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Granular Cells in BlueNaaS #330

Closed alex4200 closed 5 years ago

alex4200 commented 6 years ago


Aspect Detail
Summary Cerebellar granular cells simulation with BlueNaaS. The export of custom sectionlist is now working and, with the temperature as an option on the GUI, the simulation are fine.
Usecase Group
State New
Expert @SteMasoli @rizland
Scientific User All
Target audience All
Target interface GUI
HPC Requirements No.
Dependencies BlueNaaS
Nominal runtime

List of features

Cerebellar granule cells, three different complexities, will be uploaded to BlueNaaS GUI. The users will be able to do simulations, graph etc. as is already possible for various neurons from both the cortex and the hippocampus.


Acceptance Criteria

Extra Requirements


The requirement, both in terms of hardware and software, are the same as BlueNaaS.


Mono and multi compartmental models are simulated in a matter of seconds.

SteMasoli commented 6 years ago

Waiting for Werner to modify BluePyOpt Neuron template exporter.

SteMasoli commented 5 years ago

The exporter was updated by Werner Van Geit and it does the export into NaaS format. The single compartmental model can be uploaded but there is still a small issue with it. The multicompartmental model does not upload at all. Working on it.

alex4200 commented 5 years ago

@SteMasoli requested change to BlueNaaS (@genric ; temperature dependency).

genric commented 5 years ago

So, if I understand correctly, you want temperature to be exposed as a configurable parameter, let's say with default value of 34? @wvangeit any opinion on that?

SteMasoli commented 5 years ago

"you want temperature to be exposed as a configurable parameter"

Yes. The MOD files we use are temperature dependent so the results are inflenced by it.

genric commented 5 years ago

I've updated the app. @alex4200 could you please do some regression testing to make sure it is ok, thanks!

alex4200 commented 5 years ago

@genric I have done some testing nd noticed the following issues:

  1. When I define two recordings (e.g. Soma and a dendrite) and I want to download the trace, I always get an error "download; Failed - Network error" (chrome only). On firefox this works (or with one trace).

screen shot 2018-10-10 at 08 21 54

  1. I noticed that the temperature range accepts input from 0 to 100 [degrees]. Is that a meaningful range?

But otherwise it seems to work fine (chrome and firefox).

genric commented 5 years ago

Thanks @alex4200 I tried to reproduce (1) but all the scenarios you described work fine for me: I'm able to download the traces. Regarding (2) if you have a better suggestion for the temperature range constraint please let me know.

SteMasoli commented 5 years ago

@genric Thank you. I can suggest a range between 20/25 (room temperature for many experiments) and 37 (physiological temperature). I cannot use a comma in the amp[nA] field to set 0,01nA. Previously was ok.

genric commented 5 years ago

@SteMasoli I'll update the range to be [20:40] I don't think comma was ever working, it was always the dot as far as I can remember.

genric commented 5 years ago

I've updated the deployment with new temperature range constraint.

alex4200 commented 5 years ago

@genric The tests on the updated BlueNaaS were fine...

SteMasoli commented 5 years ago

@genric "I don't think comma was ever working, it was always the dot as far as I can remember." Cannot set the current injection to something different that nA. If i try with 0.01nA (10pA) it says "amp is required". The same happens with the holding current.

genric commented 5 years ago

@SteMasoli , correct, units are fixed and current is nA. The browser should allow only to enter digits and a dot for the current value.

SteMasoli commented 5 years ago

@genric Just tested it, with the single section granule cell, and it works very well. Thank you. About the current value, i can set it using Firefox 63 under linux. I cannot do it with Firefox 63 under window 7/8. I'll check other combinations.

Now i'll focus on exporting a valid version of the multi compartmental granule cell model.

SteMasoli commented 5 years ago

@wvangeit Multi compartmental granule cell modified following your advise. It works. Thank you.

alex4200 commented 5 years ago

@SteMasoli I can test the issue regarding entering digits and the dot on a windows 10 computer system on Wednesday.

alex4200 commented 5 years ago

@genric: I have tested the input boxes on BlueNaaS, and it looks like I also can enter the following characters: "^" and "`" and other characters after I press the diaeresis key see here.

screen shot 2018-11-07 at 14 06 27

But I consider that not of high importance...

see new ticket #350

alex4200 commented 5 years ago

@SteMasoli @rizland Does the ticket #349 cover the items described in this ticket? In other words, can THIS ticket be closed?

SteMasoli commented 5 years ago

The exporter and resulting models are fine so, yes @alex4200 this one can be closed.

SteMasoli commented 5 years ago

Hi. There is something wrong with BlueNaaS. @genric

1) It is very slow to load the models, both from cerebellum and hippocampus. @alex4200 It get stuck after a while, before showing the morphology and the topology. Is happening with Firefox under linux and win 7 (me) and Chrome on win 10 @rizland .

2) I was uploading a new series of models and they got stuck in a loop. Locally the code run fine, so i think the issue is related to the previous point.

alex4200 commented 5 years ago

@SteMasoli I also see problems with the BlueNaaS. I created a ticket.

SteMasoli commented 5 years ago

Hi. The models are working fine with Firefox V67.0 under Linux and not with Firefox V67.0.1 under win7. @genric @alex4200

Instead the models i need to upload remain stuck in an endless "loading loop". At which email can i send one model to be checked?

genric commented 5 years ago

@SteMasoli based on our email exchange I'm assuming it worked for you and I'm closing this. Feel free to reopen it if there are problems remaining. Thanks!

SteMasoli commented 5 years ago

Hi. I'm sorry to have to reopen this issue. @genric I have uploaded my last model and, after four trials, it cannot be simulated for more than 1750-1780ms. After this threshold, the top right part of the pages reports "Disconnected. Please reload the page to reconnect". The model temporary location:


genric commented 5 years ago

@SteMasoli no problem. I'll have a look...

genric commented 5 years ago

@SteMasoli the simulation with the variable time step is quite slow for this model, so apparently it was reaching connection timeout before completing the simulation. I fixed now how timeouts are handled, so you should be able to run the simulation to completion.

SteMasoli commented 5 years ago

Tested it, everything fine. Thank you