cneira / firecracker-task-driver

nomad task driver that uses firecracker to start micro-vms
Apache License 2.0
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How to registry service to consul #9

Closed zh4n7wm closed 3 years ago

zh4n7wm commented 3 years ago

Hi cneira,

The driver can not support register service to consul

job "neverwinter" {
    datacenters = ["dc1"]
    type        = "service"

    group "nwn-group" {
        network {
            mode = "cni/microvms"

        service {
            name = "nwn-service"
            port = 22
            address_mode = "alloc"
            check {
                type = "tcp"
                interval = "10s"
                timeout = "2s"
                address_mode = "alloc"

        task "nwn-server" {
            driver = "firecracker-task-driver"
            config {
                Vcpus = 1
                KernelImage = "/home/cneira/Development/vmlinuxs/vmlinux"
                BootDisk= "/home/cneira/Development/rootfs/ubuntu/18.04/nwnrootfs.ext4"
                Disks = [ "/home/cneira/Development/disks/disk0.ext4:rw" ]
                Mem = 1000
                Network = "microvms"

I modify some code, but it's not work correctly. support-cni-service.txt

note: move support-cni-service.txt support-cni-service.patch

I think I should get the IP Address assigned by group -> network section, then setup taskConfigSpec.Nic.

Could you give me so me advice?


cneira commented 3 years ago

I'll take a look next week, if you solve this before let me know.

zh4n7wm commented 3 years ago

I tried but I failed, I can not make it work.

Because I can't get the CNI assigned IP Address.

cneira commented 3 years ago

@ox0spy I have not checked that yet, but I'm assuming is a CNI more related configuration. I want to make a couple of updates to the driver this couple of weeks so I could check this problem at the same time.

cneira commented 3 years ago

@ox0spy is any of the examples working for you?, the network interface should pickup the ip address provided by your cni network configuration.

cneira commented 3 years ago

@ox0spy This is working for me I just installed consul and tried the following

job "consul-example" {
  datacenters = ["dc1"]
  type        = "service"
  group "test" {
    restart {
      attempts = 0
      mode     = "fail"
 service {
            name = "nwn-service"
            port = 22
            check {
                type = "tcp"
                interval = "10s"
                timeout = "5s"
    task "nwn" {
     driver = "firecracker-task-driver"
      config {
       Vcpus = 1 
       Mem = 128
       KernelImage= "/home/cneira/kernel-images/vmlinux.bin"
       BootDisk = "/dev/zvol/vms/centos7"
       Network = "default"

and I also deploy consul by nomad

job "consul" {
  datacenters = ["dc1"]  group "consul" {
    count = 1
    task "consul" {
      driver = "raw_exec"

      config {
        command = "consul"
        args    = ["agent", "-dev"]

I followed this guide and the service registers on consul.

cneira commented 3 years ago

@ox0spy feel free to re-open if needed.

zh4n7wm commented 3 years ago

@cneira Thanks for your update.

Now also can not support address_mode = "alloc"

cni conf: /etc/cni/conf.d/firecracker.conflist

  "name": "firecracker",
  "cniVersion": "0.4.0",
  "plugins": [
      "type": "ptp",
      "ipMasq": true,
      "ipam": {
        "type": "host-local",
        "subnet": "",
        "resolvConf": "/etc/resolv.conf"
      "type": "tc-redirect-tap"

job config

job "hello" {
    datacenters = ["dc1"]
    type = "service"

    group "sshd" {
        network {
            # mode = "cni/mynet"
            port "ssh" {
                to = 22
        service {
            name = "sshd"
            port = "ssh"
            address_mode = "alloc"
            check {
                type = "tcp"
                interval = "10s"
                timeout = "2s"
                address_mode = "alloc"

        task "sshd" {
            driver = "firecracker-task-driver"

            config {
                KernelImage = "/home/ox0spy/projects/nomad/study/firecracker/vmlinux.bin"
                BootDisk = "/home/ox0spy/projects/nomad/study/firecracker/rootfs.ext4"
                Firecracker = "/usr/local/bin/firecracker"
                Vcpus       = 1
                Mem         = 128
                Network     = "firecracker"

docs for address_mode in service block:

run job

nomad status <alloc-id> got the below error message:

Setup Failure  failed to setup alloc: pre-run hook "group_services" failed: unable to get address for service "sshd": cannot use address_mode="alloc": no allocation network status reported