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Tools providing web-access to molecular level tools for guiding systems level modelling #408

Closed alex4200 closed 4 years ago

alex4200 commented 5 years ago

New Use Case

Aspect Detail
Summary C1997 (Platforms providing web-access to molecular level tools for guiding systems level modelling)
Usecase Group Molecular Level
Expert Adam Hospital, Aurélien Luciani (IRB Barcelona)
Scientific User
Deadline M18
Target audience New users of molecular modelling/simulation tools
Target interface GUI and notebooks (latter for tutorials)
HPC Requirements none
Dependencies nglview, GROMACS, BioExcel building blocks library (biobb), ACPype, Ambertools, OpenBabel
Nominal runtime

Use case 1: Preparing a protein to run an atomistic Molecular Dynamics simulation


Running a Molecular Dynamics setup from a protein in PDB format to obtain a system ready to be used as input for an MD simulation. Using GROMACS MD package and the building blocks library from the BioExcel project.

Mandatory features

Important features

To do

Use case 2: Small molecule force field parametrization for atomistic Molecular Dynamics simulations


Generate force field (GAFF) parameters for a small molecule in PDB format to use it in atomistic Molecular Dynamics simulations. Using ACPype, Ambertools and OpenBabel programs, and the building blocks library from the BioExcel project.

Mandatory features

Important features

To do

Use case 3: Preparing a protein-ligand complex to run an atomistic Molecular Dynamics Simulation


Running a Molecular Dynamics setup from a protein-ligand complex in PDB format to obtain a system ready to be used as input for an MD simulation. Extending the use case 1 (MD setup) adding a small molecule. Using GROMACS MD package and the building blocks library from the BioExcel project.

Mandatory features

Important features

To do

alex4200 commented 5 years ago

Update from @aurel-l 15.4.2019:

The progress I've made is mainly on the website we are planning on using to present user with protein dynamics simulation data and visualisations (mainly, integrating a PCA analysis).
We still need to add more simulations that we have in our folders to our exposed data.
This week I'll get back to working on redacting some text and documentation for the guidebook and see how what we have fits within the platform. And also trying to gain access to the colllab's storage from with our embedded websites.
adamhospital commented 5 years ago

We have been in contact with the HBP support regarding the possibility to connect our jupyter notebooks with HPC centers. Dr. Bernd Schuller from Jülich sent us some examples on how to do it, and it looks promising. We will work on that and present what we found in the next technical meeting.

clupascu commented 5 years ago

@adamhospital of course you can count also on my help as I already have some experience on connecting jupyter notebooks with HPC centers. Please contact me if you need help.

alex4200 commented 4 years ago

@adamhospital @aurel-l Is there any progress with the notebooks/use cases? Are DEV versions available? What is the timeline for putting them into the brain simulation platform?

adamhospital commented 4 years ago

Hi, we have dev versions in our own premises, still working on them. Will try to upload some of them to the platform before August.

adamhospital commented 4 years ago

alex4200 commented 4 years ago

@adamhospital I took a look at the notebook and it basically seems to work. However I have two comments:

Screenshot 2019-09-06 at 08 51 18

Any ideas?

I also updated the ticket above to include the location of the DEV notebook.

adamhospital commented 4 years ago

Name of the setup notebooks changed to Working environment setting up for the "XXX" Notebook No ideas for the NGLWidget problem, as I could not reproduce the error. @aurel-l can test it with his user next week and it would be good if more users could test it as well.

adamhospital commented 4 years ago

Use cases 1 to 3 updated with links to the notebooks. DEV SETUP notebook needs to be run previously to setup the working environment and install all the dependencies needed. DEV notebook is the notebook implementing the use case.

alex4200 commented 4 years ago

The notebooks 1-3 seem to work fine on the technical side. However some questions/comments:

adamhospital commented 4 years ago

Having one single setup would mean installing a collection of software which are not needed by all the notebooks. For instance, use case 2 (small molecule parameterization) just needs a couple of conda packages, whereas use case 3 (protein-ligand complex) needs 7, with some of them having big software tools such as GROMACS (installed as a dependency in the conda biobb_md package). It can be done, but it should be made clear that not all the dependencies being installed will be actually required to run a particular use case. Besides, conda packages are not re-installed, if they are already present in the system, the conda management system will just skip the process.

Yes, use cases 4 to 6 could have different requirements, thus increasing the number of dependencies if using a single setup notebook.

Jupyter notebooks are displaying these output red boxes (cells) by default as python logging has been configured to stream over stderr (see @aurel-l kindly prepared a short javascript to change this functionality, designating different colours according to the level of logging (INFO, WARNING, ERROR). Now it is included in all the dev use cases (1 to 3), and can be disabled if users prefer to keep using the jupyter default behaviour.

alex4200 commented 4 years ago

@adamhospital The first three notebooks are public now. What is missing is some piece of documentation for these use cases in the Guidebook. See here.

Also, how to test the notebooks with different input proteins? Where and what to change?