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Implementing two new models for BlueNaaS #349

Closed alex4200 closed 5 years ago

alex4200 commented 5 years ago

As a request of @SteMasoli he wants his two models be implemented into a list of models to be selected in the BSP (for BlueNaaS):

Single section model. Temperature = 30 Vinit = 80 Current clamp = from 0.01 to 0.03nA selection_501

Multi section model Temperature = 30 Vinit = 70 Current clamp = from 0.01 to 0.03nA selection_503

The two models could be added to the list of models (Luca is handling so far I know) selection_495

OR we could insert a new selection (as it is done when selecting the "Small Circuit In Silico Experiments" use case, but naming instead e.g. "Please select a region" and the you can select 'hippocampus' and 'granule cells' or something):


SteMasoli commented 5 years ago

@genric I wrote to Luca about the way they use to upload the models. Have I to create a new specific container? The models, to be uploaded, will be a dozen or more.

clupascu commented 5 years ago

@genric Where are you fetching the list of models to be selected in the BlueNaaS from? Are you still using

genric commented 5 years ago

I am currently trying to make hippocampus models available as MINDS dataset over here:[0]=Dataset I think this is how all models will be published in the future: using HBP knowledge graph(NEXUS). If you want, we could try integrating your models as well. For that I would need the set of zip files(which you tested with BlueNaaS) or a git repository url with all your models you wish to publish. Have in mind that this integration might take some time(weeks probably). So if you need this urgently we could just extend the existing list and do it the old way.

jdcourcol commented 5 years ago

@genric be careful as @clupascu data are 'optimization' not just single cell model.

genric commented 5 years ago

@clupascu Yes, they were fetched from that repository. And the ones I'll be uploading to HBP NEXUS I'll fetch from there.

genric commented 5 years ago

@jdcourcol Yes, in the first iteration single cell models will contain only necessary information to load them to BlueNaaS. Later we can attach more metadata regarding optimization. They will contain the morphology which was used to run the optimization because the same morphology will be used in BlueNaaS.

clupascu commented 5 years ago

@genric As GitHub recommends repositories to be kept under 1GB each and our repository is already at 800Mb, we want to add new models to the CSCS container that was created for the optimizations (even if there is no versioning here). Can you fetch the models from a container too?

genric commented 5 years ago

@clupascu Yep, I have the access. Actually this container can be attached to the knowledge graph dataset as raw data. So people who wish to access optimization metadata can follow the link.

apdavison commented 5 years ago

@genric Please note that making models available through the HBP Knowledge Graph is something we are also working on in my team, as part of our work in SP5. We are currently migrating the Model Catalog to the Knowledge Graph, so that in future there will be two ways to access information about models: through the Model Catalog API and directly through the KG APIs.

We should coordinate our work on this to avoid duplication of effort.

For the time being, even before completing the KG integration, the list of models could (should, I think) be obtained through the Model Catalog API - see and let us know if the filters we have are inadequate.

clupascu commented 5 years ago

@apdavison Are you fetching the models in the Model Catalog from github too?

apdavison commented 5 years ago

@clupascu We do not automatically update the Model Catalog from github, but I understood that all models from the github repository were imported into the MC, and that you were no longer using github for this purpose. @appukuttan-shailesh can you comment further?

(Maybe we could all work on this together at the CodeJam in a couple of weeks. @genric will you be going to the CodeJam?)

clupascu commented 5 years ago

@apdavison we would like to no longer use github for this purpose and upload new models to cscs containers directly, if everybody is convinced to use the containers only to fetch the models. We can work on this together at the CodeJam.

genric commented 5 years ago

@apdavison yes, I'll be in the CodeJam. And my idea about this HBP KG initial model integration was to have something for the CodeJam to "jam" about :) even if it uses the outdated models from the github.

apdavison commented 5 years ago

@clupascu ok, I thought "models-at-CSCS" was how you had been working since before the end of SGA1

@genric by using the Model Catalog API to get a list of models, the transition to KG should be seamless, since at some point the API will just switch from using its own backend database to using the KG as backend.

appukuttan-shailesh commented 5 years ago

@apdavison : Yes as part of end of SGA1 activities, and subsequently for the live-paper, we had registered all (I believe we covered ALL) models from the CSCS containers on the model catalog. We have stopped keeping track of the GitHib repository now (unless having specific requests for the same).

@genric : We had discussed some weeks ago about integrating BlueNaaS with the model catalog. At the time, we had proposed taking this up at the CodeJam later this month. Hope we can get atleast something preliminary working.

genric commented 5 years ago

@apdavison I see, thanks for the update!

genric commented 5 years ago

@appukuttan-shailesh yeah, and recently I've learned about these MINDS datasets, so I was trying to make the models indexed and available in the HBP KG search. At the CodeJam there will be also people from the HBP KG team, so looks like it will be a pretty busy CodeJam :) looking forward to it!

SteMasoli commented 5 years ago

I hope there will be some documentation for those, like me, that will not attend the CodeJam.

appukuttan-shailesh commented 5 years ago

Moving the discussion back to here (from #351):

@SteMasoli : I saw the google doc.... so I suppose we are referring to rows 60, 61 and 62. I have verified that the models are publicly accessible and in BlueNaaS appropriate format. I shall upload these three models to the model catalog and let you know.

Regarding (from #351):

The file already on the mode catalog need to be deleted.

I don't think we need to delete these. The model catalog is intended to retain old data, and not just the latest models. Do let us know if there are other reasons for wanting to delete these.

@alex4200 : Somebody needs to handle the adding of these models to the 'UseCase' list (see Figs. 3 and 4 in first post). Not sure who handles this.

SteMasoli commented 5 years ago


I shall upload these three models to the model catalog and let you know.

Thank you.

Do let us know if there are other reasons for wanting to delete these.

To avoid misunderstandings when an user will search for a model, in the model catalog, and will find the single files instead of the packages for BlueNaaS.

Somebody needs to handle the adding of these models to the 'UseCase' list.

This can be work around for the previous comment. Having the BlueNaaS models accessible from the BSP will solve the problem of searching in the model catalog and will let me define the appropriate parameters to do the simulations.

appukuttan-shailesh commented 5 years ago

@SteMasoli : The three models have been uploaded to the model catalog, you can find them here:

1) Granule cell - Mono compartmental

2) Granule cell - Multi compartmental

3) Purkinje cell - Multi compartmental

Do take a look and see if they are ok. If not, you can edit the entries via the above links (click the "Edit" button).

I haven't deleted the older entries as they seemed to be different from the current entries (e.g. the species was 'Rat' for some of the older entries). We could possibly decide on the deletion later.

@genric : As replied via email, we are now able to use public CSCS storage container URLs to launch models in BlueNaaS. Thanks for getting this to work. The model catalog is expected to have this BlueNaaS feature implemented in around 2 weeks (you can track progress here:

@alex4200 :

Somebody needs to handle the adding of these models to the 'UseCase' list (see Figs. 3 and 4 in first post). Not sure who handles this.

Might be good to have this sub-task assigned to someone so that it isn't overlooked.

antonelepfl commented 5 years ago

Somebody needs to handle the adding of these models to the 'UseCase' list (see Figs. 3 and 4 in first post). Not sure who handles this.

I can take care of that but I need information about how to access the Model Catalog API as I asked on the Monday meeting.

appukuttan-shailesh commented 5 years ago

@antonelepfl : Here is the docs for the Model Catalog REST API:

We also have a Python client if needed:

antonelepfl commented 5 years ago

@genric @appukuttan-shailesh I was checking the content of the models and I saw there is a morphology picture but I don't find the traces for each model as image. In Github we had the traces images + the morphologies (Fig 3). Is it somewhere else than associated with the models?

For example the detailed view for

appukuttan-shailesh commented 5 years ago

The traces were not uploaded to the model entries previously. Just last week @clupascu proposed that we could upload these as well. We shall ensure that this is updated for future model entries, and for the models relevant to the live paper.

Do you have a specific use for these images? Currently they are provided on the model catalog entries mostly as additional info.

antonelepfl commented 5 years ago

Specific use I think is the model list that I present before selecting a use case (Fig 3)

appukuttan-shailesh commented 5 years ago

How do you intend to shortlist the models to be displayed for the use case (what filters)? I suppose it won't be feasible (or appropriate?) to display every entry from the model catalog as these would be numerous.

appukuttan-shailesh commented 5 years ago

@clupascu, @antonelepfl Update: The responses image has now been uploaded for all the models relevant to the live paper.

antonelepfl commented 5 years ago

Cool thank you @appukuttan-shailesh

antonelepfl commented 5 years ago

Is there any remain topic here? Can we close this ticket? BTW the models are in dev version #360

alex4200 commented 5 years ago

For me its ok to close this ticket...