code-423n4 / 2024-04-renzo-validation

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Renzo Protocol Audit - Validation Repo

Unless otherwise discussed, this repo will be made public after audit completion, sponsor review, judging, and issue mitigation window.

Contributors to this repo: prior to report publication, please review the Agreements & Disclosures issue.

Instructions for Validators

View assigned issues

To view your assigned issues, use the Assignee filter on the Issues screen, and type your username to located it. This should produce a filtered issue list that you can reference throughout the validation process.


Acting on an issue

When a validator has been assigned to an issue, they have four different actions they can take. Each of these is performed by typing a command into the issue's comments and sending it. Each command must be prefixed by the trigger phrase the bot was configured for. In production, this is @howlbot and the remainder of this document will assume that value for simplicity, though it may be different in different environments.

@howlbot accept

Accepts an issue as valid and forwards it to the corresponding -findings repository.

  1. Label the issue sufficient quality report
  2. Open a new issue with the same contents in the -findings repository
  3. Find the JSON file corresponding to the issue
  4. Modify the JSON file to add the validatedIssueId and validatedIssueUrl fields pointing to the newly created issue
  5. Update the JSON file in the -validation repository
  6. Create a new JSON file in the -findings repository with originalIssueId and originalIssueUrl fields pointing to the issue in the -validation repository
  7. Close the issue

@howlbot reject

Rejects an issue.

  1. Label the issue insufficient quality report
  2. Close the issue

@howlbot skip

Allows a validator to flag an issue as having not been reviewed, while allowing them to move on to a different issue.

  1. Label the issue unknown
  2. Unassign the current validator

@howlbot edit

Allows a validator to modify the contents of a submission.

This command accepts a parameter in the form of the new content for the submission, to use it:

@howlbot edit

this is where my new submission content would go. this will replace the current content of the issue
as well as adding a label to the issue, but it will not automatically accept it, you'll still have
to do that separately
  1. Replace the contents of the submission body
  2. Label the issue improved

Receiving additional assignments

After a validator has completed, or skipped, an issue they will be automatically assigned one new issue. If the issue had been previously marked as unknown and is either accepted or rejected, a bonus of three additional issues is included and the validator will receive a total of four new assignments.