cobaltspeech / sdk-luna

SDK for Luna
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SDK for Luna (Cobalt's TTS Engine)

This repository contains the SDK for Cobalt's Luna TTS Engine.

Network API (using GRPC)

The grpc folder at the top level of this repository contains code for Luna's GRPC API. The grpc/luna.proto file is the authoritative service definition of the API and is used for auto generating SDK code in multiple languages.

Auto-generated code

The grpc folder contains auto-generated code in several languages. In order to generate the code again, you should run cd grpc && make. Generated code is checked in, and you must make sure it is up to date when you push commits to this repository.

Code generation has the following dependencies:

Generating Documentation

The documentation here is generated using the excellent static-site generator, Hugo. The content is authored in the docs-src/content folder. The hugo-generated static website should not be committed back to this repository.

You can download the latest hugo binary from the release page. Version 0.69.0 or later is recommended.

To generate the static documentation content, run:

# first make sure the generated code is up to date.  This also generates the latest auto-docs.
pushd grpc && make && popd

# then build the static documentation pages
pushd docs-src && hugo -d <path/to/build/dir> && popd