Ticketing system for developers/testers and power users of the Brain Simulation Platform of the Human Brain Project
- When opening a ticket select one of the four templates: Bug or Issue, New Feature, New Use Case or Simple Task.
- Fill out the template and be as precise as possible to avoid confusion or later time-consuming clarifications. Provide all sufficient information so the issue can be dealt with promptly. Please add screenshots when it makes sense.
- Always add a yellow label (to identify the type of ticket) and a green label (to define the scope/use case).
- If the task is urgent or important, you can add the Critical label or the High label.
The labels are thought to organize the issues. The definition can be changed/extended when it makes sense. The labels of the same color are prefixed with the same prefix, so they appear together in the alphabetical order. There are three label groups:
Red: Urgent and Blocker and High
To label tickets which are reakky urgent (or are a blocking task)
Yellow: Issue type
Is the issue a bug or a feature request?
Green: Scope/Use case
To determine what use case or scope the ticket belongs to.
Milestones are used to prioritize the issues. Currently we use the SGA2 milestones (M6, M12, M18, M24),
Whenever it seems reasonable, use the reference feature to reference another issue (with a hash: #, e.g. #12)
Whenever it seems reasonable, use the mentions feature to reference another issue (\@, e.g. \@alex4200)
Progress Report
28 Jan 2919
- Issue 85 (Model Validation KG migration) has been split into 380 and 381 (to focus on integrating the Model Catalog with the KnowledgeGraph)
- Issues 91 (Optimization of CA3 cells (mouse)) and 381 (Integrate the KnowledgeGraph to Validation use cases) have been moved to MS18
- Issue 333 (Service Account) should be ready for testing this week
- Issue 341 (SimUI 2.0 for MOOC) was expected to be test-ready today, but there is an issue with nuv.la so that no jobs run on nuv.la. Bug report has been opened already last week, but no reply so far.
New issues:
- 376: Info icon HH builder
- 382: Implement a way to insert a common header when cloning a notebook
- 380: see above
- 379: A request for synapse reading from RTNeuron from Sonata
Closed issues: