cmu-delphi / epiprocess

Tools for basic signal processing in epidemiology
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This package introduces a common data structure for epidemiological data sets measured over space and time, and offers associated utilities to perform basic signal processing tasks. See the getting started guide and vignettes for examples.


To install (unless you're making changes to the package, use the stable version):

# Stable version

# Dev version

epi_df: snapshot of a data set

The first main data structure in the epiprocess package is called epi_df. This is simply a tibble with a couple of required columns, geo_value and time_value. It can have any other number of columns, which can be seen as measured variables, which we also call signal variables. In brief, an epi_df object represents a snapshot of a data set that contains the most up-to-date values of the signals variables, as of a given time.

By convention, functions in the epiprocess package that operate on epi_df objects begin with epi. For example:

Functions in the package that operate directly on given variables do not begin with epi. For example:

epi_archive: full version history of a data set

The second main data structure in the package is called epi_archive. This is a special class (R6 format) wrapped around a data table that stores the archive (version history) of some signal variables of interest.

By convention, functions in the epiprocess package that operate on epi_archive objects begin with epix (the "x" is meant to remind you of "archive"). These are just wrapper functions around the public methods for the epi_archive R6 class. For example: