cmu-soda / alloy-maxsat-benchmark

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AlloyMax Benchmark

This is the reproduction package of the benchmarks used for the work AlloyMax: Bringing Maximum Satisfaction to Relational Specifications, which will appear in FSE 2021. This package contains AlloyMax executable, the necessary libraries, the models used in the paper, and the scripts for running the benchmark.

System Requirements

AlloyMax requires Java version >= 1.8. Although AlloyMax can run on both Windows and Linux machines, some of the back-end Sat/MaxSAT solvers can only run on Linux. Specifically, we use OpenWBO (to support partitioning) as the MaxSAT solver in our paper, which can only run on Linux. Therefore, we suggest using a Linux machine to reproduce our results.

Also, some models requires a large memory. We suggest using a machine with at least 16GB memory. We ran the benchmarks on a machine with 24GB memory.

In addition, the benchmark scripts require Python 3.8 and numpy. The program has been tested under the following versions of the software:

openjdk version "11.0.8" 2020-07-14
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.8+10-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu120.04)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.8+10-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu120.04, mixed mode, sharing)
Python 3.8.5
numpy  1.19.4

Install Instruction

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.

    cd <download directory>
    git clone
  2. Run AlloyMax

    java -jar bin/org.alloytools.alloy.dist.jar

    You should be able to see the AlloyMax GUI show up on the screen.

Docker Image

In addition, we provide a Docker image. In order to build the Docker image:

cd <download directory>/docker
docker build -t alloymax .

The Docker image takes 2.0GB disk space. Then, to run the docker image:

docker run -p 5900:5900 -it --rm alloymax

The package is downloaded at the root / directory. You can test the benchmarks directly from the command-line interface.

Note for Mac/Windows Users: Docker runs on a virtual machine on Mac/Windows. Thus, the memory is limited to a given number in the setting (2GB by default). You should change it to a larger number (e.g., 16Gb) to avoid memory issues.


You can also run AlloyMax in GUI mode through VNC. In order to connect to the Docker container through VNC, you should install TigerVNC viewer on your host machine: e.g., on Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install tigervnc-viewer

Other systems can follow the instruction on the website of TigerVNC.

To access the container through VNC, first, launch the VNC server from the Docker container:


Then, to connect to the VNC server from your host machine:


Try out AlloyMax (Example in Section 2)

  1. Open AlloyMax in GUI

    java -jar bin/org.alloytools.alloy.dist.jar
  2. Open scripts/course/course_schedule.als

  3. Generate any valid schedule:

    3.1 Select: Options -> Solver -> SAT4J.

    3.2 Select: Execute -> Run AnySchedule.

    3.3 Click on the Instance on the right panel to open the visualizer.

    3.4 In the visualizer, select Theme -> Load Theme -> course/course.thm for simpler visualization.

  4. Generate schedule that maximizes Alice's interests:

    4.1 Select: Options -> Solver -> OpenWBO.

    Note: Right now, OpenWBO only works on amd64 machines. Although SAT4JMax is cross-platform and works for Course problems, it does not work for some other problems (e.g., problems with softno).

    4.2 Select: Execute -> Run MaxInterests1.

    4.3 Repeat 3.3 and 3.4 for visualization.

  5. Generate schedule with hard constraints on time preferences.

    5.1 Select: Execute -> Run WithPrefer. It should show UNSAT.

  6. Generate schedule with soft time preferences.

    6.1 Uncomment Case 4.

    6.2 Select: Execute -> Run WithSoftPrefer.

    Note: comment it out if not using it, it may affect other problems.
  7. Generate schedule with priorities on goals.

    7.1 Uncomment Case 5.

    7.2 Select: Execute -> Run WithSoftPreferAndPrior.

    Note: comment it out if not using it, it may affect other problems.

Reproduce the benchmark results in the paper (Section 6)

We can use the script to run the benchmark. The script allows different options to enable different solving mode. Running python should display:

    -sat            Enumerate all solutions by using SAT
    -maxsat         Find one optimal solution
    -maxsat_all     Find all optimal solutions
    -maxsat_part        Find one optimal solution by using Max-SAT with spec partitioning
    -maxsat_part_auto   Find one optimal solution by using auto partitioning
    -t=<timeout> in seconds
    -r=<repeat>     Number of times to repeat the run
    -m=<model path>
    -from_file      Generate the CNF/WCNF file and then call the solver

Under the folder for each benchmark problem, you can use the and script to reproduce the results from the paper. In additition, the results folder under each problem folder contains the benchmark results from our run.

Note: Alloy generates tmp files to solve problems. You could clean your /tmp directory after running the benchmark.

Note: The following benchmark problems may take a long time to complete.

Course Scheduling (Section 6.2.1)

cd <path>/<to>/<package>/scripts/course

# run AlloyMax benchmark:
python -maxsat -maxsat_part -maxsat_part_auto -t=1800 -r=1 -m=models_20210203/

The output should be like:


where problem refers to the problem name, maxsat_trans refers to the translation time of the problem, maxsat_solve refers to the actual solving time of the MaxSAT solver, part_trans and part_solve refer to the translation time and solving time with spec-based partitioning, and auto_part_trans and auto_part_solve refer to the translation time and solving time with auto-partitioning. All times are in ms.

# run Alloy* benchmark:
python -t=1800 -r=1 -m=alloy_star_models/

Similarly, the output should be like:


where trans refers to the translation time and solve refers to the actual solving time of the backend solver.

Note: The time unit in the output is milliseconds.

CheckMate (Section 6.2.2)

cd <path>/<to>/<package>/scripts/checkmate

# run AlloyMax benchmark:
python -maxsat -maxsat_part -maxsat_part_auto -t=1800 -r=1

Degradation (Section 6.2.3)

cd <path>/<to>/<package>/scripts/degradation

# run AlloyMax benchmark:
python -maxsat -maxsat_part -maxsat_part_auto -t=1800 -r=1 -from_file

It's better to run this benchmark by using the from_file mode; otherwise, it may have memory problems.

Wedding Seating (Section 6.2.4)

cd <path>/<to>/<package>/scripts/seating

# run AlloyMax benchmark:
python -maxsat -maxsat_part -maxsat_part_auto -t=1800 -r=1 -m=models_20210203/

# run Alloy* benchmark:
python -t=1800 -r=1 -m=alloy_star_models/

Single Machine Scheduling (Section 6.2.5)

cd <path>/<to>/<package>/scripts/SMS

# run AlloyMax benchmark:
python -maxsat -maxsat_part -maxsat_part_auto -t=1800 -r=1 -m=models_20210203/

Run Alloy* Problems for SMS in GUI

Known issue: Although we set the same Alloy* solving options, the SMS problems can be solved from the GUI mode but in CLI mode they will have StackOverflow errors. Thus, we manually run the problems in GUI mode to collect the results. See the following commands:

  1. Start Alloy* in GUI mode
    java -jar bin/hola-0.3_2019-03-23.jar
  2. (Optinal) Change the solver to Glucose or Minisat (which only works on Linux/Mac).

    Select Options -> Solver -> Glucose/MiniSat.

  3. Open <path>/<to>/<package>/scripts/SMS/alloy_star_models/<problem>.als
  4. Click Execute to solve the problem.

Running all benchmarks

You can also use the script to run all the benchmark problems at once.

cd <path>/<to>/<package>/scripts

The result of each benchmark run can be found in one_result_max.csv, one_result_maxsat_part.csv (for spec-based partitioning), and one_result_maxsat_part_auto.cvs (for auto-partitioning) in the respective directories.

AlloyMax Source Code

You can also access the source code of AlloyMax from:

This repository is a fork from the original Alloy project. Our modification is on branch maxsat. You can follow the build instruction for Alloy to build AlloyMax.