cncf / sandbox

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[Sandbox] Atlantis #60

Open jamengual opened 10 months ago

jamengual commented 10 months ago

Application contact emails

Project Summary

Terraform Pull Request Automation

Project Description

Atlantis is PR automation application that allows users to create PRs against a repository to run terraform via command comments like atlantis plan/apply/import/unlock. It allows users to interact with terraform commands within the PR and get the output of those commands in the form of PR comments. Users can define project structures, generate policies, autogenerate projects, require review requirements etc. Atlantis supports multiples VCSs Github, Gitlab, BitBucket, Azure Pipelines

Org repo URL (provide if all repos under the org are in scope of the application)

Project repo URL in scope of application

Additional repos in scope of the application

No response

Website URL


Roadmap context

No response

Contributing Guide

Code of Conduct (CoC)


Contributing or Sponsoring Org

No response

Maintainers file

IP Policy

Trademark and accounts


Atlantis has been part of the IaC community for many many years and lately, after a few years dormant it has been reviving thanks to the work of the maintainers and the community, it is more than ever vitally crucial for many companies and individuals these days were there is more and more IaC adoption in the industry. But without a good supporting structure, Atlantis could potentially one day go dormant forever and it will fracture the long-lasting community that it has built. That is why we believe by donating the project to the CNCF we could get the much-needed supporting structure to the project and drive a richer contributor community.

Benefit to the Landscape

As I said before, the project has been a long-time key player in the community, and its role in IaC and cloud infrastructure is vital, we feel that CNCF is a natural fit for the project. Many CNCF projects actually run Atlantis to create their own infrastructure to actually deploy their own code to the cloud resources or to deploy other CNCF projects in their infrastructure. It is a key piece withing the cloud native infrastructure.

Cloud Native 'Fit'

The Atlantis project fits within the Automation/Configuration section on the CNCF alongside terraform, ArgoCD, and others. It uses the GitOps workflow to run terraform automation to then deploy resources to support different other types of applications like, Kubernetes, Argo and many others. It sits in a key part of the deployment workflow of many cloud native application.

Most Atlantis users use Atlantis in Kubernetes, bootstrapping other Kubernetes clusters using Atlantis, and deploying their apps in Kubernetes using Atlantis workflows.

Cloud Native 'Integration'

Atlantis runs primarily Terraform project in a GitOps workflow. Any Terrafrom project can be run through atlantis and be enhanced by the many features that it offers. Atlantis complements terraform in particular by moving the IaC to the left, closer to the developer so that the interaction with terraform happens in familiar tools to the developer.

Cloud Native Overlap

none I believe

Similar projects



I do not think we are listed

Business Product or Service to Project separation


Project presentations


Project champions


Additional information

The project owner has authorized us to submit the project and has made us the official maintainers.

pszelestey commented 8 months ago


maateen commented 8 months ago


alesculek commented 8 months ago


jamengual commented 8 months ago

@amye I see other projects that committed the application later than us have feedback about their projects and I'm wondering if there is any feedback for our project? do we wait for the review on Dec 12 to hear back? Thanks.

amye commented 8 months ago has the queue of projects - we'll set up which projects can be reviewed for a vote in early December in anticipation of the December 12th meeting.

joshgav commented 8 months ago

Hi @jamengual would you be able to present Atlantis to TAG App Delivery at one of our general meetings? I created to describe what you would present to us, and we'll share the presentation and recommendations back with TOC here. We meet the first and third Wednesdays of every month and though there are other projects presenting on 11/1 and 11/15 we could probably get Atlantis in one of those too. Alternatively 12/6 is still open. Thanks!

jamengual commented 8 months ago

I can do any of those dates, and we can prepare a presentation for that. @joshgav

mustafa89 commented 8 months ago


Michalosu commented 8 months ago


axcosta commented 8 months ago


benoittoulme commented 8 months ago


joshgav commented 8 months ago

@jamengual could we put you down for Wednesday December 6? We have another project presenting on 11/15 now, and I think folks will want to discuss how Kubecon went in the 11/15 meeting too. I'd like Atlantis to have a good 20-25 minutes, which would work best on 12/6. Will that work for you and the team? Thanks!

jamengual commented 8 months ago

Yes, I can do 12/6.

johndotpub commented 7 months ago


ugrkm commented 7 months ago


lemmah-zen commented 7 months ago


hungran commented 7 months ago


jadametz commented 7 months ago


m00lecule commented 6 months ago


jberkus commented 6 months ago

Given the nature of this project, should it be in the CNCF, or part of the OpenTofu project?

joshgav commented 6 months ago

Atlantis presented to TAG App Delivery on 12/6, recording and notes are available here:

We asked if the project would fit better in OpenTofu; the group expressed concern that they wish to support both TF and OpenTofu, but we answered that this should be feasible within OpenTofu as well. A question for us is if OpenTofu intends to accept other projects and implementations too. (Note: a similar question keeps coming up for LF's OpenAPI foundation too.)

If not part of OpenTofu then the TAG believes that Atlantis would fit in CNCF's sandbox.

scheuk commented 6 months ago


swade1987 commented 6 months ago


PopeyeTheSai10r commented 6 months ago


logicminds commented 5 months ago


GenPage commented 5 months ago

Atlantis presented to TAG App Delivery on 12/6, recording and notes are available here: cncf/tag-app-delivery#474 (comment)

We asked if the project would fit better in OpenTofu; the group expressed concern that they wish to support both TF and OpenTofu, but we answered that this should be feasible within OpenTofu as well. A question for us is if OpenTofu intends to accept other projects and implementations too. (Note: a similar question keeps coming up for LF's OpenAPI foundation too.)

If not part of OpenTofu then the TAG believes that Atlantis would fit in CNCF's sandbox.

Since the submission of OpenTofu to the CNCF alongside the TAG App Delivery classification. I think it would make sense to keep Atlantis on track for CNCF submission.

banthaherder commented 5 months ago


tluzon-digibank commented 5 months ago


rochaporto commented 5 months ago

The TOC reviewed this sandbox application on January 23rd.

The TOC recommends the project engages with OpenTofu to understand if it would be a good fit as a subproject. This should clarify the open question also raised by TAG-AppDelivery ( regarding support for both OpenTofu and TF.

GenPage commented 5 months ago

@rochaporto The open question seems to be whether OpenTofu will accept subprojects or implementations.

A question for us is if OpenTofu intends to accept other projects and implementations too.

It would not benefit the project or be a good fit to be a subproject of OpenTofu. This aligns with our goal of being vendor-agnostic as an IaC orchestration tool beyond Terraform and OpenTofu implementations. It is my opinion that the open question is further answered by OpenTofu's application to the CNCF's sandbox. #81

If not part of OpenTofu then the TAG believes that Atlantis would fit in CNCF's sandbox.

GenPage commented 5 months ago

I have contacted the OpenTofu team again and requested their input directly on this issue to clarify their position.

cube2222 commented 5 months ago

Hey, Kuba here, Technical Lead of the OpenTofu Project.

We've met with Dylan and discussed this, and both sides fully agree that keeping the projects separate is the best path forward for both projects.

First, as Dylan mentioned, Atlantis wants to serve many tools - including both Terraform and OpenTofu. We feel that this will work better with separate steering teams.

Second, at the OpenTofu project we're focusing on the core CLI. We're intentionally not building a "blessed" orchestration layer, in order to facilitate competition in the OpenTofu ecosystem - both open-source and commercial.

On that note, OpenTofu and Atlantis will definitely collaborate as projects, as exemplified by OpenTofu support being added to Atlantis, and the Atlantis maintainers being invited to speak at OpenTofu Day.

izo-kshanahan commented 5 months ago


shyamjos commented 5 months ago


rochaporto commented 5 months ago

Thanks @GenPage @cube2222 for the additional info.

aravindhan-p-kf commented 4 months ago


kevbo commented 4 months ago


carovel-lg commented 4 months ago


mecsys commented 4 months ago


brunolima1989 commented 4 months ago


blo-grindr commented 4 months ago


SLoeuillet commented 4 months ago


jberkus commented 4 months ago

This project is a weird candidate for CNCF, because it is not inherently cloud-native. It can be used in a cloud-native way, but it can also be used in the complete absence of Kubernetes, containers, or microservices.

This proposal hinges on the question of: does CNCF want to increase its scope to cover configuration management and deployment? If the CDF still existed, we might suggest it as an alternate foundation, but that's not an option anymore.

jamengual commented 4 months ago

This project is very comparable to Argo CD, which has components that attach to VCSs and then go and run a workflow that produces some results; the only difference here is that it is not only a K8s service, but it can run in K8s, and we produce helm charts and container images.

I will say 95% of our use base uses this on cloud-native settings.

Santhin commented 4 months ago


preetsindhal commented 3 months ago


zbialik commented 3 months ago


dgo-ableton commented 3 months ago


Brightside56 commented 3 months ago

This project is a weird candidate for CNCF, because it is not inherently cloud-native. It can be used in a cloud-native way, but it can also be used in the complete absence of Kubernetes, containers, or microservices.

This proposal hinges on the question of: does CNCF want to increase its scope to cover configuration management and deployment? If the CDF still existed, we might suggest it as an alternate foundation, but that's not an option anymore.

Then half of CNCF projects are weird candidates for CNCF, including graduated projects such as Prometheus, Fluentd or even Cilium because those can be used without containers, Kubernetes and microservices

JesusRo commented 3 months ago
