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BlueNaas: use it as a service via websocket #448

Closed lbologna closed 4 years ago

lbologna commented 5 years ago
Aspect Detail
Summary BlueNaas will be used as a service, through remote requests via websocket
Expert @genric
Dependencies python, neuron

List of features

Currently the BlueNaas is used via web application for running the simulation and accept models from the database or uploaded by the users (provided they fulfill a precise format). With this new feature, the developers will not need to access the web application but will be able to use a websocket for a bidirectional communication between a remote server and the BlueNaas. The BlueNaas will exchange messages with the remote server (whitelisted) for fetching the model from a repository (whitelisted), starting and stopping the simulation and for parameter setting.


Acceptance Criteria

The developers can establish a communication with the BlueNaas and control the simulation (start and stop) and simulation parameters via websocket


The performances will be comparable with the actual ones for the BlueNaas

lbologna commented 4 years ago

Hello @genric,

I inserted the you sent me in a django view of a project that I am running at the following url:

but I get the following error:

WebSocketBadStatusException: Handshake status 403 Forbidden

I attach herewith the function in a .txt file. Any idea of why it is not working?



lbologna commented 4 years ago

@genric: we discussed with @ElisabettaGiacalone and @mmigliore about the possible scenarios the BlueNaas may encounter for running user's models through the websocket. We believe it is better to discuss this via skype call so that we can have a handle on it with real time examples and discussion.

If this is fine with you, could you please fill the following doodle for a call later this week: ?

Thank you.

lbologna commented 4 years ago

Genrich thanks for filling the doodle.

@genric, @ElisabettaGiacalone let's fix the call for Friday 19 at 11.00 a.m. then.

Genrich please let us know how you would like to connect. Thanks

appukuttan-shailesh commented 4 years ago

@lbologna : I am also interested in joining in on this call to get a better idea of this feature. Will join you on Friday at 11 AM.

appukuttan-shailesh commented 4 years ago

As discussed on the call today, I was proposing we could mediate the interaction between the models and BlueNaaS via the "sciunit" framework. (Related:

The framework is primarily directed towards validations, but at the core it uses the concept of "capabilities". These are basically "model agnostic" interfaces which allow interaction with models. As an example, these are used in 'HippoUnit' for loading models developed by BluePyOpt by implementing the required interface.

appukuttan-shailesh commented 4 years ago

I have made some progress on this. We had two sample models: 1) neuronservice_eg_llb_dev 2) neuronservice_ss_dev

I have been working on the first model (neuronservice_eg_llb_dev) as it was much smaller, but also didn't employ the concept of 'templates', which we were accustomed to handling for BluePyOpt etc. I will next take up the other model.

The reworked version (v2) of the first model along with all the assisting files can be found here:

Following is an overview of the changes:

The five input parameters to be provided (along with sample values for model 1) and specified in are:

# 1. provide main model python file path
model_path = "./"

# 2. path to mod files; can be 'None' if mod files in base directory of `model_path`
mod_files_path = None

# 3. Set default values for model parameters (used to reset model to initial state)
# Note: should use same name as target parameter name; so e.g. not gkm for gbar_kmb
default_parameters = {'soma' : {'gbar_kmb':  0.005, 'gcanbar_can': 0.6},
                      'stim[0]' : {'amp' : 0.03}}

# 4. Parameters to be set for NEURON simulator
config = {'tstop' : 600, 'v_init' : -80}

# 5. Specify port number for socket
port_number = 7890

The websocket now basically takes only two messages:

The file attached above is the first working prototype. We might need to alter and update this based on other requirements, and probably also to align with constraints that might come up when working on the second model.

In summary, will contain all the code necessary for the interaction with the websocket, and this file shall remain the same for all models (we could make this pip installable and importable). A supporting python file with very minimal code (e.g. will need to be created for every model in order to fulfill the capability requirements.

genric commented 4 years ago

Thanks @appukuttan-shailesh! I went a bit further and simplified it even more. I'll mail you the version which I can update the backend for. Let me know if you want to try it or we need to amend the design. Thanks!

appukuttan-shailesh commented 4 years ago

Apart from the two models that Luca and Elisabetta provided, I created two dummy models for further testing and generalization of the format - one using templates and the other without. So four models have now been tested and implement the same interface, but with the capacity to handle different requirements. These examples can be found here:

Each model directory contains a python file named neuronservice_*.py which is to be executed for opening the websocket locally. This is the file that needs to be created for each models wanting to use this service. It basically accepts 5 parameters (slightly changed from previous post on GitHub) which is very easy to specify. It contains several comments that should help the user identify how to input the values. Example:

import sciunit
import bluenaas_capabilities as cap

# 1. provide main model python file path
model_path = "./"

# 2. path to mod files; can be 'None' if mod files in base directory of `model_path`
mod_files_path = None

# 3. Set default values for parameters (used to reset model to initial state)
# Note: should use same name as target parameter name (e.g. nBPAP and NOT nbpap) with outer key specifying section/object
# Note: parameters to be set for NEURON simulator also included here as key:value pair
# Note: function calls for handling parameter initialization can be specified as a list using 'FUNCTIONS' key
# Note: function calls would be executed after all specified parameter values have been assigned
default_parameters = {'soma' : {'gnabar_hh':  0.12, 'gkbar_hh': 0.036},
                      'stim' : {'delay': 5, 'dur': 1, 'amp': 0.1},
                      'tstop' : 25.0}

# 4. Specify the vector objects that are being recorded during simulation
# Note: format is {vector_object_name : display_label}
# Note: time vector should use value of 'TIME' and is mandatory input
recorded_vectors = [{'t_vec' : 'TIME'},
                    {'v_vec' : 'soma(0.5)'},
                    {'dend_v_vec' : 'dend(0.5)'}]

# 5. Specify port number for socket
port_number = 7892

class model_loader(sciunit.Model,
    def get_model_path(self):
        return model_path, mod_files_path

    def get_default_parameters(self):
        return default_parameters

    def get_recorded_vectors(self):
        return recorded_vectors

    def get_socket_port(self):
        return port_number

model = model_loader()

Each model directory contains an identical copy of the file named We could make this a pip installable package, so that users don't require to copy-paste the file, and could simply import this into their model files. Let me know if you think this would be useful, and I can set it up. In that case, the above file could simple be reduced to something such as:

from blue_naas_capability import model_loader

# 1. provide main model python file path
model_path = "./"

# 2. path to mod files; can be 'None' if mod files in base directory of `model_path`
mod_files_path = None

# 3. Set default values for parameters (used to reset model to initial state)
default_parameters = {'soma' : {'gnabar_hh':  0.12, 'gkbar_hh': 0.036},
                      'stim' : {'delay': 5, 'dur': 1, 'amp': 0.1},
                      'tstop' : 25.0}

# 4. Specify the vector objects that are being recorded during simulation
recorded_vectors = [{'t_vec' : 'TIME'},
                    {'v_vec' : 'soma(0.5)'},
                    {'dend_v_vec' : 'dend(0.5)'}]

# 5. Specify port number for socket
port_number = 7892

model = model_loader(model_path=model_path, mod_files_path=mod_files_path, default_parameters=default_parameters, recorded_vectors=recorded_vectors, port_number=port_number)

If required, a more "user-friendly" web app could be created to auto-generate the above file based on entries inside a web form.

If the model requires to invoke method(s) for setting model parameters (e.g. example model neuronservice_ss_dev), this can be specified with any required arguments using the FUNCTIONS key. e.g.:

default_parameters = {'panel' : {'nBPAP':  1, 'nstim': 70, 'FUNCTIONS':['set_pulse()']},
                      'tstop' : 250}

The methods would be invoked after all the specified parameters have been assigned.

For the recorded vectors, it is mandatory to specify the vector corresponding to the simulation time series. This is to be indicated via a dictionary with key as the name of the recorded time vector and value as TIME. e.g.

recorded_vectors = [{'t' : 'TIME'},
                    {'v' : 'soma(0.5)'}]

Note on the front-end: Some browsers apparently have problems handling . (dots) in the ID tag. So instead: the HTML page should name the input fields with IDs corresponding to their model parameter name, with __ (double underscore) used to indicate . (dot) operator. (We can change this to have the dot operator, if no issues are found across browsers). So,

Python : soma.gnabar_hh = HTML : soma__gnabar_hh Python : cell.soma.gnabar_hh = HTML : cell__soma__gnabar_hh Python : stim.amp = HTML : stim__amp

But for NEURON parameters, you can directly name the parameters, e.g. Python : h.tstop = HTML : tstop

Known limitations (add more as and when identified): 1) Currently presumes all plots will have time (simulation timestamps) on the x-axis. Fine for now to plot voltage and Calcium temporal profiles.

appukuttan-shailesh commented 4 years ago

@genric : In terms of communication via the websockets, as per my current implementation, the following commands are being sent:

Model to Frond-End 1) setfields 2) setgraph

Frond-End to Model 1) setfields 2) run_simulation

setfields corresponds to set_params in the e.g. that you emailed.

genric commented 4 years ago

I'm a bit confused how BlueNaaS fits into the picture with these type of models. Because they are not models in my understanding but the full blown web applications. I thought the idea was to have pure, model related code and use it in as-a-service infrastructure. So common things such as compiling mod files or handling serialization/deserialization of websocket messages can be provided by as-a-service infrastructure. And then it's up to the web developer build the UI to interact with that model. @appukuttan-shailesh: I think we can agree on the conventions for the messages, no problem with that. There just needs to be a minimal set of constrains on how to structure your model. Otherwise we cannot generalize and using BlueNaaS doesn't make sense. I think then we would probably be better off just running those model apps in a VM as you tried before.

appukuttan-shailesh commented 4 years ago

I think @lbologna would be better placed to answer this.

Currently, as you have pointed out, they have been tailored to suit the model apps that Luca had provided along with the models. The examples provided above were only to illustrate how to streamline different modeling approaches to offer a standard interface (as implemented in whereby BlueNaaS or other services (e.g. the validation framework) may interact with the model without bothering about the model's internal implementation.

lbologna commented 4 years ago

Hello, @appukuttan-shailesh we tested all the models and they work fine except for some small "tweaks" to be done on the labels/edits dimensions on the html pages (we can send you and email with some screenshots of how it appears on our screen if you want) @genric after Shailesh's improvement about the generalization of the interface, we basically have what we had in mind at the beginning: 1) a model in python which is developed, basically, without any constraints 2) a common interface 3) a launch script in which the user must only set the parameters to be changed and data to be returned

In this scenario, provided all python packages are installed (e.g. sciunit) BlueNaas enters "as a service" in that it will: 1) download the model, the .mod and the launch script (including the from some allowed remote repository 2) compile the .mod files 3) open the websocket The front-end will be run somewhere else (e.g. github) and its implementation will be transparent for BlueNaas, in that the latter will only communicate through websocket (with the frontend) on a specific port established at handshake time. This will provide a single entrypoint (BlueNaas + port) and exploits the BlueNaas implementation you mentioned earlier, which allows dynamic instantiation of multiple containers. I think this will prevent some redundancy that will probably will be faced in the instantiation of one vm per "full stack model". What's your ideas on this?

We believe that the operation that are done in the launch script that you sent us a couple of days ago are also done in the in Shailesh's code (except maybe for the explicit setting of the domain, currently set to localhost. @appukuttan-shailesh could you confirm this?). So probably the underlying principles are the same.

Are we missing some steps in the way we imagined this workflow?

Thank you

genric commented 4 years ago

In my opinion if we still want to arrive at some sort of as-a-Service infrastructure we need to clearly decouple what is a model and what should be provided by the as-a-Service infrastructure. Currently everything is just bundled together. @lbologna if we go through the list of actions(which you suggested to be performed by the BlueNaaS) the only one which is not performed by the model app is the model web app download. Mod file compilation is performed by the code from the app, websocket is opened and handled by the code from the app. So having BlueNaaS in order just to download the model web app is a bit of an overkill IMHO. As a potential solution on how to structure the model which could fit into the as-a-Service infrastructure please have a look at the zip file I've sent. It requires for the mod files to be present in a well known location and to have entry point python file which would define the model together with simulation trigger function. As there are still open questions I suggest we have a quick call to agree on the solution faster.

appukuttan-shailesh commented 4 years ago

@genric , @lbologna : I am around till tomorrow afternoon for a call, before I leave for vacations. I should be reachable via email afterwards, though I might not be able to work actively on this.

lbologna commented 4 years ago

@genric, @appukuttan-shailesh, @ElisabettaGiacalone is it fine to have a skype call this morning (27 August) at 12?

appukuttan-shailesh commented 4 years ago

Sure, it works for me.

ElisabettaGiacalone commented 4 years ago

Ok, it's fine for me.

appukuttan-shailesh commented 4 years ago

Based on our call earlier today...

I have created a public CSCS container named bluenaas_models. This can be accessed at:

It currently has two models: 1) 2)

Each of the models have a file named which basically specifies the 4 required parameters (as discussed in post above; parameter for web socket has been removed).

The generic file has been made pip installable via: pip install bluenaas_capabilities

This can be utilized in a Python script, e.g.:

import sciunit
import bluenaas_capabilities as cap

class model_loader(sciunit.Model,
    def get_model_path(self):
        return model_path, mod_files_path

    def get_default_parameters(self):
        return default_parameters

    def get_recorded_vectors(self):
        return recorded_vectors

model = model_loader()

A run_simulation() method has now been added to the model loader, and this will return the necessary info to be provided to the front-end.

Note: I need to convert the output of run_simulation() to return a dict instead of a list. I shall do this tomorrow morning, as I will be away for a bit now. In the meantime could you test and see what other things require changes.

genric commented 4 years ago

Great! Thanks @appukuttan-shailesh!

appukuttan-shailesh commented 4 years ago

Made some updates this morning.

Changes to bluenaas_capabilities and released on PyPI as version = 0.0.3: 1) Compilation and loading of mod files has been made optional by use of parameter: model.initialize(compile=False) Default is True, i.e. it will attempt to compile and load file. If compiled, initialize() return the path of the loaded file, or else return None. 2) get_data() has been updated to return a "list of dicts", with the keys corresponding to the plot labels. I haven't used just a "dict" as the labels might be duplicated, e.g. "soma(0.5)" being used as labels in an example for both the voltage and calcium concentration at the soma.

Other changes and comments:

The bluenaas_models CSCS container now has 5 models:

  1. (with updated recorded_vectors)
  2. (with updated recorded_vectors)
  3. neuronservice_eg_llb_dev
  4. neuronservice_eg_llb_dev_changed_mod_path (with mod files moved)
  5. neuronservice_ss_dev
lbologna commented 4 years ago


we tested the service with the python scripts that @genric sent us a couple of weeks ago and the communication works. Thank you. We are now implementing it on the frontend html/javascript page of one the live papers that will integrate the service. At the moment we can establish the connection (websocket) and we are working on getting the reply.

lbologna commented 4 years ago

Hello, we tested the websocket communication from a frontend/html page and everything works!

@genric we noticed that the "default_parameters" and "recorded_vectors" are not present in the current version of the model (i.e., neither in the "" nor in the "" files. Shouldn't the config file where they are set be placed in the same .zip of the model, so that the developers can provide this information together with the model itself? Also, it seems the BlueNaas server is down or intermittently working at the moment (both the websocket and GUI). Is it in maintenance? Thank you.

alex4200 commented 4 years ago

@lbologna The BlueNaas server should be up now, please try again.

lbologna commented 4 years ago

Yes it works now, both the GUI and the websocket. Thanks!

genric commented 4 years ago

Hi @lbologna I sort of assumed that params will always be explicitly set with the first set_params message, so there was no point to initialize them before that message arrives. But if you want to avoid sending that message then yes we can make some init method in the model to initialize the params. Or you can just initialize the model as the model python script is executed. Regarding the recorded vector: it is part of the run_simulation message data payload. Which is a dictionary of {label -> var_name} var_name is the name of the recorded variable present in the model which will be converted as_numpy() for the response.

lbologna commented 4 years ago

Hi @genric, the way it is implemented now also works for us. Thank you.

I thought you had a config file on the backend that the parameters sent from the frontend should match. But if they are set with the first message that is fine.

By the way, the service (i.e. bluenaas websocket) is not working anymore since about 30 minutes. Could you please let me know when it is up again? Thank you.

genric commented 4 years ago

@lbologna the service is a bit unstable... I'm trying to figure out why and fix it...

genric commented 4 years ago

@lbologna I've made some updates to the service, it should work better now.

lbologna commented 4 years ago

@genric the problem seems to be still there for me. I get the following errors:

Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at wss://

The connection to wss:// was interrupted while the page was loading.

genric commented 4 years ago

That is weird... could you please describe exactly what you are doing? Maybe you have your webapp code shared somewhere? Can I access the actual web app to debug?

lbologna commented 4 years ago

Hello @genric,

I tested again after emptying cache and some cleaning and know it works for me as well and it seems to be stable. Thank you!

I attach the code that I am using on the frontend of the Live Paper herewith. I put it in a .html test page that should work out of the box (just change the extension to .html, open in browser and click on "Run WebSocket").


genric commented 4 years ago

@lbologna looks good to me. The only comment I have is that you can get potentially http~500 error from the server then you need to fallback for some seconds and retry, eventually you should get a connection. The same way that you see in BlueNaaS in the upper-right corner spinning connection status indicator.

lbologna commented 4 years ago


the code for the communication through websocket has been integrated in a work-in-progress live paper (the text is still to be inserted, but the simulation panel is completed in its functionality - minor changes to the layout will be done later).

Here's the link:

@alex4200 could you please have a look? After opening the page, you will have to click on the "ModelDB link and test simulations" section and play around with the buttons. Thank you.

@genric as briefly mentioned, the connection seems much more stable now and, if an error occurs, the user is asked to retry after a few seconds. Thank you.

alex4200 commented 4 years ago

@lbologna I had a look at the app, and it seems to work so far, and I like how you can do several simulations to be shown on top of each other (for direct comparison).

However, some questions/suggestions:

alex4200 commented 4 years ago

Stefania is working on some details

lbologna commented 4 years ago

@alex4200 we implemented the final points you suggested, moved the model/data to a new container Shailesh just created for the martinello_et_al_2019 lp and inserted it in the index page. Could you please have a final look? If everything works fine I will put it in PROD and we will be able to close the ticket. Here's the DEV link: Thank you.

alex4200 commented 4 years ago

Tests of this livepaper and the BlueNaaS integration seem to work very nicely.

From my side this ticket can be closed.

lbologna commented 4 years ago

Thanks Alex! Moved to production. Closing the ticket.