cnlohr / noeuclid

Non-euclidean GPU Raytraced Game
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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What will make it easier for people to help? #9

Open cnlohr opened 9 years ago

cnlohr commented 9 years ago

@phiresky @Bp103 @fiendfan1 - y'all have made a commit or two. I'm curious what all would be useful and/or may encourage you guys to continue to develop/commit, or if you guys were just passing through.

phiresky commented 9 years ago

Hi. I am already continuing on my fork, cause I'm not sure you'd agree with the things I did to your code. It's compiling and when running it should be almost exactly how it was before. (Except I made the FOV wider). What I did for now:

What I was planning to do:

phiresky commented 9 years ago

Also I removed the windows compatibility DEFINEs cause of maybe using SDL. emscripten "almost" works when compiling with emmake make clean &&emmake make CPPFLAGS=-DEMSCRIPTEN&&/usr/lib/emscripten/em++ -s LEGACY_GL_EMULATION=1 -o noeuclid.html noeuclid.o OGLParts.o RTHelper.o Map.o Common.o GameMap.o -lGL -lGLU -lglut --preload-file Shaders/Pass1Physics.frag --preload-file Shaders/Pass1Physics.vert --preload-file Shaders/Pass1.frag --preload-file Shaders/Pass1.vert --preload-file Shaders/Pass2.frag --preload-file Shaders/Pass2.vert --preload-file Shaders/Pass3.frag --preload-file Shaders/Pass3.vert --preload-file tileattributes.txt &&emrun noeuclid.html

but fails cause of lacking support of 3d textures.

phiresky commented 9 years ago

I also just switched to cmake and finally got Windows working (again?) image

cnlohr commented 9 years ago

What was the rationale behind dumping the tcc? It's pretty much the only way to effectively edit and work on the map, as anything else has extremely long development cycles.

Was it just to acquire more language features? I don't really see why these changes can't be dumped back into mainline other than the dropping of TCC - which it sounds like we could dump back in without too much issue.

I had played with adding LUA support, but realized manually binding everything, or using one of the bindings engines was a lot more work, and much slower to work with than I expected. I gave up after about a week.

I am always concerned about performance, but considering we're 100% GPU logged, I don't see any big deal there.

Are you willing to consider keeping it all mainlined?

cnlohr commented 9 years ago

Also, I keep forgetting OpenGL 3 is now the standard >.<

phiresky commented 9 years ago

Mostly to make it easier to read for me, I thought it would be easier to not drag it along with my changes and rather add it again afterwards if necessary. I also think compiling c++ is not really a permanent solution for levels.

I added ChaiScript yesterday for testing, only took a few hours (and mostly because I had a bug in CellUpdate -.-). This is all I had to change. Problems I see so far:

  1. Multiplies compile time because ChaiScript is completely in the header.
  2. Speed? No idea how fast it is. but so far it seems to work well: image This line prints the time and grows a blob somewhere.
cnlohr commented 9 years ago

I am glad you agree that compiling C++ is not a permanent solution. Chaiscript looks acceptable. Though I am a C guy, if you're up for working together with it, I would be more than happy to abandon my current path for a C++/Chaiscript direction.

I'll give a whirl at building this tonight.

cnlohr commented 9 years ago

Also, what was your rationale behind using CMake instead? I've always found it to only be useful on /really/ big projects. Aaand oh my it does take a long time to compile!

cnlohr commented 9 years ago

Sorry, just one more comment -- On the room with the game of life - any idea what could be making it 1/2 the speed? All the other rooms feel okay, but that one, when looking at a wall is 18 FPS, while on my version it's 35...

phiresky commented 9 years ago

Mostly for finding the include paths and library names dynamically (e.g. -lgl for linux and -opengl32 for windows) and for having it detect changes in every file, including headers.

Yes, the compile time with Chai is terrible. Also nobody else seems to care about it, I can find nobody who has the same problem, even though it should not be hard make it an external file.

I actually reconsidered using C for scripting instead of Chai.. I readded it. It worked for a simple script but right now I'm having problems and this approach is not very debug-friendly. But, it compiles in 2.9 seconds again!

On the room with the game of life - any idea what could be making it 1/2 the speed?

Did you compile with -O2? Cause I didn't have that in, it might be the reason. Otherwise I have no idea, I don't think I changed anything in that code yet.

phiresky commented 9 years ago

I figured out what the problem is: tcc compiles structs in some other way than other compilers making it impossible to transfer the vec3 objects into/out of the scripts. (example).

Not sure how to proceed, maybe keep c (if it works in windows). Currently looks like this

cnlohr commented 9 years ago

I prefer your solution to splitting apart the scripts to my old solution, of an all-inclusive script. I would keep it C. Binding the vec3 object to TCC should be easy. The only real difference I would expect is the C++ vtable at the beginning of the structure. So, if you pass the vec3 as (&myVec3.x), it should be fine.

I'm trying to figure out how to add -O2... still dinking with it.

I do not mind putting in effort to make things windows compliant, myself. I do have access to a windows PC periodically.

cnlohr commented 9 years ago

Got -O2 working, it looks like that was the main offender.

phiresky commented 9 years ago

Look at the stack overflow example:

It also happens with an almost empty struct and only c, so I don't think it's a vtable.. sizeof() also reports 12 on both.. (I don't actually know anything about c/c++ compilers though)

cnlohr commented 9 years ago

.< Somehow the build is broken. I have such difficulty with figuring out how to get CMAKE to insert the right flags in the right places. I miss my makefile sniff

phiresky commented 9 years ago

Might be because the other files are not copied to the build directory anymore (removed it so they aren't duplicated. You have to run it in the source folder as build/noeuclid

cnlohr commented 9 years ago

I am getting this now:

/usr/bin/ld: //usr/local/lib/libtcc.a(libtcc.o): undefined reference to symbol 'dlclose@@GLIBC_2.2.5' /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.8/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/ error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line

Also, I am going to tinker with your Vec problem.

phiresky commented 9 years ago

You could also run cmake . in the root directory once .. I kind of like a clean source folder. Yes, flags are fairly messy.. but just adding them after "-g -Wall" in line 3 should work.

I had that too... don't know what I did to fix it though. Do you have the latest git pull? with -ldl and -ltcc?

cnlohr commented 9 years ago

I got the TCC problem working. You can check out the post I made on stack overflow.

Also, here is my new compile line: Linking CXX executable noeuclid /usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/noeuclid.dir/link.txt --verbose=1 /usr/bin/c++ -g -Wall -Os -g CMakeFiles/noeuclid.dir/RTHelper.cpp.o CMakeFiles/noeuclid.dir/Room.cpp.o CMakeFiles/noeuclid.dir/Common.cpp.o CMakeFiles/noeuclid.dir/scripthelpers.cpp.o CMakeFiles/noeuclid.dir/Map.cpp.o CMakeFiles/noeuclid.dir/noeuclid.cpp.o CMakeFiles/noeuclid.dir/GameMap.cpp.o CMakeFiles/noeuclid.dir/OGLParts.cpp.o -o noeuclid -rdynamic -lGLEW -lglut -lXmu -lXi -lGLU -lGL -lSM -lICE -lX11 -lXext -ldl -ltcc /usr/bin/ld: //usr/local/lib/libtcc.a(libtcc.o): undefined reference to symbol 'dlclose@@GLIBC_2.2.5' /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.8/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/ error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line

phiresky commented 9 years ago

That exact line works for me. So it's probably something else.. Maybe try rm -rf build/* and cmake again?

Hu, that was fast.. I spent a while printing random memory to try and find out what the hell happens. Nice

cnlohr commented 9 years ago

AH! Apparently the order of -ldl and -ltcc matter. -ltcc must be first.

phiresky commented 9 years ago

Apparently not for me. But I had that same error once and somehow it stopped. Fuck C/++ compilers, lets port to java.

cnlohr commented 9 years ago

Considering my side of the repo has the most watching and where I'm making these issue tags - do you mind merging back and working from my mainline? If for other reasons you would prefer not to treat mine as mainline, that is okay.

On the java end: I did make a dumber version of this that ran in WebGL. There's just a lot of very difficult to get around restrictions :(

phiresky commented 9 years ago

Apparently WebGL 2 has some nice additions - maybe then.

Yes, we should merge back.

cnlohr commented 9 years ago

The last I remember seeing was a discussion about supporting more than 4 textures, or was it 3D textures... I can't remember, one of the two, and everyone in the thread unanimously agreed that it was not going to happen any time soon... Maybe no time soon has come?

cnlohr commented 9 years ago

I committed two small things to my build. I fixed the library order for me and updated the mouse sensitivity.

phiresky commented 9 years ago

There's a map of the 256 different available blocks above Room 4. It will say what block you are standing on.

I did not see this above room 4 even in your older build (but I think I removed the relevant code)

cnlohr commented 9 years ago

It was in the common "run every time" code in test.c

phiresky commented 9 years ago

Yes, it's this, right? But how did that "say what block you are standing on?

cnlohr commented 9 years ago

It was this code here:

if( IsPlayerInRange( 2, 40, 63, 16, 16, 4 ) ) { int lx = ((int)gPositionX) - 2; int ly = ((int)gPositionY) - 40; sprintf( gDialog, "OnTile %d\n", lx + ly * 16 ); }

phiresky commented 9 years ago still there. Never saw it when running

cnlohr commented 9 years ago

You and your snazzy syntax. I can't do anything more on it tonight - good luck debugging.

phiresky commented 9 years ago

:D What do you mean? How I put every vector in {} or how I did some weird c++11 lambda stuff that makes compiler errors completely unreadable when something is slightly wrong?