Spring Boot Parent POM
Spring Boot and JDK 21 based parent POM for Java projects.
What does that mean?
- Anyone can run the software licensed under GPLv3 for any purpose without restrictions.
- GPLv3 ensures that users have access to the software's source code, allowing them to study, modify, and improve it.
- Users can distribute copies of the software, but they must do so under the terms of GPLv3. This ensures that the
original freedoms are maintained in new versions.
- If someone modifies the software and distributes it, they must do so under the same GPLv3 terms and provide the source
code for their modifications as well.
- If you are interested in knowing more details about the license, please visit the following links:
How to run the project
- JDK >= 21 (you can use JBang)
- Apache Maven >= 3.9.6 (you can use Homebrew or your package manager)
Install dependencies
mvn dependency:resolve -U
Install parent POM locally for testing purposes
Run the following command:
mvn clean -B package --file pom.xml install