DAQExpert is an expert system used in the CMS control room to assist the shifters and automate their chores.
Main motivation is to increase CMS data-taking efficiency. DAQExpert aims to reduce the human error in the operations and minimise the on-call expert demand.
It assists the shift crew and the system experts in recovering from operational faults, streamlining the post mortem analysis and, at the end of Run 2, triggering fully automatic recovery without human intervention.
DAQ Expert analyses the real-time monitoring data originating from the DAQ components and the high-level trigger updated every few seconds. It pinpoints data flow problems, and recovers them automatically or after given operator approval.
It delivers dataflow analysis results in the form what's the problem
+ what's the best action to take
DAQExpert is one of several services of the CMS expert system.
The input data for the DAQExpert is provided by the DAQAggregator.
The Dashboards - the main Control Room GUI presenting output of the DAQExpert - is provided by the NotificationManager.
For the overview of the entire expert system architecture refer to [link to expert system architecture README].
Production deployment of DAQExpert can be accessed within CMS network at http://daq-expert.cms/. Develpment deployment at http://dev-daq-expert.cms/.
Several papers on the DAQExpert service and its operational experience have been published.
You can contribute to the DAQExpert service itself or to its expert logic.
The expert's logic is set of Logic Modules. To contribute add or modify a Logic Module.
Logic Module (abbr. LM) is a building block of DAQExpert expert logic.
Logic Module allows you to focus on one thing: expressing your knowledge about DAQ system operation.
Just return true when your condition is satisfied, and the framework will do the rest (visualize, generate notifications, persist results)