cneira / firecracker-task-driver

nomad task driver that uses firecracker to start micro-vms
Apache License 2.0
145 stars 18 forks source link
bootdisk cni ext4 firecracker firecracker-microvms firecracker-task-driver kernel-image linux-kernel microvm nomad rootfs task-driver vmlinux

Firecracker Task Driver

nomad task driver for creating Firecracker micro-vms.


Note: The last version of firecracker that works with this nomad plugin is : 0.25.2, more work is needed to make it work with latest releases.


Install(and compile) the firecracker-task-driver binary and put it in plugin_dir and then add a plugin "firecracker-task-driver" {} line in your nomad config file.

go get
cp $GOPATH/bin/firecracker-task-driver YOURPLUGINDIR

Then in your nomad config file, set

plugin "firecracker-task-driver" {}

In developer/test mode(nomad agent -dev) , plugin_dir is unset it seems, so you will need to mkdir plugins and then copy the firecracker-task-driver binary to plugins and add a plugins_dir = "path/to/plugins" to the above config file. then you can run it like:

nomad agent -dev -config nomad.config

For more details see the nomad docs.

Container network configuration

  "name": "default",
  "cniVersion": "0.4.0",
  "plugins": [
      "type": "ptp",
      "ipMasq": true,
      "ipam": {
        "type": "host-local",
        "subnet": "",
        "resolvConf": "/etc/resolv.conf"
      "type": "firewall"
      "type": "tc-redirect-tap"

Example : exposing port 27960 on micro-vm

        "name": "microvms2",
                "cniVersion": "0.4.0",
                "plugins": [

                        "type": "ptp",
                        "ipMasq": true,
                        "ipam": {
                                "type": "host-local",
                                "subnet": "",
                                "resolvConf": "/etc/resolv.conf"
                        "type": "firewall"
                        "type": "portmap",
                        "capabilities": {"portMappings": true},
                        "runTimeConfig":  { 
                                        [ { "hostPort": 27960, "containerPort": 27960, "protocol": "udp" }
                                        ] }
                        "type": "tc-redirect-tap"


In this example with outside world connectivity for your vms. The name of this network is default and this name is the parameter used in Network on the task driver job spec. Also the filename must match the name of the network, and the suffix .conflist.

Creating a rootfs and kernel image for firecracker

We need to an ext4 root filesystem to use as disk and an uncompressed vmlinux image, the process on how to generate them is described here.

Using ZFS zvols to create a rootfs for microvms

Leveraging ZFS zvols to expose rootfs to firecracker is really simple, and zfs has a lot of benefits.

First download a template image, for example from OpenVZCentos7

Now create a ZVOL to host this tarball

$ zfs create -V 1G  zpool/centos7vm 
$ mkfs.ext4  /dev/zvol/zpool/centos7vm
$ mount -t ext4  /dev/zvol/zpool/centos7vm /mnt
$ tar xfvz centos-7-x86_64-minimal.tar.gz -C /mnt
$ zfs snapshot zpool/centos7vm@final 

Now just use your new zvol as your BootDisk For example:

job "example3" {
  datacenters = ["dc1"]
  type        = "service"

  group "test" {
    restart {
      attempts = 0
      mode     = "fail"
    task "test01" {
     driver = "firecracker-task-driver"
      config {
       Vcpus = 1 
       Mem = 128
       KernelImage= "/home/cneira/kernel-images/vmlinux.bin"
       BootDisk = "/dev/zvol/vms/centos7vm"
       Network = "default"

Firecracker task driver options

KernelImage (not required, default: vmlinux )

BootOptions (not required, default: "ro console=ttyS0 reboot=k panic=1 pci=off nomodules")

BootDisk (not required, default: rootfs.ext4)

Disks (not required)

Network (not required)

Vcpus (not required, default: 1)

Cputype (not required)

Mem (not required, default: 512)

Firecracker (not required, default: "/usr/bin/firecracker")

Log (not required)

DisableHt (not required, default: false)

When the microvm starts a file will be created in /tmp/ with the following name -, for example : /tmp/test01-785f9472-52a7-3dbf-8305-d482b1f7dc6f will contain the following info :

 "AllocId": "590983f4-499a-380f-420e-e5be4d5f46d9",
 "Ip": "",
 "Serial": "/dev/pts/3",
 "Pid": "237216",
 "Vnic": "veth05fb4547vm"


Omitting KernelImage and BootDisk

Don't specifying KernelImage and BootDisk it will default to rootfs.ext4 and vmlinux in the allocation directory.

job "example" {
  datacenters = ["dc1"]
  type        = "service"
  group "test" {
    restart {
      attempts = 0
      mode     = "fail"

  task "test01" {
   artifact {
    source = ""
      destination = "."
  artifact {
      source = ""
      destination = "."
  driver = "firecracker-task-driver"
    config {
      Vcpus = 1 
      Mem = 128
      Network = "default"

CNI network configuration

job "cni-network-configuration-example" {
  datacenters = ["dc1"]
  type        = "service"

  group "test" {
    restart {
      attempts = 0
      mode     = "fail"
    task "test01" {
      driver = "firecracker-task-driver"
      config {
       KernelImage = "/home/build/firecracker/hello-vmlinux.bin" 
       Firecracker = "/home/build/firecracker/firecracker" 
       Vcpus = 1 
       Mem = 128
       BootDisk = "/home/build/firecracker/hello-rootfs.ext4"
       Network = "fcnet"

Additional Disks configuration

job "neverwinter" {
  datacenters = ["dc1"]
  type        = "service"
   task "nwn-server" {
      driver = "firecracker-task-driver"
      config {
       Vcpus = 1 
       KernelImage = "/home/cneira/Development/vmlinuxs/vmlinux"
       BootDisk= "/home/cneira/Development/rootfs/ubuntu/18.04/nwnrootfs.ext4"
       Disks = [ "/home/cneira/Development/disks/disk0.ext4:rw" ]
       Mem = 1000 
       Network = "default"

Accessing the microvm using serial console

The firecracker-task-driver exposes the serial console as this option is handy to troubleshoot network issues. Each microvm generates a state file on the /tmp/ directory, named using the job name + allocation id. For example:

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  152 May 12 14:07 /tmp/test01-590983f4-499a-380f-420e-e5be4d5f46d9

The contents of the state file should be like the following:

 "AllocId": "590983f4-499a-380f-420e-e5be4d5f46d9",
 "Ip": "",
 "Serial": "/dev/pts/3",
 "Pid": "237216",
 "Vnic": "veth05fb4547vm"

Using the serial now we know which serial port is expose and it's a matter of connect to it. You could use SCREEN(1) to connect to the serial console.

$ sudo screen /dev/pts/3

Started Update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes.

CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
Kernel 4.14.225 on an x86_64

192 login: 





It's also possible to support the project on Patreon

I work on this project on my free time and my country is not on the list available for github sponsors so any help for me continue working on this is appreciated.
