cnpcshangbo / Drone-visual-servoing-with-a-controller-in-MATLAB

This project uses Simulink to build vision-based controller for Gazebo simulation.
GNU General Public License v3.0
9 stars 4 forks source link

Sometimes the target is not detected and pos output becomes zero #1

Closed cnpcshangbo closed 6 years ago

cnpcshangbo commented 6 years ago

Think of a control structure for this system

cnpcshangbo commented 6 years ago

I changed some code (82a14ceacb0ca4c1a97a37a1011266f40a74f1f6) in the ros_erle_pattern_follower ROS project to let the node not send anything when target is not detected. After that, there's no zero in the feedback anymore. Therefore, this issue is solved.

cnpcshangbo commented 6 years ago


cnpcshangbo commented 6 years ago

This issue is solved.