cnorton-webdev / jg_maker_magic_v03_bltouch

Modified Marlin firmware and adds the ability to use the BLTouch or clones on the JG Maker Magic 3D Printer.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Modified Marlin firmware and adds the ability to use the BLTouch or clones on the JGMaker Magic 3D Printer.

Latest change

[0.3.4] - 2020-11-21


[0.3.4] - 2020-07-19


[0.3.2] - 2020-07-15



Board modifications

If you have not already followed the guide to modify your board to add the ability to use the BLTouch or clones please do so here. You will need to do these modifications as without them there is no place to plug the probe into for the servo control signal. Please note this will most likely void your warrenty with JGMaker, so only do this modification if you are OK with doing so. Modification is relatively straight forward if you already know how to solder, if you do not know how to solder I would recommend finding a friend or someone who can help you with the soldering portion of the modification.

First method

If you need to modify your probes offsets (recommended to tailor these to your machine) do not use this method! Included in the Marlin folder is the compiled binary JG_Maker_Magic_V03.hex which can be uploaded using any 3D Printer firmware update tool. This method uses offsets from using my BLTouch mount for the JGMaker Magic. If you are not using that mount or would prefer to verify and input your own probe offsets, please use the second method below after modifying the Configuration.h file with your offsets. For information on the area you would need to modify, see the section Modifying Probe Offsets.

Second method

Download the Arduino IDE located here, upon downloading and installing the software, in the Marlin folder double click on the Marlin.ino file. Once the program loads, on the top click on Tools then Board and select Arduino Mega or Mega 2560. Under tools again, select Port and then choose the COM port that is your 3D printer. Click on the check mark to verify the code, once it is verified click on the arrow next to the checkmark to upload the firmware to your 3D printer.

Modifying Probe Offsets

If you are not using my BLTouch mount for the JGMaker Magic or you want to use your own measured offsets you will need to edit the file Configuration.h located inside the Marlin folder. On lines 779, 780 and 781 in this file you will see

#define X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER 46 // X offset: -left +right [of the nozzle] #define Y_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER 14 // Y offset: -front +behind [the nozzle] Note that above these are a handy ASCII diagram.

A negative number means the probe is located left of the nozzle for X and Y, below the nozzle for Z while a positive number means the probe is located right of the nozzle or above the nozzle. For the Z probe offset you will need to make sure you measure with the probe deployed. After measuring the offsets of the location of your probe in the X, Y and Zplanes, change the values to reflect your measurments. Save your changes to this file and follow the directions under Installation using the second method to update the firmware.


First, be ready to quickly unplug or turn off your printer in case the nozzle is going to crash into the bed!! This is important as you can damage your printer and your probe. Raise the Z axis to about 100, this will give you enough time to catch the printer if it is going to crash because of probe failure. On the LCD goto Prepare -> Auto Home and watch to make sure your probe deploys when homing the Z axis, and then watch and be ready in case it crashes. If the probe triggers successfully you're good and if it fails double check your Z connection and try reversing the wires, also verify your connection to the Y+ pins is correct and try again.

Setting Probe Z Offset

The best way to properly set your probe Z offset is in a guide by Joseph Cowdell which can be read here. I highly recommend following his guide to set your probe Z offset. Without doing this step you will most likely end up printing in the air.


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Originally based on the custom firmware by DaHai Zhu