o CM_Reduced2_ -t TP --no-graph

3) The "CM_Barrel" configuration which has all barrel TP and MP. To generate the configuation files for this configuration run the commands (removes all disk-related modules):

cat cm_memorymodules.dat | grep -v "D[1234]" > CM_Barrel_memorymodules.dat
cat cm_processingmodules.dat | grep -v "D[1234]" > CM_Barrel_processingmodules.dat
cat cm_wires.dat | grep -v "D[1234]" > CM_Barrel_wires.dat

This should produce the three files

respectively for the different configurations.

Step 2: Run CMSSW to pruduce the test vectors

NOTE - This has been tested in CMSSW_12_6_0_pre5 with the code in the PR #220

Copy the three *.dat files produced in Step 1 for the relevant configuration above to the 'data' directory where you run CMSSW (TrackletTrackFinding/data)

Assuming interface/Settings.h has already been modified as for the full configuration above, modify python/ as follows:

--- a/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/python/
+++ b/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/python/
@@ -13,20 +13,20 @@ l1tTTTracksFromTrackletEmulation = cms.EDProducer("L1FPGATrackProducer",
                                                asciiFileName = cms.untracked.string(""),
                                                FailScenario = cms.untracked.int32(0),
                                                Extended = cms.bool(False),
-                                               Reduced = cms.bool(False),
+                                               Reduced = cms.bool(True),
                                                Hnpar = cms.uint32(4),
                                                # (if running on CRAB use "../../fitpattern.txt" etc instead)
                                                fitPatternFile = cms.FileInPath('L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/data/fitpattern.txt'),
-                                               memoryModulesFile = cms.FileInPath('L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/data/memorymodules_hourglassExtended.dat'),
-                                               processingModulesFile = cms.FileInPath('L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/data/processingmodules_hourglassExtended.dat'),
-                                               wiresFile = cms.FileInPath('L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/data/wires_hourglassExtended.dat'),
+                                               memoryModulesFile = cms.FileInPath('L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/data/CM_Barrel_memorymodules.dat'),
+                                               processingModulesFile = cms.FileInPath('L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/data/CM_Barrel_processingmodules.dat'),
+                                               wiresFile = cms.FileInPath('L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/data/CM_Barrel_wires.dat'),
                                                # Quality Flag and Quality params
                                                TrackQuality = cms.bool(True),
                                                TrackQualityPSet = cms.PSet(TrackQualityParams),
                                                Fakefit = cms.bool(False), # True causes Tracklet reco to output TTTracks before DR & KF
                                                StoreTrackBuilderOutput = cms.bool(False), # if True EDProducts for TrackBuilder tracks and stubs will be filled
                                                RemovalType = cms.string("merge"), # Duplicate track removal
-                                               DoMultipleMatches = cms.bool(True) # Allow tracklet tracks multiple stubs per layer
+                                               DoMultipleMatches = cms.bool(False) # Allow tracklet tracks multiple stubs per layer

 l1tTTTracksFromExtendedTrackletEmulation = l1tTTTracksFromTrackletEmulation.clone(

(and similar for CM_Reduced2 and CM_Barrel configurations)

If the code has already been compiled with scram, and test/ has already been modified as for the full configuration above, then only one additional change is required before running with cmsRun:

--- a/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/test/
+++ b/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/test/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ GEOMETRY = "D88"
 # 'HYBRID_NEWKF' (baseline, 4par fit, with bit-accurate KF emulation),
 # 'HYBRID_REDUCED' to use the "Summer Chain" configuration with reduced inputs.
 # (Or legacy algos 'TMTT' or 'TRACKLET').


After running (cmsRun in the TrackFindingTracklet/test directory copy the configuration files:

cp CM_Reduced_wires.dat LUTs/wires.dat cp CM_Reduced_memorymodules.dat LUTs/memorymodules.dat cp CM_Reduced_processingmodules.dat LUTs/processingmodules.dat

Then create the tarballs:

tar czf MemPrints_CM_Reduced_231205.tgz MemPrints tar czf LUTs_CM_Reduced_231205.tgz LUTs

(and similar for CM_Reduced2 and CM_Barrel)

Continuous Integration (CI)

Purpose: Automatically run SW quality checks and build the HLS projects (csim, csynth, cosim, and export) for a PR to the master.

In order to keep the GitHub repository public we use GitHub Actions and GitLab CI/CD:

Use CI for Personal Branch


Build the tracklet chain in EMP.

Currently the supported chain configurations for EMP builds are:


Quick instructions

Step 1: Setup the work area

First source Xilinx Vivado 2020.1

ipbb init <project name>
cd <project name>
ipbb add git ssh:// -b v0.8.0
ipbb add git -b v2.2.1
ipbb add git -b v2.1
ipbb add git ssh:// -b v0_1_1
ipbb add git -r fda0bcf
ipbb add git -b v1.9
ipbb add git -b v03.09
ipbb add git ssh:// -b v03.10
ipbb add git -b gbt_fpga_6_1_0
ipbb add git -b v.2.1
ipbb add git -b gbt_sc_4_1
ipbb add git

Note: You need to be a member of the cms-tcds2-users egroup in order to clone the cms-tcds2-firmware repository. In order to add yourself to that egroup, go to the "Members" tab of this page, and click on the "Add me" button; you may need to wait ~ 24 hours to get access to the GitLab repo.

cd src/firmware-hls
make -C <EMP build path>/firmware
cd -

Source Xilinx Vivado 2021.2 for the following steps

Vivado/Questa Simulation

Step 2: Create an ipbb project area

Step 3: Simulation

ipbb sim setup-simlib
ipbb sim ipcores
ipbb sim fli-udp
ipbb sim generate-project #(rerun this if you change VHDL)

./run_sim -c -Gsourcefile=<input.txt> -Gsinkfile=<out.txt> -Gplaylen=xyz -Gcaplen=xyz -do 'run 50.0us' -do quit 

where xyz = number of events * 108, where default is 9 events.

where input.txt follows the standard EMP pattern file convention. An input file is provided in ../../src/firmware-hls/<EMP build path>/firmware/mem/in.txt

and start the simulation from GUI (first time will take long).


Step 2: Create an ipbb project area

ipbb proj create vivado apollo firmware-hls:<EMP build path> 'apollo.dep'
cd proj/apollo

Step 3: Compile

Note: Note: For the following commands, you need to ensure that can find & use the gen_ipbus_addr_decode script - e.g. for a standard uHAL installation:

export PATH=/opt/cactus/bin/uhal/tools:$PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/cactus/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
ipbb ipbus gendecoders
ipbb vivado generate-project synth -j8 impl -j8 package