cncf / devstats-helm

📈DevStats deployment on Kubernetes using Equinix servers and Helm, CoreDNS, containerd, MetalLB, OpenEBS, nginx-ingress, nginx, cert-manager, nfs-server-provisioner.
Apache License 2.0
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# devstats-helm

DevStats deployment on Equinix Ubuntu 20.04 LTS bare metal Kubernetes using Helm.

This is deployed:

Equinix NVMe disks

Installing Kubernetes on bare metal

Feature gates

DevStats labels

Install Helm

Setup per-node local storage

DevStats namespaces


Domain, DNS and Ingress


You need to have domain name pointing to your MetalLB IP before proceeding.

Install SSL certificates using Let's encrypt and auto renewal using cert-manager:

In short:

Golang (optional)


Test instance:

Prod instance:

DevStats deployment examples

See either test/ or prod/


You should set namespace to 'devstats-test' or 'devstats-prod' first: ./ test.

Please provide secret values for each file in ./secrets/*.secret.example saving it as ./secrets/*.secret or specify them from the command line.

Please note that vim automatically adds new line to all text files, to remove it run truncate -s -1 on a saved file.

List of secrets:

You can select which secret(s) should be skipped via: --set skipPGSecret=1,skipGitHubSecret=1,skipGrafanaSecret=1.

You can install only selected templates, see values.yaml for detalis (refer to skipXYZ variables in comments), example:

You can restrict ranges of projects provisioned and/or range of cron jobs to create via:

You can overwrite the number of CPUs autodetected in each pod, setting this to 1 will make each pod single-threaded

You can deploy reports pod (it waits forever) so you can bash into it and generate DevStats reports: --set reportsPod=1. See test/ for details, search for reportsPod.

Please note variables commented out in ./devstats-helm/values.yaml. You can either uncomment them or pass their values via --set variable=name.

Resource types used: secret, pv, pvc, po, cronjob, deployment, svc

To debug provisioning use:


DevStats data sources:









Resource configuration:


Docker images:


Kubernetes dashboard


Adding new projects

See for informations about how to add more projects.

Expired kubectl certificates

If you get Unable to connect to the server: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid error, that means your kubectl certificates have expired.

You can check their expiration date via: kubeadm certs check-expiration.

You can renew them via: kubeadm certs renew all.

Then you need: cp ~/.kube/config ~/.kube/config.2021-12-15; cp /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf ~/.kube/config; cd ~/.kube/, then you need to merge them, especially your config had special contxts - only update cert related data.

For all nodes: sftp user@node-name, then cd .kube, rm config, mput config, mput config.2021-12-15.

Restart all nodes one after another.

Configure containerd data files locations

This should only be done ideally right after the initial installation, otherwise you need to stop all cron-jobs and wait for other tasks to finish, this will render the cluster unusable for a while.

Approach with links

Stop the containerd service: service containerd stop. Assuming that you have an NVMNE volume mounted on /data, do the following:

mkdir /data/run/
mkdir /data/run/containerd/
mkdir /data/var
mkdir /data/var/lib
mkdir /data/var/lib/containerd
mv /run/containerd /run/containerd.old
mkdir /data/run/containerd
ln -s /data/run/containerd /run/containerd
mv /var/lib/containerd/ /var/lib/containerd.old
mkdir /data/var/lib/containerd/
ln -s /data/var/lib/containerd/ /var/lib/containerd

Eventually also kubelet: Stop the kubelet service: service kubelet stop.

mkdir /data/var/lib/kubelet
mv /var/lib/kubelet /var/lib/kubelet.old
ln -s /data/var/lib/kubelet /var/lib/kubelet

Previous (not recommended) approach using alternate directories

Assuming that you have an NVMNE volume mounted on /data, do the following:

mkdir /data/run/
mkdir /data/run/containerd/
mkdir /data/var
mkdir /data/var/lib
mkdir /data/var/lib/containerd

Then edit containerd's config file: vim /etc/containerd/config.toml:

version = 2
root = "/data/var/lib/containerd"
state = "/data/run/containerd"