cmsdaq / DAQExpert

New expert system processing data model produced by DAQAggregator
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Special instructions: run keys #183

Open gladky opened 6 years ago

gladky commented 6 years ago
For the TCDS:
   * For any run mode using the LHC clock: use the <span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;">BxInfoFromDip</span> TCDS run key.
   * For any run mode using the CMS-local clock: use the <span data-mce-mark="1" style="background-color: transparent;">NoBxInfoFromDip</span> TCDS run key.

For all subsystems: use the run keys proposed by the run mode, unless DOCs asked you to use something else.

In case of stable beams they are:

   * PIXEL: N/A
   * TRACKER: default
   * ES: GR_Phys:LowGain-TCDS
   * ECAL: !SelectiveReadout
   * HCAL: N/A
   * HF: N/A
   * DT: N/A
   * RPC: N/A
   * CSC: N/A
   * TCDS: BxInfoFromDip
   * SCAL: N/A
   * TRG: Automatic
   * DQM: pp_run
   * DCS: N/A
gladky commented 6 years ago

We have clock-source in our model but we don't have run-key. The question is whether we want to add this check to DAQExpert or not?

hsakulin commented 6 years ago

We may check the DAQ and TCDS run keys in the expert. I would not do this for the subsystem run keys as they may change at any time on request of the subsystems.

gladky commented 6 years ago

Please confirm:

mommsen commented 6 years ago

Do we really need this check? The run keys should be defined by the run mode. The only case that they could be wrong is when the run mode is set to manual. Maybe we could warn the shifter if the run mode is set to manual during stable beams?

BTW: for DAQ both run keys TIER0_TRANSFER_ON and TIER0_TRANSFER_ON_NOPARKING are valid choices. If we want to check on the DAQ run key, then I would suggest to add a LM which checks that the DAQ run key is not TIER_TRANSFER_OFF during stable beams.

hsakulin commented 6 years ago

I don't know if we really need it (I think also the Level-0 will complain if we run with TIER0_TRANSFER_OFF during stable beams), but it does not hurt to add this check (as proposed by Remi, above).

hsakulin commented 6 years ago

I would add all RUN_KEYs to the model.