cms-ml / documentation

CMS ML Documentation
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CMS Machine Learning Documentation

Deploy documentation Deploy images

The documentation is located at

It is built with MkDocs using the material theme and support for PyMdown extensions. The pages are deployed with GitHub pages into the gh-pages branch of this repository, built through GitHub actions (see the gh-pages workflow). Images and other binary resources are versioned through Git LFS.

Build and serve locally

You can build the documentation locally via

mkdocs build --strict

which creates a directory site/ containing static HTML pages. To start a server to browse the pages, run

mkdocs serve --dev-addr localhost:8000

and open your webbrowser at http://localhost:8000. By default, all pages are automatically rebuilt and reloaded when a source file is updated.

To avoid installing the dependencies on your local machine, you can also use the dedicated cmsml/documentation docker image. Run

./docker/ build

to build the documentation, and

./docker/ serve [PORT]

to build and start the server process. Just as above, the default port is 8000 and updates of source files will automatically trigger the rebuilding and reloading of pages.
